Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ecosystem Management Information

Ecosystem Management Information
Prepared by Glenn Eugster, National Park Service

June 28, 2007

  1. Ann Pesiri Swanson, and others:  Chesapeake Bay: Managing an Ecosystem (an essential paper to read)

  1. The Ecosystem Approach: Healthy Ecosystems and Sustainable Economies; Volume 1-Overview; Report of the Interagency Ecosystem management task Force

  1. Florida’s Ecosystem Management Initiative by James K. Lewis and others (an excellent paper to read)

  1. Powerpoint presentation by Jack Ward Thomas, Chief of USDA Forest Service on  Ecosystem Management (inspired concept)

  1. A Community-based Approach to Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest by Brett Ken Cairn, Rogue Institute for Ecology and Economy

  1. Ecological Characterization: Recommendations of a Science Review Panel by NOAA Coastal Services Center, US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA

  1. Integration of Forest Planning Into Ecosystem Management: Where We Want To Be, USDA Forest Service (great graphics)

  1. The Nature Conservancy, Center for Compatible Economic Development.  Leesburg, VA  William Weeks or Greg Low (703)779-1728 (excellent approach and good materials)

  1. EPA Edgewater Ecosystem Protection Meeting materials, March 1994 (an example of how to create a cultural change.  Outstanding concept and excellent implementation. Led to EPA’s Community-based ecosystem effort and the EPA watershed protection approach—both are worth a look)

  1. CRS Report for Congress: Ecosystems, Biomes, and Watersheds: Definitions and Use, M. Lynne Corn, 1993 (straightforward descriptions of the what of ecosystems)

  1. A Database Prototype for a National Ecological Inventory by Ian McHarg, Jon Berger and Kathleen Wallace, For US EPA 1992 (McHarg’s layer cake of reality explains ecosystems and the connectivity of them.  Jon Berger worked with David Sinton on Earth, Water and Fire: Land Use and Planning in the NJ Pine barrens (still one of the best descriptions of how an entire ecosystem works and fits together)

  1. Ecosystem management in the United States: An Assessment of Current Experience by Steven L. Yaffee and others, University of Michigan and Yale University (comprehensive list of ecosystem efforts underway in US.  Includes excellent analysis of what they are doing)

FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, by Lynn Desautels, Ph.D., US EPA. (Excellent description of how governments and private groups can work together to achieve ecosystems management)

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