Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cherry Tree Donation and Tree Planting and Watering Ceremony

Cherry Tree Donation and Tree Planting/ Watering Ceremony

Thursday November 1, 2007, 11:00 am until 12:00 noon

The site is located along the Tidal Basin near the middle of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt 


Purpose of Event

  • The National Park Service will recognize a donation to the Cherry Tree replacement Endowment Fund from Clean Air Partners.
  • NPS has planted a Cherry tree along the Tidal Basin in recognition of the 10-Year Anniversary of Clean Air Partners a nonprofit, public-private partnership formally established in 1997 to help raise awareness of the health and environmental effects of air pollution and encourage voluntary actions to improve air quality in the Baltimore-Washington region.
  • NPS and the Clean Air Partners will do a ceremonial tree-watering to recognize this donation and anniversary.


  • Welcome and Opening Remarks – Glenn Eugster,  Assistant Regional Director, National Park Service and Superintendent Peggy O’Dell, National Mall and Memorial  Parks
  • Comments on Behalf of Clean Air Partners - Tracye Funn, Chair, Clean Air Partners (Washington Gas)
  • Additional Remarks (Trees & Air Quality) - Gary Allen, Board Member, Clean Air Partners (Center for Chesapeake Communities)
  • Presentation of Plaque - Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director, National Park Service and Tracye Funn


  • Gary Allen, Center for Chesapeake Communities
  • Tracye Funn, Washington Gas
  • Justin Vick, PEPCO 
  • Alissa Greer, PRR 
  • Stuart Freudberg, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Department of Environmental Programs
  • Russ Ulrich, Baltimore Metropolitan Council 
  • Jen Desimone, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
  • Harriet West, Clean Air Partners
  • Peggy O’Dell, National Park Service, National Mall & Memorial Parks
  • Karen Cucurullo, National Park Service, National Mall & Memorial Parks
  • Terry Adams, National Park Service, National Capital Region
  • Glenn Eugster, National Park Service, National Capital Region

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