National Parks Centennial Initiative Public Listening Session
National Capital Region
Women in the Military Service for America Memorial
Arlington, VA
March 27, 2007
5:00 to 7:00 pm
Park superintendents and the Regional Office leadership held a public Listening Session for the Greater Washington National Parks on Tuesday March 27, 2007 at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial in Arlington, Virginia to gather ideas. More than 100 people attended this meeting.
The meeting included welcoming remarks, a DVD on National Parks, and an overview of the Centennial Initiative by Regional Director Joseph Lawler; a question and answer period; and an opportunity for participants to share their comments and ideas with park superintendents at three listening posts.
The public was also encouraged to participate in the Centennial Initiative by talking to one of the regional managers or superintendents; filling out the Centennial comment form and returning it to NPS, and entering their ideas in the National Park Centennial Initiative website— A business card-size handout, which is attached, was provided to people with information on the Centennial Initiative, website address and the Greater Washington National Parks.
The comments that were recorded by National Park Service facilitators at the March 27, 2007 meeting follow. Ideas that were submitted on comment forms are also included.
Question #1. Imagine you, your children, or future generations enjoying national parks in 2016 and beyond. What are your hopes and expectations?
A widespread appreciation for what’s there.
By 2016 the backlog of projects will be eliminated.
Like to see more ownership by neighbors and visitors to the parks hours of operation
Safety concerns-need for USPP presence
Education role of the parks is important.
◦ Fresh updated interpretation
◦ New multi-media types (pod casts)
◦ Increase staff for personal contacts
◦ Change up the education opportunities
◦ Would like to have professionals/ experts giving presentations
Proximity of parks to people are essential
Connect the parks to the other National Park and the environmental issues as a whole
Visitor demographics reflect US population as a whole
New parks added to the system
◦ Special research projects
Museums and interpretation using the newest technology available
Universal accessibility at all parks
Consider impacts of drilling and other issues
Identify and acquire additional lands especially historic sites
◦ Adjacent land to existing parks (CHOH)
◦ Adjacent land that is thematic
I hope that we will have National Parks in which history is interpreted objectively, nature is protected, and commercialization is not a factor—Ned Preston
Advocate investment in our parks especially natural and cultural resources in the Potomac Gorge area (CHOH and GWMP)
Parks need to be relevant to today and with a historic identity
[NPS] Changes how it reaches out to a diverse audience
A picture of the populous today to be more inclusive “right from the beginning”
Parks in NPS as pristine and with the visual quality at least as good as today. Many threats—overdevelopment, visual intrusion—take National treasures out of context—how do we prevent this, or re-orient development somewhere else. Protect viewsheds. NPS has viewshed powers.
Long-term plans so that grandchildren can enjoy nature
Would like to see NP system known, loved, and relevant to ALL segments of society. Not adequate public information, to let everyone know about the NPS. Need to tell stories of American history and life. Want them fully funded.
Lots of holes in National Parks, where boundaries are not adequately defined and funded. Lots of protected areas could reasonably be connected, could fully protect wildlife, etc.
Complete protection of all lands inside designated park boundaries compatible with park purposes
Connect parks with other protected areas (to enhance wildlife habitat, recreational uses, etc.)
Want parks to matter to future generations, must experience today if they are to matter to future. Learn about and engage in stewardship, opportunities for hiking, etc.
To stop the high rates of obesity. Really engage people—by 2016. Part of culture for people to use parks for daily healthy activities. Inclusivity of how we can improve health, making parks more interactive—downloadable pod casts, etc. get historical information while exercising, making hiking, walking, paddling more valuable.
Stimulate respect for parks—partnerships are necessary. Park experience must be had by kids at most basic level—neighborhood parks, etc. Partnership programs that extend beyond boundary must be sustained.
Connecting kids with nature, local, urban parks—keep those partnerships
Some focus on acquiring inholdings in national parks—some 6 million, within National parks, that is currently privately owned.
Keep opportunities alive to teach people, especially kids
When I see a USPP horse patrol officer, that I know that there are regular stall washings, on site support, proper fencing for paddock facilities kept up to code, past control systems in place. Care of the horse’s health and safety of horse. Don’t want all officers doing same jobs. Properly staffed, feeding schedules, etc.
