Saturday, May 9, 2015

Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever June 3, 2005 Event

Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever June 3, 2005 Event

BUREAU: National Park Service, National Capital Region, Regional Director’s Office/ Partnerships Office

MEMBER:  The June 3, 2005 kick-off event is planned for Rock Creek Park and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton of the District of Columbia is the member.  Trails Forever is a region wide initiative that includes 14 counties in 3 states (MD, VA, and WV) and the District of Columbia.  Numerous members will have interest.  

ISSUE:  June 3, 2005 Greater Washington National Parks Trails 
Forever initiative event.

The National Capital Region’s plan to launch the Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever initiative is a significant opportunity for NPS, and perhaps the Department and the White House, to: 1) improve services to the community by reinforcing existing trails as a way to experience the parks; 2) improve communication to the residents of metropolitan Washington, D.C. about the extensive park lands that exist and that have a direct impact on their quality of life; 3) educate and motivate the public to help ensure long-term protection of resources under the National Park Service’s care; 4) improve the public’s awareness of the National Park Service in the region; and 5) implement the NPS Director’s Legacy Initiative and 4-Year Plan “Doing Business in the 21st Century”.

Key Points: The June 3, 2005 event will:
1. Launch the Trails Forever initiative--prior to the June 4, 
2005 National Trails Day celebration.  The June 3 event will include a walk, ride and paddle lead by government and private sector figures; a volunteer trails project; and a press conference to announce the initiative. 

2. Make the public more aware of the trails of the Greater 
Washington National Parks and the recreational, health and educational opportunities they provide.  People will be invited to come and take time off and walk, ride and paddle the way to health, inspiration, recreation and education.  The public will be encouraged to participate in National Trails Day on June 4, 2005 at individual parks. 

A Washington Post news editorial will be sought to encourage people to come join NPS and park partners (possibly including NPF, Unilever, Lipton Tea, Potomac Runners and others) on any of the more than 717 miles of trails and bike paths; and  250 miles of riverfront within the 88,500 acres of the Greater Washington National Parks.

3. Identify ways that the public can contribute their time and 
money to assist the parks and trail projects including: a) existing volunteer efforts targeted to help NPS and partners to implement projects that are already underway, supplement what projects should be underway, and be the catalyst for action; b) a Trails Forever Endowment Fund to provide the public a way to donate money to supplement NPS funds for trail restoration, signage, volunteer equipment, safety, enforcement, interpretation and education.

4. Provide Trails Forever volunteers and donors with the new
Greater Washington National Park Fund logos.  Graphic logos,    developed as part of the NPS Messaging Project, will be on take-away brochures, commemorative posters, bottles of water, and pins that will be provided participants at the June 3 and 4, 2005 events. 

Background:  The goal of the Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever effort is: 

“To attract park visitors to raise greater awareness of the parks as a way to encourage them to use the parks and contribute to their stewardship”.

The project was initially proposed to the Greater Washington National Park Fund, Parks Council by Prince William Forest Park and its intended to:
  • Use existing NPS park trails to help improve the public’s awareness and support of NPS park resources and programs.
  • Promote public participation, health and fitness through trail use.
  • Attract a broad section of the community and region to engage in park activities including volunteerism.
  • Create a Trails Forever Endowment Fund for trail planning, expansion, maintenance, signage, safety, volunteerism, and enforcement.
  • Create opportunities for visitors to learn about and participate in the Greater Washington National Parks Fund.

Current Status:  The Greater Washington National Park superintendents and regional program managers have been requested by the Regional Directorate to participate in a workgroup to help organize the June 3, 2005 event.  The workgroup will respond to partner support for the effort (i.e. Potomac Runners, National Park Foundation, Unilver/ Lipton Tea, etc.) and will contact additional park-partner organizations and request them to participate in the effort (i.e. national and regional trail organizations, friends groups, etc.).  The workgroup will also coordinate this effort with National Trails Day events.

Bill Line, the NCR Communication Officer, will contact the media and coordinate with the Chief of Public Affairs.

The Regional Directorate will contact NPS headquarters about the possible involvement of the Director, Secretary or President.

A Save That Date notice is scheduled to go out on March 21, 2005 and a June 3, 2005 event rehearsal is scheduled for May 27, 2005

Prepared By:  J. Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director, Partnerships Office

Telephone Number:  (202)619-7492

Date Prepared:  February 21, 2005

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