Monday, May 11, 2015

NPS Partnership Construction Projects DRAFT SUMMARY SHEET

NPS Partnership Construction Projects
Prepared by Glenn Eugster, Partnership Office, 
National Capital Region, National Park Service
September 7, 2004 


II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short description of the project.


A.  Status in PMIS and Level of Review: Describe the PMIS #, what is the latest update, and the level of review (park only, region, WASO, DOI)

B.  Summary of Approved Budget Program: Is the project identified in some official NPS budget program such as Line Item Construction?  Planning?  Etc.?  If NPS portion is part of a larger pot of money, then also describe the other partners’ contributions and any conditions that may apply to the use of the money.

C.  Planning & Compliance: Describe the level of planning and compliance completed for the project.

D.  Summary of Development Advisory Board: Describe when the project was considered and approved by DAB.  If DAB required additional work, when was it completed and resubmitted to DAB and approved.  As part of this section, also please provide the estimated gross construction costs.

  1. Staffing and Operations Impact Analysis:  Has an analysis of the 
effect of the project on staffing and operations been completed?  Has an OFS increase request been prepared?  What priority does it have at the park and regional level?

F.  Summary of DO #21: Discussion of whether the requirements of Director’s Order #21 have been completed and whether there has been review and approval by both the National Partnership Office and the NPS Director.  Specifically address the following items:
        1. Fundraising Agreement
        2. Feasibility Study
        3. Fundraising Plan
4. Donor Recognition Plan

G.  Legal & Ethics Review: Identify the level of legal and ethics review of the project, elements of DO #21, and agreement.

  1. Congressional Review/Approval Process:  In the Appropriations 
Committee Reports, and in budget legislation over the past few years, we have been requested to seek Committee approval on construction projects that are $5 million and greater before we proceed.  Note whether any contact has occurred with the House and Senate Appropriations Committees staff and whether the project has been approved.


1.  History of The Deal: Describe the history of “the deal” and how it morphed, if it did, over time.

2.  Public Awareness Process: What information about the project has been shared with the public?  Who knows about this project and what do they know?

3.  Other:

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