Huge commitment to sustainability—make the parks of the future places of great beauty, restore to the highest values. Connect with children. Places that are accessible to all ages and abilities. Focus on the urban nature of parks—a national park in an urban environment
A state-federal collaboration between school systems and NPS. Curriculum requirement would be exposure to NPS for students. Educate youth in this incredible system, all the values, cultures, connections to history.
More information on Chesapeake Bay. More NPS protection of the bay, protect from overdevelopment, protect Bay at national level. It’s such a huge part of our lives and history.
Give parks legal capabilities and resources to uphold the law—for example Harpers Ferry sewer line built on park land—make sure we have adequate tools and resources to uphold these
NPS would do more to proactively promote their programs—especially for children. Leads partnership programs, would like NPS rangers to interact more with these programs, involve kids in Junior Ranger programs, etc. More ranger involvement with kids
Partner with, say, 3rd graders now, so in 2016 they’ll be deeply immersed in park experiences and park values. Websites, web links, more proactive partnerships
Additional Comments
Protect the natural areas
See adequate maintenance/ protection/ investment in these natural areas
Appreciation for authenticity...standing on the site(s) where history happened
Endeavor to be more inclusive in engaging a broader and more diverse public especially our youth. R. Hagood
Question # 2 What role do you think national parks should play in the lives of Americans and visitors from around the world?
National Parks=American ideals-life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. For culture and history and nature. Preserve the greater meanings of artifacts, icons. Be living, breathing symbols of NPS mission.
Come alive to ensure lasting constituency
Democracy=all of us working with NPS to preserve National Parks
See closer relationship with National Park Service and schools. NPS=future generations.
Bring kids to parks/ bring parks to kids, especially for schools without access
Enjoy parks in different ways. For example, sanctuaries.
The challenge: answer desires and needs in system
Greater impact of actually going to park than internet. “Great source but it’s not the park”.
American Public Schools. State/ Federal collaboration
Role of parks in preserving natural space. Unique urban environment inner
◦ Special program: evaluate land for easement, protection area
◦ Matching funds from communities
Acquire, use more, volunteers—Ft. Hunt history lessons. 1-day, 1-year. Better leverage resources
When international visitors go home they come away knowing geographic diversity, know we take our heritage seriously
NPS = matchmaker between nonprofits and schools. Help relieve budget woes
More stories of people of color (examples UGRR, Buffalo soldiers). This will break down barriers
National parks serve roles in society. National parks need to understand how society is evolving/ respond to how society evolves. All stories show how society evolves
Greater source of inspiration
◦ Way of learning about America
◦ Gap in not seeing anything in public forums and outreach
Incorporating diverse history of the people of America
Scope of the NPS is huge
◦ Geography of our country as caretakers
◦ Total history lesson is the National park Services
Be more cognizant of the need of the American public
◦ Variety of experiences. We need the stories to be valued and told.
◦ Reinvigorate the public
Role of park to provide authentic experience. No substitute for being at the place
Trips planned around NPS
◦ At state visitor center needed to tell people about sites
◦ Work with states to help inform on park sites within the state
Partnership between board of education and NPS
People take responsibility—others copy their actions
NPS = welcomers to overseas visitors. Customs = rules and regs. Who greets foreign visitors and tells them all the wonders that are here?
NPS = National priority. Through improving funding. $ is where mouth is.
International, persistent outreach to schools
2016 projects—focus on classes that will graduate in 2016 to learn and be ambassadors to other students regarding NPS
NPS-expand and build on role as environmental leader—internally and externally. Look to other agencies for existing programs and role models
Pipeline—Jr. Rangers-YCC-SCA-seasonal-permanent
Lack of rangers—need more staff
NPS leaders—build stronger role in communities. Serve on board, etc. Will help strongly connect with communities. Stop the wrong impression that NPS doesn’t care about the communities.
Target young children
--Expand age range for Junior Ranger Program
--Tweens and teen age range
--Active participation
Lack of ranger
--Ranger stations with no rangers
Where to get stats for NPS statistics?
