Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Meridian Hill Park

DRAFT Summary of April 16, 2004 Meeting between Adrienne Applewaithe-Coleman, Neil Albert, Michael Lucy and Steve Coleman re: Meridian Hill Park

Neil proposed a three-way partnership for Meridian Hill to help accomplish what is envisioned for the park.

Adrienne noted that $ 4.2 million in FY 2004 was going to the site and $1-2 million in FY 2005 was possible.

Steve said that Washington Parks and People sought a partnership to make Meridian Hill come alive, sustain the site, provide programs and make the park vital. He quoted Terry Carlstrom and said "we should get the eraser out and achieve a seamless system".

Steve suggested a 3-way partnership to boost stewardship and investment

Adrienne indicated that due to the construction the park will be a construction zone that will limit what can be done over the next two years.

Adrienne suggested that Steve submit a proposal to us that would describe the partnership he envisions.

Neil said that he hoped we would work together to have staff in the park and program activities with other facilities at 15th and Girard--a city park. He hoped that we could direct people between the two parks.

Steve said that he hoped that the partnership would sustain the park. Specifically he wants to:
  • Increase volunteers
  • Access resources at the Visitor Center
  • Access resources of BID
  • Program activities in parts of the park that aren't under construction.
  • Create a place that is vital, appreciated--to avoid gang activity, and discourages graffiti.
  • He wants a mechanism for volunteers

Neil said that he was interested in information on our construction plans. He also said that he wants to jointly provide summer entertainment and wants to work with NPS on Carter Barron. He said that we should look at all of our properties and think about the seamless system idea.

Additional discussion drifted to:
  • Ft. Circle Parks and ways we can work together
  • A visit to DC/ NPS parks by Director Mainella and Chris Jarvi
  • Donated funds for Meridian Hill that Steve is still "sitting on".

The funds that Steve has for Meridian Hill evidently are for: the visitors center; play area; and the Joan of Arc Statute.

My sense of what I hear was that:

  • Meridan Hill will be a construction zone for the next two years and increased collaboration will be difficult if not impossible.
  • Adrienne and her staff don't want to do an agreement with Washington Parks & People because of past conflicts and current concerns about what Steve and Destry are saying about NPS.
  • Neil Albert does want to work with NPS and link some of our sites in various ways using information and collaboration. Neil is also interested in ways to work on performances with us at Carter Barron.
  • There are a number of things that the Rock Creek Park staff is doing now with Washington Parks & people. This collaboration can continue without an agreement.
  • Information seems to be of interest to everyone. Perhaps Rock Creek Park could make more information available to Neil and Steve about the work underway at Meridian Hill so that accurate information will get out to people.
  • A visit by the Director, or Jarvi would serve us well if it was focused on the DC-NPS partnership rather than just a small portion of it.
  • Washington Parks & People should provide NPS with the funds it is holding for Meridian Hill before anything further is considered.

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