Friday, July 8, 2011

Jaeger Tract

Mr. Amir Ahmad
Community Management Company
c/o AD& C Management Company
PO Box 673
College Park, Maryland 20741

March 1, 2002

Dear Mr. Ahmad,

This letter follows our recent conversations about the status of our appraisal for the Jaeger Tract for public purchase as an addition to Greenbelt National Park.
As we discussed earlier this week, the appraisal for the Jaeger Tract has been completed and is undergoing National Park Service (NPS) review by our headquarters office. Although the appraisal was completed earlier it was rejected by NPS. The appraiser was required to revise the appraisal to insure that it complies with the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition.

We anticipate that our internal review will be completed anytime now. As soon as we have an approved appraisal we will contact you to arrange for a meeting and provide you with a copy of the document.

We regret the continuing delays due to other priorities, the holidays and the need for revisions.
State, local and private sector efforts to raise funds to help with the public purchase of the Jaeger Tract continue. In addition to commitments of local government and private sector funds, the State of Maryland General Assembly is considering Senate Bill 475 to authorize a $200,000 State match towards the acquisition of the Jaeger Tract. Senator Paul G. Pinsky introduced the bill on February 1, 2002 and Senator Leo E. Green has agreed to co-sponsor the bill.

I understand that while you are collaborating with us that your plans for developing the Jaeger Tract will continue. It is our hope that at the end of this period we will be able to make a proposal and a commitment to purchase the property using a combination of federal and non-federal funds. If it is at all possible for your company to delay committing additional funds to the proposed development until we present you with our appraisal, we encourage you to do so.
We greatly appreciate your willingness to work with us. Should you have any questions please contact me at (202) 619-7492.

J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant Regional Director,
Partnerships Office
cc. John Hale, NPS-NCP-East
Mike McLauglin, City of Greenbelt
Joseph Cook, NPS-NCR
Robin Pritchard, NPT

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