Friday, May 8, 2015

Proposal for Japan-US Exchange on Non-Government Assistance and Management to the Greater Washington National Parks

Proposal for Japan-US Exchange on Non-Government Assistance and Management to the Greater Washington National Parks
February 4, 2005


This responds to a February 1, 2005 request by Ms. Akiko Fujikawa to the National Park Service, National Capital Region.  Ms. Fujikawa proposed that the National Park Service host an exchange of leaders from Japan to visit National Parks to see how non-government organizations help to maintain and protect these places.  The exchange would be in the fall of 2005.


The National Park Service, National Capital Region is willing to host a visit by Japanese leaders to selected National Parks.  The plan and the schedule of the visit will be decided working together with a representative of the visiting group.

Parks that are willing to host and exchange include, but are not limited to:

C&O Canal National Historical Park

Kevin Brandt, Superintendent of the park is willing to meet to discuss a partnership with the Potomac Conservancy.  They are rehabilitating Lock house 8, have received Challenge Cost share funds and have raised funds on their own.  They do numerous projects with us from tree planting to educational programs.  Kevin could expound for quite a while and will provide more if you are interested.  A site visit to Lock House 8 and a 100' canoe ride to Minnie's Island where they have a simple educational structure might make for an interesting place to have lunch if the weather is nice.

National Cherry Blossom Festival and Cherry Tree Fund

Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director, and Rob DeFeo, Regional Horticulturalist, are willing to meet to discuss a collaborative effort between NPS and the National Cherry Blossom Festival organization.  Each year NPS and the non-government group work together to celebrate the festival which draws 1.5 million people annually to the City and the Tidal Basin area.  The two organizations have created a Cherry Tree Replacement Fund Endowment which is used to raise private funds from individuals and corporations to replace the trees.

National Capital Parks - East

Gayle Hazelwood, Superintendent, is willing to participate in the exchange and she will involve Tracy Bowen, the President of the Alice Ferguson Foundation to discuss their work at Hard Bargain Farm and Discovery Creek.

National Mall and Monumental Core

Jim Lyons, Executive Director of the Casey Trees Endowment Fund, and someone from the National Park Service’s Center for Urban Ecology, are willing to participate and share what they are doing with an inventory of park trees, community plantings,
partnerships, and green roofs.


J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant Regional Director,
Partnerships Office
National Park Service
National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
(202)619-7492 phone
(202)619-7220 fax

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