Friday, March 2, 2012

NPS Partnership Council: Suggestions for Associate Director

NPS Partnership Council: Suggestions for Associate Director
October 3, 2003  Glenn Eugster, Partnerships Office, National Capital Region, National Park Service
  1. Issues: State of Partnerships and Partnership Council(PC, Council)
  • The Director’s interest in partnerships is appreciated and highly valued.
--Creating the Council 
--National conference
--Encouragement agency-wide
  • Many priorities in NPS. 
--Joint Ventures dominates
--Other efforts
  • Council not a priority for WASO and many members
--National program manager interest
--Fading regional and park interest
--WASO staff invisible.  No real partnership between regions and WASO.
--Joint Ventures and PC disconnected. No role for PC at the Joint Ventures Conference.
  • Council members have limited time to pursue PC and their 
normal activities
--PC was envisioned to be in partnership with WASO.  Over the year the headquarters assistance has disappeared.  
  • Parks, regions and service centers have expectations/ 
hopes for their investment of partnership money 
and time.  Partnerships, within the WASO Office and the Partnerships Council, need to do more to help these offices help themselves.
  • Modest accomplishments with Partnership Council 
--No WASO support for the Near-term Action Strategy approved in April
--Past Associate commitments unkept and expectations unmet.
--No WASO support on the FY 2004-05 budget for partnerships
--No progress to make NPF effective in helping the parks and regions with fundraising for NPS priorities.
  • Pressing problems and great opportunities for NPS partnerships.
--NPF is redesigning their assistance to NPS.
--Significant NPS park-partner interest being shown
II. Suggestions for WASO
  • Follow-up on commitments in time, words and deeds
--Near-term Action Strategy
--Associate Director’s List
--Budget Workgroup for 04-05
  • Provide staff to the Partnership Council
--Dedicate staff to help the Council.  Don’t make us beg for help.
--Make the twice a year meetings a priority with your staff
  • National Partnership Office: It’s broke, fix it!
--Fill the Office position with an Acting immediately (this was done for Tourism, why not Partnerships?)
--Find the best person you can for the Office Director job and get them on quickly.
--Make the office functional with a clear list of what you can do and can’t do.  Eliminate so much trial and error.
--Create a better image with a webpage and some information on NPS Partnerships—see the draft paper the Council did 11/2 years ago and hasn’t been used.
--Do periodic communications on substance of what you do, either on the web or through conference calls, once a month.

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