Sunday, November 13, 2011

DC's Parks & Recreation Department and the NPS-National Capital Region Roundtable: Summary

DC's Parks & Recreation Department and the NPS-National Capital Region Roundtable: Summary
Wednesday December 3, 2003 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. 
3149 16th St. NW in Washington, D.C.
Attendees:  Fawcett, Shill, Goodinson, Pochter, Lucy, Albert, Carlstrom, Parsons, Applewaithe-Coleman, Blumenthal, Hazelwood, Medearis, Briggs, Grant, Stidham, Davis, Line, Koster, Coleman, LeCouteur, Eugster
Welcome and Introductions: Neil Albert and Terry Carlstrom opened the meeting, explained the goals of the Roundtable and welcomed the group.
Old Business: Follow-up Actions
  1. Steve Coleman offered to explore options for the group to share a 
List Server.  Steve reported that he found that YAHOO has a groups list server that is available at low or no cost.  He mentioned that Extranet is available with a cost but that an online library is possible with links to GIS.  Steve said that there is a company in town that provides services that can be linked to calendars, although he wasn’t sure of the cost.  He went on to tell the group that the IOPS firm designs these systems and they can typically handle 5,000 people.  He thought that the cost would be around $40,000 (maximum).  He said that he thought we might be able to get someone to do this service on an inkind basis.
Neil Albert asked about IT perspective and the maximum band requirements.  Steve said he would look into private sector funding, possibly with the National Park Foundation, with Sally Blumenthal, for this effort.
  1. Glenn Eugster agreed to check on a proposed meeting that was to be 
held between DC, Washington Parks & people and Chris Jarvi and Brian O’Neill of NPS. An earlier proposed meeting did not occur as planned.
Glenn explained that Brian O’Neill ended his detail in Washington when Chris Jarvi, the new Associate for Partnerships, began his work.  Gayle Hazelwood indicated that she thought meeting with Chris Jarvi would be useful.  Steve Coleman said that it would be helpful to have Chris talk about other examples from around the country.
Glenn indicated he would look into opportunities for the group to meet with Chris.
  1. Glenn Eugster agreed to arrange a work session for the Washington: 
A City in the Woods Panel Presentation as soon as NPS headquarters provides the team with more information for the November conference.  Glenn reported that he Destry Jarvis, Michael Lucy and Brian LeCouteur made a successful presentation on Green Infrastructure at the JVC in Los Angeles in November 2003.  The presentation was well attended and the response to the presentations on work in the metro-DC area was very positive.
  1. Steve Coleman agreed to make a formal request to NPS for the NCR 
park needs assessment.  Steve reported that no action was taken.  He said that he spoke to Tom Ross of NPS about the idea of “bench-marking” and the concept seemed to be key to the DC Parks & Recreation Master Plan effort.  The discussion focused briefly on the idea of an NPS-NCR Needs Assessment.  Terry Carlstrom noted that this type of assessment typically deals with NPS operations.  Steve agreed to keep the idea in front of the group.
  1. Ted Pochter agreed to contact Jim Sherald of NPS to discuss further 
collaboration with Casey Trees.  Ted said that no action was taken.  He said that DC was awaiting a new horticulturist.  A park tree inventory is likely to be undertaken next summer.  Sally Blumenthal encouraged that the work includes all District trees including schools, traffic circles, etc.  Sally stressed the importance of making the DC Inventory compatible with NPS inventory work.  She indicated that National Capital Parks-Central was not yet finished with their inventory.  Jim Sherald is working on the UFORE model to calibrate the economic value of trees.  Terry Carlstrom expressed interest in the social value of trees.  Sally noted that the IL model shows that trees reduce crime.  Ted noted that DC’s Office of Planning is doing a paper on the value of trees for managing combined sewer overflows.

