Prepared by Glenn Eugster, NPS-National Capital Region
Partnerships Program (202)619-7492.
August 22, 2000
Participants at the August 9, 2000 Meeting
- Mari Lou Livingood, Alexandria Seaport Foundation
- Allen Scully, Alexandria Seaport Foundation
- Don Waye, Friends of Four-Mile Run
- Dave Eckert, citizen of Falls Church
- Leigh Dunkelberger, Friends of the Potomac
- Bill Skrabak, City of Alexandria, Office of Environmental Service
- Jason Papacosma, Arlington County, Department of Environmental Planning
Aileen Winquist, Arlington County, Department of Environmental Planning - Tod Dabolt, Environmental Protection Agency
- Glenn Eugster, National Park Service, National Capital Region
What do you value about Four-Mile Run?
- A group coming together, reaching consensus and benefiting the community and it's quality of life
- I once lived there
- The wetlands part
- People with passion--energy and synergy
- Network of parks, a natural corridor intact
- I want to walk along the Run and enjoy the area. It's a good time to take advantage of the focus on Four-Mile Run
- We need to deal with the implications of how we live
- We need to protect and restore it to its former self
- Four-Mile Run is under-utilized and under appreciated
- Education!
- Access!
- It surprises you! It's a respite from the "slings and arrows" of urban life
- A backyard stream for 170,000 people
- It's an opportunity!
- Occassional wildness--a connection to wildness
What do you want to see happen to Four-Mile Run in the future?
Remove concrete
Replace wetlands
$500,000 appropriation goes through
- Take a whole tour to see diversity and issues--get a better feeling of the potentials
- Frame the problems as people see them
- Get stakeholders to identify end-points/ results
- Better personal access and focus on a "backyard" river
- More recreation, fishing bicycling, birding, running, resource for conservation, horticulture, etc.
- Think about Spanish people
- Use the stream and the watershed as an outdoor classroom
- Don't duck the bacteria issue
- Show the connection between how we live and where we live
- Tie into the Interpretive Park at Columbia Pike
- Restore natural diversity and flow regimes
What is the primary objective of the workshop?
- Outline issues, goals and initial tasks
- Get communities public input
- Present urbanization and its effects; what do the watershed managers have to do? Outline what the mandates are--give regulatory education and then let the people dream and scheme dreams
- Identify priorities within people's ideas. Split up by theme or topic
- Expand groups and interests involved. Make the program culturally sensitive
- Get non-traditional participants involved and engaged in the Four-Mile Run effort
What does post-workshop success look like?
- Get people interested and engaged
- Decent turnout
- Validate community issues
- Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church elected officials are more engaged
- Follow-up commitment, roles and responsibilities, clarify roles--be more efficient
- Spin-off group--watershed group encompassing all of the jurisdictions to ensure action and implementation
- Energize a segment of the public--kick-start!
What area will the workshop focus on?
- The entire watershed (20 square miles)
- Focus on portions of the watershed during breakouts.
Who should be involved in planning and holding the workshop?
- Figureheads/ Influential People (Big names (i.e. snake wrestler). A few words at the beginning of the workshop; a commitment of resources and their own people to help; public statements and actions to indicate that "we are going to do this"; leaders to inspire and draw people to the event)
2. Grunts/ Steering Committee/ Enlisted People (Those who make it happen, cradle to grave; sell it to other groups and governments; front-line planners and doers)
3. Regulators & Government/ Resources and Obstacles (Invited groups; asked for advise every step of the way; network; may offer resources for the event (i.e. press)
4. Audience/ Volunteers (Get charged up; network; hang flyers; sign-ups to engage the volunteers; help at the workshop)
Who are some of the key individuals, groups, governments, and leaders that we need to get involved?
- Jim Fowler--The Snake Wrestler
- State Senator Whipple
- Bob Wayland, EPA
- Dave Davis, EPA
- Peg Nelson, League of Women Voters, Alexandria
- Paul Ferguson, Arlington Co.
- Tom Schuler, The Center for Watershed Protection
- Crowder, VA DEQ
- David Brickley, VA DCR
- Corps of Engineers
- Hodges, ACE
- Chair of Arlington County
- Mayor of Falls Church
- Congressman Moran
- Mayor Donley, Alexandria
- Penny Gross, Fairfax County Supervisor
- Don Beyer--History of Stream
- Jack Taylor, Toyota
- Peg Knight, EASI
- Leaders from the Hispanic Community
- Northern VA Park Authority
- Culmore Community
- Airport Authority
- Washington Area Transportation Authority
- US Airways
- Arlington Sewer Authority
- American Forest Association
- Arlington Sustainability Growth group
What does the workshop look like?
- One evening and one day or two days
- Held at a public facility designed for meetings
- Includes food to get people to attend
Example A:
Start out in a big room;
Move to break out sessions;
Have outside sessions for hands-on--virtual to discussions
Example B:
Include a bike tour--complete accessibility;
Opportunities for fishing;
Opportunities for plantings;
Opportunities for a clean-up
Example C:
Include a social event;
Have a real event;
Have an activity day following the workshop
Example D:
Have tables for people to sign-up for other activities
When will the workshop be held?
Spring 2001
What are the major tasks to move ahead?
- Recruit Grunts (Don, Todd, All)
- Contact local representatives (By jurisdiction, Dave, Mari Lou)
- Contact Non-profits (Mari Lou)
- Type-up August 9, 2000 meeting notes (Glenn)
- Start to secure Figureheads (Dave, Mari Lou, Todd)
- Prepare a funding strategy--do more vs. cheap (Friends of the Potomac, ASF, Bill)
- Get better definition and intent (Jason and Don)
- Coordination of activities (Leigh)
What do you think?
Please provide any additional thoughts you have.
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