Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thursday, November 30

8:00 a.m. Registration & Coffee

9:00 a.m. Welcoming Remarks
Welcome to the Chespaeake Bay Region, Reston and Fairfax County
· Becky Norton Dunlop, Chair, Principal’s Staff Committee; Secretary, Virginia Department of Natural Resources
· Michael McCabe, Regional Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
· Northern Virginia Planning District Officials

9:15 a.m. Current Conditions & Trends The Relationship of Growth and Development to the Chesapeake Bay Region

· Demographic changes & Land Use Trends
· Impacts of Growth and Development on Water Quality and Living Resources
· Fostering the Stewardship of Environmental Resources

Ronald M. Kreitner, Director, Maryland Office of Planning

9:45 a.m. Problem Definition
Perspectives on Growth, Economics & Stewardship

(Brief presentations will be made on the results of a series of topical discussions which will be held by four Bay Program work groups prior too the Conference.)

· Overview
Frances Flanigan, Executive Director, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay

· The Local Government Perspective on Growth & Development
Gary Allen, Mayor, City of Bowie, and
Chair, Local Government Advisory Committee

· The Private Sector Perspective
Michael T. Rose, Michael T. Rose Companies

· Land Stewardship Roles & Partnerships
Jeff Soule, Director, Center for Rural Pennsylvania

· Economic Issues Related to the Use, Management, and Value of the Land
Leonard Shabman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Representatives will be asked to respond to the following questions for their area of interest:

1. What are the problems or issues which need to be addressed?
2. What barriers or impediments exist to solving the problem?
3. What programs, tools, techniques could be used to solve problems or achieve goals?
4. What is the appropriate role of the Chesapeake Bay Program?

10:45 a.m. Break

11:00 a.m. Chesapeake Executive Council Meeting
(The annual meeting of the Chesapeake Executive Council will be held. The Executive Council establishes the policy direction for the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its living resources. Council members exert leadership to marshall public support and are accountable to the public for progress made under the Chesapeake Bay Agreement.)

· George Allen, Chair, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia

· Marion Barry, Mayor, District of Columbia

· Carol M. Browner, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

· Parris N. Glendening, Governor, State of Maryland

· Thomas J. Ridge, Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

· Michael H. Weir, Chair, Chesapeake Bay Commission

12:30 p.m. Luncheon

2:00 p.m. Panels
Techniques for Solving Problems & Achieving Goals

(Panels will consist of a presenter, who will also serve as discussion moderator, and two commentors. The presentation will be designed as problem solving sessions and will include case studies and experiences relating to these topics. The presenter will frame an issue(s) and discuss techniques for solving problems. Following the 20 minute presentation, the two other panelists will make brief comments on the presentation topic and then help to facilitate audience discussion. The techniques presented in each session will be recorded and a summary included in the “Land, Growth & Stewardship Action Plan.” Each panel discussion will be attended by 35 to 65 people.

· Urban Growth Boundaries: Public policy techniques to guide growth and development to appropriate areas.

Ron Bailey, Planning Commission Director, Lancaster County, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Presenter)
Bryan David, Director of Planning and Zoning, Isle of Wight County, Virginia
James T. Noonan, Maryland Office of Planning

· Community Networking:New approaches to conducting public participation for controversial issues.

Richard J. McCaffery, McCaffery Associates, Virginia (Presenter)
Frank Dukes, Virginia Institute of Environmental Negotiation
Lauren Wenzel, Coastal Zone Management Program, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

· Protecting Habitat: Integrating habitat values and functions in public and private planning and development.

Tim Beatly, School of Architecture, University of Virginia (Presenter)
Steve Funderburk, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland

· Economic Development Strategies: The effects of competition between states and local governments within the region.

Richard Clinch, Merritt School of Business, University of Baltimore (Presenter)
Keith Bull, Eastern Shore (Virginia) Economic Development Commission
Jay Langford, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

· Financing Environmental-Economic Partnerships: A menu of financial assistance alternatives for the public and private sectors to use to achieve environmental, community, and economic goals.

Randy Cooley, Southwest Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Commission, Altoona, Pennsylvania (Presenter)
Jerry McCarthy, Virginia Environmental Endowment

· Land Economics: The environmental and economic benefits of alternative development patterns.

Leonard Shabman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
John Keene, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

3:00 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. Panels
Techniques for Solving Problems & Achieving Goals

· Promoting Community Revitalization: Development and regeneration strategies for urban and suburban areas.

Alex Camayd, Leung, Hemmler & Camayd (Presenter)
Chris Nixon, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
David Brown, Preservation Alliance of Virginia

· Ecological Industries: Using local initiatives to maintain and strengthen resource-based industries.

