Sunday, November 13, 2011

Draft Letter for Carter Barron Amphitheater

Draft Letter for Carter Barron Amphitheater
September 15, 2003
Dear Mr. Linowes,
This letter is in response to the discussion we had on August 6, 2003 regarding the interest of the Federal City Council(Council) in providing philanthrophic assistance to the National Park Service(NPS) for the Cater Barron Amphitheater.  We greatly appreicate your interest in the park and the time you and your group have taken to meet with us and discuss a possible collaboration. 
The purpose of this letter is to summarize the agreements we reached at our last meeting and describe the next steps to formally initiate this partnership and fundraising effort.
  1. The Council is willing to enter into a agreement with NPS to raise funds for a partial cover, for restoration of the amphitheater, and to create an endowment for maintenance of the facility and performances.  NPS and the Council will jointly prepare and agree on a fundraising agreement, consistent with Director’s Order #21 before the Council or the proposed non-profit begins soliciting funds in the name of the NPS for the park. 
  1. The Council intends to form a non-profit organization that will work with NPS and the Council to fundraise, develop architectural proposals for the amphitheater, and consult with and involve the community in future plans for the amphitheater
  1. The Council, and the proposed non-profit, at their expense, may recommend programs that they wish to incorporate into the NPS program schedule.
  1. NPS will consult with the Council on preparing all of the necessary planning, engineering, and architectural documents necessary for NPS, National Capital Planning Commission, Fine Arts Commission, State Historic Preservation Office and District of Columbia reviews.
  1. NPS will provide the Council with alternative examples, and seek agreement, for recognizing extraordinary indiviudals and philanthrophic donors related to Carter Barron.
  1. NPS will provide the Council with guidance on the details for creation of a maintenance and program endownment for the amphitheater.
Superintendent Adrienne Coleman, Assistant Regional Director Glenn Eugster, and I look forward to working with you, the Council and other community leaders to turn this vision into action.
Should you have any questions please contact me.
Joe Lawler
Deputy Regional Director
National Capital Region

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