Decline in visitation a concern in Mather’s time
--Short term cycle is not particularly informative
--Determine and implement carrying capacity at each park
--Not a reason to cut budget
YELL and GRTE summer (JGH) vacation—didn’t feel crowded. (Was surprised at this—why? Is visitation down?) Are parks competing and with what? The web? Play station? More IPODS?
--Why aren’t parents taking them? Gas prices? 9/11? War? Economy? Vacation time shortened? Shifting demographics?
Look at international affairs office. NPS used to be a leader, train international park staffs. No longer do this. Doing this again will increase foreign visitors to come here.
More multi-lingual brochures, etc.
Park service can do a better job in attracting young people who live far away from “bigger” parks.
--Boy Scouts
--Girl scouts
Subsidize to allow students to go beyond the city to other parks (Yellowstone, Acadia)
Hands on activities
--Conservation practices such as trails and clean-ups
Create programs and work with community
--Educate student and help educate the public
Sense of awareness through active involvement
Be more inclusive-more forums with communities. Focus on core NPS roles-share, encourage people to become involved. Focus on what NPS does best—share this in various ways—volunteers, schools, etc.
Actively involve the next generation. Hands on—do a better job at this to engage youth. They need to feel like they are making a difference. Real work projects, service learning.
Focus on human resources. Strategize how to reach next generation of workers, especially since baby Boomers are retiring. 60% of NPS leaders are eligible to retire.
Institutionalize partnerships to reach new generations. Americorps, YCC, SCA, etc.
We’ve lost the “farm teams”. Get them back.
SCA, etc=same equity as STEP, SCEP
Make nongovernment sponsored partner groups
--Similar to a STEP/ SCEP (come in non-competitively)
--Increase field people
--Increase diversity of people
Seasonal army
--Increase seasonals
--Create progression
--Feed into system
--Education initiative
Look at all types of modes to tap into resources
Reach urban and rural youth
Recurring themes—need $, staffing. What can NPS do to get more $? Tap into corporations—match with non-profits to address $ needs. Steer them so it’s done correctly.
Question #3: What are the Signature Projects and Programs that you think should be highlighted for completion over the next 10 years?
Merry-Go-Round available at one of the sites with ample parking/concession
Glen-Echo 1940/1950- bring back the amusement park (Marshall Hall)
Boat trip from DC to Marshall Hall (Formerly the Wilson Line)
Protect the Potomac Palisades- has to be an ongoing effort
Glen Echo- protect from adverse development
Restoration of Pierce Mill in Rock Creek Park
o Needs additional $ to complete
o Much of funding that has been raised- has been private- need for federal $
o Need $300,000 over the next months to complete
C & O Canal Association
o Continuity of towpath from DC to Cumberland, MD
o Big Slack Water- there are many breaks in towpath- and consequently many safety concerns
o Repair Aqueducts- (ex: Catoctin)
Develop more public retreat areas in parks
Georgetown Waterfront Park-
o Active organization
o Raised $12 million to date- no federal $
o Friends of Georgetown Water front park are active
· US Park Police- Volunteer, Horse Mounted Patrol
o 5 Barns need work
o Renovation of Park Police Horse Mounted Stalls- signature project
o Well Being
o Matching- foundation setup to support
o Safety of Officers
o Fencing, washing, and paddock are important
· Increase access to parks
· Fort Circle Parks- Ft Totten needs more people (rangers, police)
· Stephen Mather’s Report of early 1900s- NPS needs priorities of projects/programs, rather than a hodgepodge of listed programs
· Jr. Ranger Program
o Increase Scale of existing programs
o Evaluation of Programs is needed
o Many programs are outdated
o Programs need to be more interactive
· Elwha River Restoration- should be complete by 2016
· Everglades Restoration Project
· NPS Flood Control levees to protect Washington, DC- needs emergency preparedness plans, engineering assessment
· Trips for Kids- Metro DC
o Program designed to link surrounding community to Ft. DuPont Park and other GWNP
o Improve links on how people connect to parks- get people into parks
o Great opportunity to connect with new users
Apostle Islands need restoring
Grand Canyon Initiative: limiting emissions and noise- this program should be expanded to other parks
Ancient History of America and of the Land needs to be told better
Appalachian Trail should be utilized as a mega transect to engage citizen scientists-
o Opportunity to add relevancy in the classroom
· There should be a celebration in the Nation’s Capital- invest in linking parks in NCR for this celebration
National Park Trust-
o Secure in holding within NPS system- land acquisition
