Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hybrid Vehicles in National Parks

Ms. Karen Brady
Kronosport, Inc.
Mellon Bank Center
1735 Market Street, Suite A500
Philadelphia, PA 19103
RE:  Letter of Interest
June 28, 2002
Dear Ms Brady:
The National Parks Service, National Capital Region, is committed to working with Kronosport, Inc. on the program entitled Testing of Hybrid Vehicles in National Parks.  The National Park Service commitment to protect and conserve the scenery, natural and cultural values and historic resources is consistent with Kronosport’s goal of reducing pollution and protecting our environment through the use of alternative transportation technologies.  The above program will assist Washington, DC, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania with the attainment of the National Air Quality Standards as mandated by the Clean Air Act.  The National Park Service is pleased to partner with Kronosport, Inc. on this innovative project to bring zero emission electric vehicles to national parks located in these regions.  The National Park Service is committed to improving air quality, increasing energy security and promoting sustainable economic development through the use of alternative transportation and energy technologies. 
The National Park Service’s National Capital Region will work with Kronosport to achieve the goals as set forth in the Nice3 grant proposal.  Specifically, the Service will provide locations and staff to test Kronosport’s innovative transportation technology, which include zero-emission vehicles and solar charging units.  The National Park Service staff, through the Partnerships Office, will further assist with the dissemination of educational material regarding the program and the benefits of using human/electric hybrid vehicle technology and solar power.
Very truly yours:
Signed JGE 6-28-02
J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant regional Director
Partnerships Office
National Park Service
National Capital Region

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