Sunday, August 9, 2015

REMARKS: Wetlands restoration CONFERENCE international partnerships & collaboration jUNE 20, 2001

REMARKS: Wetlands restoration CONFERENCE
international partnerships & collaboration
jUNE 20, 2001
bATON rOGUE, la.
Prepared by: glenn eugster

  1. background & evolution:  

  1. glynwood center & national park service:  uk

  1. glynwood center, epa, chesapeake bay program: uk & france

  1. glynwood center & EPA: japan

  1. glynwood center, EPA office of international activities, nps: germany & netherlands

  1. concept:

  1. place-based

  1. everyone is an expert

  1. match local experts with outside experts.

  1. charrette process to identify alternatives for action

  1. tie charrette process to implementation through a committee of service providers

  1. follow with specialized training and modest funding assistance

  1. Why is a federal agency such as EPA interested in the Countryside 

Stewardship Exchange?

1)  Practical experience working with communities

  1. Offers an opportunity to return to interdisciplinary 

approaches to solving problems and seizing opportunities.  

An approach that has vast potential.  Advance the Exchange to see 

how it works in different situations such as:

  • In a place---large ecosystem/ landscape over an extended 

time period--multiple exchanges within a service/ regulatory and 

non-regulatory infrastructure

  • Link visioning with implementation and assessment of 

outcomes and results

  • Change institutional/ organizational mindsets about how to

work with communities; build local capability; short and long-

term relationships; and shift from a hierarchical to matrix form 

of management approach to land and water stewardship

  1. Presents a role for the federal government---other than just 

giving grants.    

An alternative way to provide communities with 

financial, technical and information assistance. 

Empower and help people to help themselves

Target services/ service organizations to places

Orchestrate the services/ activities of multiple service organizations

4) Provides outside expertise and local leadership/ direction

  1. Exchange process (an RFP/ selection process) helped our 

community/ regional organizations organize themselves and their 

needs-----both the Exchange communities and the second place 


  1. Charette approach offers focused interaction.  The holistic 

concept allows for addressing environmental, community and 

economic goals simultanesouly.

7) summary

Alternative to environmental, community, economic decision-

making.  Current approach falls short--produces technical plans 

without a heart and soul.

Timing coincides with a fundamental ground shift in the way 

that NPS, EPA, and other federal agencies are looking at environmental 

protection and its relationship 

with communities---this is one of the next generation of 

environmental protection and sustainable development tools and  


  1. for further information:

juidth labelle, president, glynwood center, po box 157, cold spring, ny 10516
(845)265-3338 phone
(845)265-3391 fax


glenn eugster, assistant regional director
partnerships office
national park service, national capital region
1100 ohio drive, sw, room 350
washington, dc 20242
(202)619-7492 phone
(202)619-7220 fax


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