o Stewardship funding to turn private land into scenic easements
· NCR is special resource- equalize parks funding among GWNP
· The Nature Conservancy-
o Investment in developing old anglers area as gateway to Potomac Gorge
o Improved levels of funding to CHOH/GWMP for land protection, restoration, and management
· Opportunity to use parks as a model for Climate Change- in the classroom and for the general public
· Embody artful partnerships
· C & O Canal- Land protection program- $ used for land acquisition
· Tell the stories of NCR- and this living City
o Invest $ into this story- and this $ could leverage a whole new constituency
· 3000 new park rangers- opportunities to engage rangers/public in the field
· Invest in Regional Recreation Coordinators
· Look beyond the Marketing National Parks- Extend parks into the communities
· Utilize and integrate RTCA and WSR, and other park service programs
· National Recreation Parks Association-
o Concerned about funding being taken from existing programs to fund Centennial Initiative
o $ coming from Land acquisition
o NPS should look at projects that promote healthy activities/behavior
o Alternative access/transportation to parks is needed
· Wolf Trap Foundation-
o Extend Partnerships with NPS by creating program “Face America”
o Program will excite people to visit their national parks
· Georgetown Waterfront Park- bring it to completion, invest in an interactive fountain
· Climate Friendly Parks program should be extended to the entire system
· Parks should be used to demonstrate how to use energy more efficiently (lights, heating, etc)
· NPS Human Resource needs over next 10 years- should be analyzed and implemented
o There should be a complimentary plan established for outreach of future workforce
· Center for Urban Ecology should form a partnership to develop methodology to develop NPS Carrying capacity
· Lack of research of Park resources
· We need to do a better job at highlighting people of color- Buffalo Soldiers, Latino, Asian stories
· Need to get our stories out to the public
· National Capital Park Planning Commission- celebration of the all the parks/resources in the NCR
· Involvement in Education at the college age is needed
o NPS should be at Job Fairs/College Fairs
o Establish Ranger development programs at College level- similar to ROTC
· Need for more volunteer/internship opportunities to pass on institutional knowledge
· 150th Anniversary of the Civil War and Bicentennial of the War of 1812
· Greater DC Healthy Recreation Alliance-
o Need to utilize parks- linking the tools already developed to the existing places/spaces
o Linking through “Start” program
o Encouraging and supporting walking clubs and other recreation clubs
· America’s Obesity Issues- we need to encourage people to take charge of their health- integrating recreation into our programs, especially the Jr. Ranger Programs
· Rock Creek Trails and Bridges need attention- and maintenance upkeep
· Langston Golf Course- 68 year old project needs completion
· Protect and preserve the special culture of the NPS
· Bring back interpretation- too many places have no faces or words to link the resources to the visitors
Museum of the NPS project
Commitment to Gen Y- Integrate 20th Century technology (GIS, iPods, etc)
o Train existing staff to make sure they are familiar with new technology
Urban kids uncomfortable in outdoor parks
o Bring urban kids to larger outdoor parks utilizing photography/art programs
o Highlight photos in a DC art museum
Connect to Generation Y- engage this generation with internships and technology
o Gen Y Summit
Build a system between parks (natural and cultural) and schools/young people- parks are good learning places, and good places to make connections
We need to make these programs interesting/relevant to young people
Increase the capacity and ability to transport youth to parks- in turn increasing the accessibility of these parks
Carter G. Woodson Home place-
o Opportunities to connect young people to history- American history
· Human Resources in NPS are the more important resources- let us not forget this
· Point of Rocks (CHOC)- should be used as an interpretive gateway/center, needs more interpretation
· NPS needs to do a better job at inter-generational outreach, get generations working together at different sites
OTHER (scribe yourself)
Protection of Natural resources (nation-wide)
Fort Circle part of a regional system
o Enhance/Develop the story of the Civil War Defenses of Washington
Reaching out to diverse audiences
Specific Program that deals with urban parks- healthy and sustainable
Smaller parks receive more funding for ranger programs/campground improvements
o Big difference between large and smaller parks
Fort Circle Parks- (all of them)
o Need support: staffing (police, interpretive rangers, leadership), funding, especially – stabilization/restoration or archeological sites/civil war fortifications.
