Canaan Valley Institute AHR Partnership Meeting
December 13, 1999
Collaborative Mineland Remediation Project Proposal
Eugster 12/10/99
I. Goal: Economic, social and environmental change in a former mining region.
II. Objectives:
1. Work collaboratively on minelands remediation to help each area support local and State/ Commonwealth efforts to implement existing and new minelands remediation projects.
Increase the priority given to mineland
restoration, and the its importance to water quality, livability and economic development/ revitalization, within the Appalachian Highlands region of the U.S.
Spotlight significant existing minelands
remediation projects underway.
Link sustainability and heritage to minelands
Make greater sense out of seemingly unrelated
local initiatives (i.e. Tyranny of small solutions).
6. Learn from the success of Emscher Park in Germany and existing efforts in the Appalachian Highlands region.
7. Others???
III. Area of Interest:
All, or portions of, New River AHR; Potomac AHR; Upper Susquehanna AHR; SW Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Committee; and possibly others (i.e. Cheat River Valley, WV; Nine-Mile Run, Pittsburgh, PA., Delaware & Lehigh Navigation Canal National Heritage Corridor, PA. etc.)
IV. Possibly Collaborators:
1. Community Partners Organizations from the Potomac, Upper Susquehanna-Lackawanna and New AHR’s.
U.S. Office of Surface Mining, Al Comp (contacted)
SW Pennsylvania Heritage Preservation Committee, Randy Cooley (contacted)
Glynwood center, Judith LaBelle (contacted)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of International Activities (contacted)
Emscher Park, Michael Schwarze-Rodrian (contacted)
Canaan Valley Institute (contacted)
8. U.S. Department of State, Germany Office, Regina Shariff (contacted)
9. Delaware & Lehigh Navigational Canal National heritage Corridor Commission, Al Sachse (contacted)
10. EPA Region III, Glenn Hansen (contacted)
V. Other Possible Collaborators:
Ruhr Coal Company, Germany and WV
Mettiki Coal Corporation, Dave Thomas
MD Department of the Environment, Bureau of Mines, Mary Lynn Pegg
Appalachian Regional Commission
VI. Options for Collaboration:
International Exchange: Design and implement an international exchange to visit Emscher Park in Germany, and/ or, to bring Emscher Park experts to the Appalachian Highlands Region in 2000 or 2001.
2. Appalachian Highlands Exposition: Seek State/ Commonwealth, and/ or National recognition to make the Appalachian Highlands region a “ National or International Minelands Remediation Exposition to:
Showcase existing projects;
Develop and implement new projects;
Illustrate the latest thinking in ecological (including human ecology/ cultural heritage) and economic regeneration of former minelands;
Assist communities develop spatial planning guidelines;
Information Exchange: Exchange information on Emscher Park and other innovative mineland remediation projects.
4. Recognize Existing Efforts: Inventory and spatially describe existing mineland remediation projects within the region (see Innovations at the Local Level, Chesapeake Bay Program Projects).
5. Minelands Forum: Hold a conference in 2000 or 2001 to discuss innovative approaches to minelands remediation.
6. Others???
VII. Next Steps:
Opt-In or Opt-Out in writing to the Canaan Valley Institute
If in identify a person to serve on an Appalachian Highlands Minelands Remediation Workgroup.
Review options and other handout materials and provide comments by no later than January 14, 2000.
Seek other possibly collaborators within your work area.
Agree to help with a two-page proposal to circulate to collaborators and funders. The proposal could be done using conference calls and e-mail or at a one-day work session with a broader group.
Other ideas?
VIII. Schedule:
2001 budget process
Assistance schedule from agencies and corporations??
Controversy over mineland issues in 1999 timely
AHR results needed sooner than later.
IX. What Do You Think?
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