Saturday, May 9, 2015

Centennial Initiative: Telconference call November 29, 2007

Centennial Initiative: Telconference call
November 29, 2007  
Prepared by Glenn Eugster

Jennifer Mummart opened the call at 4:44 pm

Lindi in a meeting with the Secretary’s Office.  Not sure she can make the call this week.  They will try to reschedule for next week.

Dec. 5, 2007 at 3:00 pm.

Lindi and Bomar met with the Hill this week.  Not news.  Not a peep on the budget.  Doesn’t have many specifics to offer.

Sterkel—state partners working on Rahall language—rumor is that the bill will be heard after the first of the year.  In-kind language in the bill is being discussed.  

Mummart we likely need to move quickly in 08.  Doesn’t want to go out for another call for 09 without knowing until legislation is passed and the requirements are set.

Murray—steps toward staffing?  Mummart.  Working on the PD for permanent coordinator.  At one point they discussed advertising the postion.  Unsure that Lindi wants to compete.

Crowley—issue of what constituets a seasonal has come up.  You can use STEP authority but have to hire seasonals.  TERMS are not seasonals.  SKEP Students arrangement unclear.

Kevin—Confusion about hiring authority versus counting employees.  View, the more liberal you can be for deciding what can be a seasonal the better.  Law Enforcement, Subject to Furlough okay.  How about Maintenance and Interp workers? Are they okay, or not?  Mummart to check and get back.

Adjounred at 4:55 pm.

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