o Development of hiking/biking trail to link them
o Interpretive material- brochures and new signage
o Scientific research and natural resource programs
o Outreach to surrounding communities, local organizations, schools, etc
o Programs to encourage people to enjoy the parks
Tap Appalachian Trail as a ‘mega-transect’ modeling a National Scale Citizen Science and place-based service- learning to engage partners and youth
Passing Thoughts Page
You are all under the gun from your “boss” and you are handling yourselves with aplomb. Thank you for working so diligently and creatively.
National Parks Centennial Initiative Public Listening Session—Written Comments
National Capital Region
Women in the Military Service for America Memorial
Arlington, VA
March 27, 2007
5:00 to 7:00 pm
The following written comments were provided to the National Park Service by attendees during the March 27, 2007 Centennial Initiative Listening Session.
Comment Form 1
Rock Creek Park- Washington, D.C.
Rock Creek Park sustained substantial damage in the June 2006 flood- Rolling Meadow Bridge was damaged, there was significant erosion along Rock Creek and a heavily used hiking trail, the Valley Trail, has been imperiled. The Potomac Appalachian Trail Club contributes substantial resources to maintain hiking trails in Rock Creek Park, among others, but we cannot protect the river banks of Rock Creek. The NPS must devote the resources to armor the banks and fix the bridges over the creek. Then, volunteers can maintain these trails. At present, the Valley Trail is closed due to erosion between Sherrill and Military Roads and is in serious trouble beneath West Beach Drive Bridge.
- Alex Sanders
District Manager- DC Metro
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
Comment Form 2
Please do use Centennial Opportunity to make the National Park System relevant to the future generations by using he parks as classrooms and iconic feature to tell stories of healthy ecosystems and impacts of climate change.
o Use the Appalachian Trail as a ‘mega-transect’ modeling a national scale- citizen science and place-based service learning project to engage partners and youth
Comment Form 3
Projects: The Greater DC Healthy Recreation Alliance
o Key Stakeholders: NPS, American Heart Association, DC Government
o Minor Stakeholders: Local organizations with complimentary programs
o Program Components: utilize parks in the nation’s capital as sites for healthy recreation
o Health- American Heart Association, Location- NPS, People/Promotion- DC Government
Junior Rangers- Healthy Recreation focus- Program materials and health structure provided by the AHA and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s “Go Healthy Challenge”
Business Commuters- Use Parks for walking/alt. trans route to work- AHA’s “Start!” targets and encourages business to use walking as a way to reduce health costs due to inactivity
Women- Through “Go Red for Women”- use parks for sites to meet, exercise learn about women/movements
Tools: Podcasts that are times and themed for running/walking routes in national parks that allow user to get historical/locational information that corresponds to what they are passing
Maps with health information and walking distances that connect parks/go through parks and encourage users to be healthy in their exercise program
Comment Form 4
Question #2- Role of Parks for Americans and World
o Educational- explain and stimulate recreational = air, ground, water
§ Preservation- land and cultural and interpretation- resources of USA
o Tax Dollars = Public facility of the citizenry and as such parks should be free- communitcate to the world
o Inter-Agency with Department of state, Acitivel interface with embassies and legations as a part of public diplomacy to better convey this aspect of an environmentally politically, and economically responsible America.
