Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jaeger Tract Rationale

Date:             7/20/01 3:05 PM
Sender:             Glenn Eugster
To:             Joe Cook
Priority:             Urgent
Subject:             Jaeger Tract
             July 20, 2001
             Here is what I think we can say about the value of the Jaeger 
             Tract land acquisition:
             The Jaeger Tract is located within the Anaocostia River watershed 
             in Greenbelt, MD.  The property is within the drainage area of 
             Still Creek, a tributary of the Annacostia River.  Acquistion and 
             management of the property as parkland will help and NPS, and 
             it's partner organizations, to implement its exisiting 
             commitments to:
             1)  "Protect and expand forest cover throughout the watershed and 
             create a continuous riparian forest buffer adjacent to streams, 
             wetlands and rivers". (1999-2000 Anacostia Watershed Restoration 
             Agreement, May 10, 1999)
             2)  "Permanently preserve from development 20 percent of the land 
             area in the watershed by 2010". (2000 Chesapeake Bay Agreement, 
             June 28, 2000 )
             Hope this helps!

             Glenn Eugster

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