Friday, March 2, 2012

Greater Washington National Parks: Trails Forever : Draft Concept Proposal

Greater Washington National Parks: Trails Forever
Draft Concept Proposal
March 29, 2004
Goal:  “To attract park visitors to raise greater awareness of the parks as a way to encourage them to use the parks and contribute to their stewardship”.
  • Use existing NPS park trails to help improve the public’s awareness and support of NPS park resources and programs.
  • Promote public participation, health and fitness through trail use.
  • Attract a broad section of the community and region to engage in park activities including volunteerism.
  • Create a NCR Trail Stewardship Endowment Fund for trail planning, expansion, maintenance, signage, safety and enforcement.
  • Create opportunities for visitors to learn about and participate in the Greater Washington National Parks Fund.
  • Centerpiece of Greater Washington National Parks Fund
  • Message + Friends = Funds
  • Create a spotlight on NCR parks and trails
  • Not new work.  Move existing NCR trail projects and claim credit for planned activities
  • Rollout the Greater Washington National Park Fund icons/ logos
  • Link to 50th Anniversary of the Justice Douglas Walk
  • Create a core team to make the effort work
  • Announce Trails Forever on April 30, 2004 with a couple of noteworthy deliverables such as events, endowment, existing projects, website for ways to get information and be involved.
Kick-off Date: April 30, 2004.  Tie to 50th Anniversary of Justice Douglas' Walk event at MD Great Falls C & O Canal 
Kick-off communications themes:
  1. Bill Justice-- Justice Douglas helped to create a park 50 years ago and the C & O Canal is an example of what you can do.  In the spirit of Justice Douglas's C & O Canal Walk, NPS and park partners are launching the Greater Washington National Parks "Trails Forever".   "Care for the things you care about".
  1. The trails of the Greater Washington National parks are a way to experience the parks.  Trails are also a way for NPS to make visitors aware of ways that they can:
  1. Shape Up and Smile: People will be encouraged to use trails to “shape-up” and enjoy themselves. Trails are part of the infrastructure for public health.  The can help Americans deal with the silent epidemic (i.e. diabetes, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, inactivity).
  2. Volunteer: People will learn how they can volunteer to help the parks with trail, or other, projects.  The Trails Forever effort will link the NCR Volunteers-in-Parks Program with the Greater Washington National Parks Fund. Make a clear connection with VIP program and secure support from chiefs of maintenance and chief rangers, who are not always comfortable with volunteers for maintenance.
  3. Donate:  People will learn that they can donate to the "Trails Forever" Endowment--a part of the GWNPF.  Modeled after the NCR Tree and Shrub Replacement Fund, the endowment will be a fund that people, organizations and corporations can use to donate money to support trail restoration, signs, volunteers, events, establish community organizations that act as stewards for trails, trail corridors and associated lands, buy tools, host trail-management and maintenance workshops, recognize volunteer contributions, etc.
  4. Join:  People will learn about existing park partner or trail groups that they can join or support.
Actions and Schedule: What, when, how and who?
  1. Describe a simple concept and message
  1. Identify the component parts
  1. Bundle existing trails projects
  2. Identify and brief VIP Coordinators
  3. Create the Trails Forever Endowment (Note: We could announce the $15,000 NPF donation as the first dollars to create the endowment?)
d. List the events of note
e. Develop the website and the service delivery system (i.e. where do the inquiries go and how do we manage them?)
  1. Package and prepare the logos
  1. Prepare a simple brochure that describes the 5 ways to get involved. 
  1. Coordinate this part of the April 30, 2004 event
  1. Other tasks?

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