Partnerships: Downtown DC
Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director, Partnerships
Program, National Capital Region, National Park Service
Facility Managers Workshop, Ocean City, MD, June 14, 2001
Background: Positions in a variety of local, state and federal government agencies looking at ways to integrate parks, green space, economic development and regeneration and cultural resource conservation and interpretation.
- Scranton, PA Metropolitan region
- Blackstone Valley, RI and MA
- Wheeling, WV
- Annapolis, MD
- President's Council for Sustainable Development: Metropolitan & Rural Strategies
NPS Mission:
- To preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.
- To cooperate with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout the country and the world.
Partnerships Office Purpose: to find ways to use partnerships to help NPS park and program managers, and community leaders meet national, state and local goals and objectives within the NCR/ Potomac river watershed.
Definition: Partnerships can be very different collaborations. Rely on the definitions and concepts developed by the management Institute for Environment & Business. A partnership typically refers to any voluntary collaboration among individuals or organizations working toward a common objective.
A partnership builds synergistically on the time, talent, and support of all partners to mutual benefit and interest.
When it works it's a win/ win proposition--everyone contributes and benefits by participating.
In it's simplest form, partnerships are another way to help us help ourselves to accomplish our mission. It's a means to an end and it can result in:
- A shared purpose
- Increased resources
- Shared efficiency
- Innovative solutions
- Better communication
- Increased support from within and outside the agency
- Increased organization morale and image
Forms: There are many forms that partnerships can take. For example you can:
- Respond to a group you know well
- Respond to a group that you have not previously worked with
- Target an opportunity and make a proposal to a group
- Initiate a proactive opportunity by identifying a task or issue and issuing a call for assistance
Partnership Capital: partnerships bring resources to help accomplish tasks including:
- Friends: co-workers, other offices, other agencies, government, corporations, companies and non-profit groups that may be interested in the same goals and objectives we are.
- A high profile platform, that is both unique and desirable, to many possible partners--National Parks and the National Park Service and the Greater Washington Area! Our region, parks, expertise and image attract partners that can help us help ourselves.
- A way for our managers and knowledge workers to more effectively deal with the pace of change, the constantly increasing demand for information, and the growing complexity of the workplace--forces that are stretching people to their limits.
- A tool to manage complex relationships and ensure that our mission, and yours, will be achieved.
Core Ingredients:
- Seriousness of purpose on the part of all participants.
- An identifiable relationship between partnership goals and each organization's goals.
- Joint and full participation of each organization in the partnership's activities.
- A sustained level of mutual effort.
NCR Partnership Activities:
Heritage Tourism
Fundraising: Greater Washington National Parks Fund
Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Training, Demonstration and Collaboration
Parks, green space and recreation demonstration project
Specific Park Friends Groups and Actions
NPS Structure:
- Regional Director
- Deputy for Filed Operations
- Deputy for State, Local and Private Sector Activities (Communications; Community Outreach; Risk Management; Partnerships)
- US Park Police
- White House Liaison
- National Capital Support Office (Operations; Lands, Resources & Planning; Natural Resources; Administration)
- Parks (14)
If you have an interest in working with NPS please let me know.
For Further Information:
Glenn Eugster, NPS-NCR, 1100 Ohio Drive, SW Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
(202) 619-7492 phone
(202) 619-7220 fax
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