o Better use NPS professionals as ambassadors of natural and cultural resources
- B.F. Cooling
75100 Brookville Rd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Comment Form 5
Question #3- Signature Projects and Programs
o Emphasize, fund, and complete land acquisition, historic ground and structures at Monocacy National Battlefield
o Emphasize, fully fund, and implement and complete projects at Fort Donelson National Battlefield, and better integrate with Forts Henry and Heiman in Tenn/KY
o Undertake an upgrade of all cultural and natural facilities at Battleground National Cemetary and Fort Stevens
o Undertake a partnering with Department of Defense- Department of the Army, City of DC Government in BRAC process to ensure remaining battlefield land of battle of Fort Stevens
o Separate and establish an individual Forts Circle Park for CW Defenses of Washington to better preserve and interpret unique resource
- B.F. Cooling
75100 Brookville Rd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Comment Form 6
Funding for Land projects- acquisition of in holdings (privately owned land) within our national and state parks
Funding for local land trusts to provide stewardship money for establishing conservation easements in key view sheds and wildlife migration corridors
Funding to create and expand existing parks
- Grace Lee
Executive Director
National Park Trust
Comment Form 7
Question #1- Hopes and Expectations
o That the NPS and a National System of Parks even exists given spending priorities of the US Government
o Fully funded, managed, and communicated to public as a public trust
o Properly legislated and implemented land acquisition and preservation program with Boundary expansion
o A better balanced representation of diverse, ethnic, and cultural heritage- demographic awareness
o Better educational program taken off-site as well as on-site
o Better integration of natural and cultural resouces on site
o Better partnering with organizations like National Trust for Historic Preservation, civil war preservation trust, other government levels
o Better Informative interpretive on-site improvements
o Better urban community involvement
- B.F. Cooling
75100 Brookville Rd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Comment Form 8
Q 2- Preserve and present history through national parks, memorials, and monuments
Q3- If not a signature project, suggest that the preservation of the WWII concentration camps all be recognized in some way as national monuments or memorials. I understand that two sites of camps are on Indian Reservations and require collaborative negotiations with other agencies and nations. How will this be accomplished, if at all?
Security to prevent defacing and touching historical sites located in remote and rural areas are a concern. How will the NPS address this issue knowing there are resource constraints?
Conversation is indicative of traditional methods to reach the interested public. Suggest using more traditional means- Utube, RSS, Blog, etc.- Get with it NPS!
Q3- Continue to support with JA NPF for the JA Camp and Veterans Memorial at 7th and D Streets, NW.
- Thomas M Keirihara
Former Concentration Camp Resident
Comment Form 9
Establish, Fund, and Staff an independent Fort Circle or Civil Defenses of Washington Park- as an autonomous unit of Greater Washington National Parks
Either construct a new visitor center or better utilize the battleground National Cemetery lodge to properly integrate the critical battle of Fort Stevens for the public
Initiate better integration of NPS interpretive programs in DC, MD, VA public and private schools
Invigorate partnering with DC, MD, VA local government entities
Get NPS bureaucrats out of offices and old procedures mindsets to infuse new ideas, initiatives and procedures into a hidebound, legacy organization
Acquire additional land at Monocacy to restore integrity north of new visitor center, restore all historic structures, cultivated fields and forested lands, roads, trails, fencing, etc.
- B.F. Cooling
75100 Brookville Rd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Comment Form 10
Compel the elected officials of the US Government (congress, executive branch) to fully restore funding and staffing at level requisite to properly implement programs, acquisition, preservation of the whole National Park System
Complete land acquisition under current Congressional Boundary limits and request expansion of such where necessary and indispensable to preservation and interpretation of all maintained sites
Properly restore all original historic site integrity (land, cover, structures) to proper time- frame of said site. Fund accordingly.
Maintain Government owned/Government staffed National Park System
Reevaluate professional pay grade system to properly compensate trained professional staff
Implement a public education program- on and offsite to infer an American public with physical, cultural, and ecological indispensability of National Parks
- B.F. Cooling
75100 Brookville Rd.
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Comment Form 11
Expand Great Falls Park and extend the Mather Gorge of the Potomac to include federal ownership of both shores- between Great Falls and the Capital Beltway. To preserve the natural shoreline and heights for visual and natural and cultural history for future generations
Create National American International Memorial in the Black Hills of SD- incorporate the Crazy Horse private venture- complete the project by 2020. To celebrate the cultures and character of America per-European influence. To remind our children of the expanse and resources and our need to conserve- and respect those who proceeded us as stewards of America.
Establish Piedmont/Great Valley Gateway- on the Great Wagon Road Route- On the Potomac River at Williams Port
Replace mission and stolen cast bronze, carved stone parts of monuments and memorials: McClellan Mem., Sherman Mem., Peace Mem., Joan of Arc., Jackson Statue, Thomas wreaths, Hahnemann Fountain
- Glenn DeMarr
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