Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Vision for National Heritage Areas

Brenda Barrett
National Coordinator for Heritage Areas
National Park Service
Oct 22, 2002

Minutes Regional Roundtable Meeting II October 17-18, 2002

Attendees: Brenda Barrett, Suzanne Albert Copping, Joe DiBello, Glenn Eugster, Gregg Kendrick, Sue Pridemore, and Rodd Wheaton

A Vision for National Heritage Areas

With the assistance of Glenn Eugster and Joe DiBello the group spend part of the first day brainstorming on a vision for the national heritage areas. The group addressed two questions #1 What does success look like in the national heritage area program? And #2 What will a successful National Heritage Areas initiative look like in the future?

More will be coming on a vision for national heritage areas.

Producing Public Information

Web site should go live by the end of October.

Develop a standard format for national heritage area fact sheets.

Design a unigrid brochure.

Developing Content for the Heritage Area Movement

Propose articles for the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s magazine Forum based on the educational sessions on heritage areas presented at the 2002 Annual meeting in Cleveland.

Propose a session on heritage areas for the 2003 George Wright Society.

Coordinate with CRM on a follow up issue based on any George Wright Society presentations on heritage areas and propose other heritage area articles.

Investigate the possibility of a feature on national heritage areas in the new National Park Society magazine.

Propose educational sessions on heritage area strategies for the 2003 National Trust for Historic Preservation Annual Meeting in Denver.

Preparing for New Heritage Areas

Director of the National Park Service requests that the Regional Director initiate a contact with the newly designated area and prepare an activation memo designating contact personnel and other logistics.

The region sets up a briefing in the regional office to meet the associates and other key staff, invites other partners if appropriate, establishes an email account if necessary, and provides a “welcome” packet of briefing materials and fact sheets

Regional Roundtable II Minutes cont…

Regional office plans an event for the Regional Director to welcome the new heritage area into the fold preferably in the heritage area.

The regional office sends out a press release.

The regional office continues to share information with the heritage area about National Park Service programs and opportunities. Heritage areas are invited to the Superintendent’s conferences and other events.

Improving Coordination with the Regional Offices

Hold Regional Roundtables twice a year.

Meet, as appropriate, at other conferences and events.

Set up a list serve.

Washington office will report regularly on progress on program goals and objectives.

Information on heritage areas will be shared on Inside NPS if of general interest.

Standard Operating Procedures and Best Practices

Washington Office will develop and outline.

Regional roundtable members and Alliance for National Heritage Areas Program Committee will tackle specific topic and review others.

Share information on proposed guidelines for feasibility studies with the regional roundtable.

Anniversary Opportunities!! In 2004 the national heritage area movement will be twenty years old!!

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