Rob Arner, Northern Virginia Planning & Development Commission (Presenter)
Howard Graeffe, National Institute for Environmental Renewal, Pennsylvania
Mary Ellen Olcese, Easton Maryland Waterfowl Festival

· Countryside Stewardship: Community-based planning in rural areas to promote appropriate settlement patterns.

Shari Wilson, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, Maryland, (Presenter)
John Hill, School of Architecture, University of Maryland
Jim McGowan, Accomack & Northampton Planning District Commission, Virginia

· Fiscal Impact Analysis: How is it done? What is its value as a tool for community development and land protection.

Paul Tischler, Tischler & Associates (Presenter)
April Young, George Mason University
Elizabeth Brabec, Land Ethics

· Paying for Open Space: Economic incentives for open space protection and restoration.

Marlene Conaway, Carroll County Planning Office, Maryland (Presenter)
Julia Freedgood, American Farmland Trust
Doug Petersen, Fairfax County Park Authority, Virginia

· Open Space, Greenways and Public Access: Land conservation to protect water quality, living resources, historic preservation, quality of life, and recreational use.

Debi Osborne, Mid-Atlantic Region, Trust for Public Lands (Presenter)
John Davy, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Teresa Moore, Maryland Greenways Commission

4:15 p.m. Panels
Techniques for Solving Problems & Achieving Goals

· Compact Site Design: Crafting ordinances and using techniques which promote and provide incentives for compact development.

Randall Arendt, Natural Lands Trust, Media, Pennsylvania (Presenter)
George Maurer, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Annapolis, Maryland
Robert Brosnan, Department of Community Housing and Planning, Arlington Virginia

· Market Preferences and Land Development: What type of development does the public want?

Mark Kalish, Michael T. Rose & Co. (Presenter)
Clark L. Massie, TETRA
John Walker, Legg Mason Real Estate Services

· Sustainable Agriculture: Public and private tools and incentives for preserving agricultural business and lands.

Jill Schwartz, American Farmland Trust (Presenter)
Archer Christian, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Tony Redman, Redman/Johnston Associates, Bay Program Local Government Advisory Committee

· Protecting Natural and Cultural Values and Functions: Public and private tools, techniques and incentives for protecting living resources, sensitive areas, and historic areas.

Joseph Tassone, Maryland Office of Planning (Presenter)
Larry Williamson, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania
Laura McKay, Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Programs, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

· Voluntary Private Stewardship: Techniques for promoting riparian area and watershed stewardship on private lands.

Estie Thomas, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Virginia Office (Presenter)
Rob Etgen, Eastern Shore (Maryland) Land Conservancy
Al Todd, U.S. Forest Service, Chesapeake Bay Office

· Sustainable Development & Use: Community-based approaches to integrating plans for achieving environmental, community and economic goals.

Tim Hayes, Northampton County, Virginia (Presenter)
Joanne Denworth, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
Vladimir Gavrilovich, Paradigm Design, Reston, Virginia

5:30 p.m. Social Hour

7:00 p.m. Awards Banquet
Speaker: James M. Seif, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Awards Presentations
· Awards for Innovation in Land, Growth & Stewardship
Ann Pesiri Swanson, Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Commission

· Local Government Advisory Committee Awards
Gary Allen, Chair, Local Government Advisory Committee and Mayor, City of Bowie

Friday, December 1

8:00 a.m. Coffee

9:00 a.m. General Session
“A Vision for the Future of the Chesapeake Bay Region”

Introduction: William C. Baker, President, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

William McDonough, Dean of the School of Architecture, University of Virginia

10:00 a.m. Work Groups
An Action Plan for Land, Growth and Stewardship

Participants will be divided into work groups and asked to outline and reach consensus agreement on a series of actions to be taken to solve land, growth and stewardship problems, and achieve related goals within the Chesapeake Bay region. The results of these cross-cutting discussions will be presented verbally, and in a written report, to the attendees and the leadership of the Chesapeake Bay Program

1:00 p.m. Luncheon
Intergovernmental Cooperation & the Chesapeake Bay Effort

Beverly Cigler, Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Pennsylvania State University

2:00 p.m. Presentation of Workgroup Results
(Moderators from the morning Work Group sessions will present results of the work session and discuss ideas for future actions.)

Russ Baxter, Virginia Director, Chesapeake Bay Commission
Jack Whitney, Chair, Citizens Advisory Committee

2:30 p.m. Closing Remarks
An Agenda For Future Action

Bill Matuszeski, Director, Chesapeake Bay Program

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