Saturday, December 29, 2012

Donation of Horses to U.S. Park Police

Mario Iacampo
Directeur De Tournee/Tour Manager
Cavalia LLC.
233 Wilshire Blvd. #400
Santa Monica, CA 90401
                            January 27, 2006
Dear Mr. Iacampo,

It was a pleasure to learn of the support of the Cavalia LLC. for the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit.  Thank you for your donation of three (3) horses, valued at $31,500, to the Unit. We greatly appreciate your support of the Horse Mounted Patrol Unit and the Greater Washington National Parks.  
This donation is consistent with the terms of the Contract for Horse Donation approved by the U.S.Park Police in November 2005.  A copy of the contracts for the three horses is attached (telefax version only).
The U.S. Park Police accepts donations such as these through the Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund which was established in 2005, as a part of the Greater Washington National Parks Fund.  The purpose of the Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund is to provide reliable, significant monies on an annual basis, in perpetuity, to supplement funds appropriated by the U.S. Congress.  These funds, and donations, are exclusively for the donation, purchase, transport, or caring for horses, re-building and building barns, purchasing saddles and equipment, and other unit needs.  

Your donations can provide you with a charitable deduction and often can offer additional tax savings.  The Greater Washington National Parks Fund is managed for NPS by the National Park Foundation (NPF).  NPF is the Congressionally chartered nonprofit partner of America's national parks.

Your contribution helps the U.S. Park Police and the National Park Service maintain the beauty and safety of our parks for all people to enjoy now and for generations to come.  Such noteworthy private stewardship action contributes to sustaining the quality of our national parks and the various festivals and civic functions that take place on our parklands.

We hope that we will have the opportunity to work with you in the future and that you will take time to enjoy the 700 individual sites and more than 88,000 acres that make up this unique park system.   Attached is information on the Greater Washington National Parks (electronic copy only) and the U.S. Park Police Horse Mounted Patrol Unit Fund.

Please contact me if you have questions or need additional information.

Thank you for your support.


J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant Regional Director,
Partnerships Office
National Park Service
National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
(202)619-7492 phone
(202)619-7220 fax

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