  1. Gayle Hazelwood agreed to organize a work session on the Watts 
Branch effort.  Gayle reported that NPS and Washington Parks & People organized a meeting to discuss the Watts Branch effort.  She said there needed to be follow-up with the Student Conservation Association.  Steve Coleman indicated that there were "exciting elements in the community" and that a large NPS-UPARR grant had been provided.
  1. Sally Blumenthal agreed to work with John Parsons and report on the 
NCPC Board Retreat.  John Parsons reported that NCPC's Comprehensive plan for DC parks was last done in 1967.  He said that the plan revisited what the federal, state, local parks are.  He indicated that the Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan is pending.  Julia Koster said that a number of park and open lands pieces were coming to NCPC including a symposium, greenspace inventory, federal land inventory, etc.  She said that NCPC was looking at how to assemble that package.  Sally Blumenthal asked, which DC agency is responsible for what properties?  Sally also said that NPS might be the best source of that information.
Tammy Stidham said that property in DC is being mapped and cataloged but that the work is difficult.  She said that NCPC has a lot of the federal land information and that everyone needs to keep asking DC for information.
Steve Coleman said that he wants information on the Watts Branch disconnected federal properties.  He said it is a challenge to track down all the pieces of information.  Steve asked, what happened to all the records when Home Rule took place?  Tammy said that the NPS Lands Office is working on scanning all the records.  Sally Blumenthal said that the land records were turned over to DC in the 1970's.  Ted Pochter added that DC has the records and the historic file with all the transaction information--the original plates.
  1. All the participants agreed to seek and provide comments on the Ft. 
Circle Parks Plan: John Parsons said that the comments he received on the Ft. Circle Plan were done well.  He noted that the two alternatives shown in the draft plan were combined.  He mentioned that Loretta Nuemann became a chief advocate for the effort and that a "popular document" had been prepared.  He promised the document in the spring of 2004.
Neil Albert noted that the Escarpment Hike was a way to raise awareness about the draft Master Plan.
John said that Loretta was proposing to make it a unit of NPS.  Evidently NCPC had acquired these sites and Congress never acted on the lands.  John said that Loretta wants to give it an identity and superintendent of its own.  John said that NPS's policy is to oppose new units due to budget constraints.
  1. Leslie Shinn and Patrick Gregerson agreed to continue to work on 
GIS Mapping.  Leslie said that she is working with Tammy on GIS Maps.  They are working with 16 data sets and there are issues about parks, sites, etc.  Terry Carlstrom asked if the records are there?  Leslie said yes, for recreation purposes but we still have sketchy areas.
Steve Colemen mentioned that lands were purchased for transportation but never used for roads.  Parks and recreation are working to have them made parkland, said Steve.  He asked, do these lands need to go back to NPS?
Sally Blumenthal responded by saying, It depends.  A retransfer involving DC and NPS is possible and it could be done as a group transaction.  Sally said that we should share where these situations occur.
Tammy said that we need to check deed restrictions if the lands are not used for transportation, highways, recreation or school uses.  She believes that there are approximately 320 instances of this occurring and that we should pursue a consolidated approach.
  1. Terry Carlstrom agreed to get back to DC with a person that will 
serve as the parks, open space and recreation area liaison. Terry indicated that Glenn Eugster would serve as the interim NPS Liaison for DC.  DC indicated that Ted Pochter would serve as the DC Liaison for NPS.
  1. Glenn Eugster agreed to help convene a meeting to discuss the 
proposed 2004 parks, open space and recreation area conference. Glenn provided the group with handouts on the proposed Green Infrastructure Conference.
  1. Leslie Shinn will send the group a DC Parks Master Plan Request for
Proposal:  Leslie noted that the RFP for the DC Parks Master Plan had gone out and that 15 firms showed interest.  Terry Carlstrom noted that NPS had an indefinite quantities contract for 75 firms that might be useful.  Tom McConnel, within NPS, is the contact.
  1. New Business
  1. Meridian Hill, Steve Coleman and Destry Jarvis, Washington Parks & 
People  Steve suggested that a sidebar meeting be set up to discuss his interest and frustration with Meridian Hill Park.  He said that he'd like to find a way to get the park back on track as a national model.  He wants to set up a mechanism and wants to explore a new type of partnership with Washington Parks & People, NPS and DC.  He also wants to see a facility next to the park to serve as a visitor center.  Steve said he feels a sense of urgency.  Crime is increasing and wants us to get back to a community approach.
Neil Albert said that there are opportunities for connection between Meridian Hill and useable lands and abandoned buildings.  He wants to link programs between Meridan Hill and the Community Center, and Girard Street Playground.  He said we need a better education campaign and that there are recreation opportunities around the park.
Adrienne Applewaithe-Coleman said that we support cooperative recreation planning and that we'd love to be cooperating with you.
Terry Carlstrom said that this is a great idea and the sooner we have this meeting the better.  He suggested that Neil, Adrienne, John, Steve and other community leaders meet.  He noted that the infrastructure work was underway and that and that would help improve the park.
Neil Albert agreed to set up a meeting.
Adrienne noted that she and Neil would be signing an agreement to create a new ball field at Ft. Reno Park and that there may be a signing ceremony.
  1. Green Infrastructure Map, Brian LeCouteur, Metropolitan Washington 
Council of Governments Brian noted that the Green Infrastructure Map for the metropolitan Washington region has been completed and is now available from his office.   He noted that they were also doing maps for the Annacostia watershed and Holmes Run in VA.
  1. National Capital Planning Commission’s “Open Space Project”, Julia
Koster, National Capital Planning Commission Julia noted that NCPC continues to be interested and supportive of park and open space work in DC.  She said they want to help prioritize projects and staff-up to assist.  She said that she is looking at the Green Infrastructure Conference/ Symposium as a way to help them sort this out.  Julia said that NCPC was now working on a new GIS trails map.
  1. Other items of interest?
Steve Coleman noted that the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail was seeking request for the designation of local trails.  Don Briggs noted that he could return at the next meeting to discuss this.
IV.  Next Meeting
The group agreed that the next meeting would be April 19, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, at the National Park Service, National Capital Region, 1100 Ohio Drive, SW, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Washington, DC.

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