District of Columbia, Parks and Recreation—National Park Service, National Capital Region DRAFT Meeting Summary
July 10, 2003
Prepared by Glenn Eugster, NPS-NCR 7/29/03
Attendees: NPS: Gentry Davis, Terry Carlstrom, Sally Blumenthal, Steve Syphax, Gayle Hazelwood, John Parsons (part), Patrick Gregerson, Glenn Eugster; DC: Neil Albert, Michael Lucy, Ted Pochter, Leslie Shinn; Other: Steve Coleman, Washington Parks & People, Destry Jarvis, Outdoor Recreation & Park Services, Inc.; Carl Cole, many affiliations.
The meeting began with brief remarks from Terry Carlstrom and Glenn Eugster of NPS. Mr. Eugster explained the origin of this collaboration and briefly described the meeting agenda.
Maps: The group reviewed a Geographic Information System map that was prepared by Tammy Stidham of NPS and discussed it.
Joint Ventures Conference: Destry Jarvis noted that he, and others, had been selected to present a panel on “The Future of Parks & Recreation” at the November 2003 Joint Ventures Conference in Los Angeles, CA. He indicated that a State and City Park Director and a social scientist will join him on the panel.
Glenn Eugster confirmed that a panel that was suggested by DC, NPS, and Washington Parks & People on “Washington-City in the Woods” had been selected for the November conference as well. The panel will include someone from NPS, DC Parks & Recreation, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, and Washington Parks & People.
Carl Cole suggested that the group consider including someone from the business community on the panel. He said that the business community was interested in green space and that a representative from the Board of trade, Committee of 100, or the Federal City Council would be a good addition. Carl said that green is the most lucrative landmass of all the open space in the metro region.
Terry Carlstrom suggested that perhaps Carl Cole could be a part of this panel. Steve Coleman noted that the City is contracting with Bill Morris of UVA to do a whitepaper on parks—or green assets.
Patrick Gregerson asked whether the conference would have poster sessions and suggested it would be good to highlight the work of the Anacostia River.
Regional Vision: John Parsons noted the interest of Patty Gallagher of the National Capital Planning Commission in parks, open space and recreation areas. He said that 1967 was the last time an Open Space Plan was done for the region and that NCPC has offered to be the official planning forum to do that. He also noted that DC is doing a Request for Proposals for a new park plan. Parsons urged the group to look at the whole city to assess parks and needs, to identify what we have and what is missing.
In response to Parsons’ remarks Neil Albert indicated that the NCPC effort would enhance the DC effort. Sally Blumenthal said that NCPC could help with open space beyond NPS and DC lands. Ted Pochter said that he will look at recreation services and that NCPC could help to erase the boundaries between different jurisdictions.
Destry Jarvis continued the discussion by indicating that the areas outside of DC are important because of the connecting areas or areas that draw from the region. He suggested that NCPC’s focus would be on DC rather than the region. Carl Cole reaffirmed this point by adding that the broader business community works across boundaries.
John Parsons continued by saying that he wants to promote the regional effort with NCPC. Patrick Gregerson added that he works with transportation agencies, DC, and MD National Parks & Planning on bicycle connections.
John Parsons urged the group to help by providing his office with comments on the Ft. Circle Parks Plan. He said that he wants comments as soon as possible and that he would accept comments after the July 15 deadline.
NPS-DC Parks & Recreation Liaison: Carl Cole suggested to the group that there be a permanent liaison relationship between DC and NPS. Sally Blumenthal indicated that NPS has this arrangement with States, for programs such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund. She suggested that we also need to look at the Land and Water Conservation Fund appropriation that DC gets and try to increase it. Ted Pochter indicated that the proposed CARA legislation had suggested that more funds be given to DC.
Destry Jarvis noted that Tom Ross of NPS headquarters was doing analysis of the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Act Program formula that is being used for cities. Steve Coleman urged the group to look at other options for funding. He said we need to use an interagency-private sector effort.
Carl Cole reminded the group that the perception of many is that DC parks are already funded.
Destry Jarvis suggested that we convene a meeting of all park directors to discuss this idea. He also stressed the need to focus on park, open space and recreation areas on the ground that are real.
Watts Branch: Steve Coleman made some opening remarks about the effort to restore and revitalize watts Branch. He stressed the importance of this NPS-owned stream valley park and the need to work one step at a time with a hand and glove partnership.
Gayle Hazelwood said that National Capital Parks-East could help with a joint map and guide. Gentry Davis indicated that graphic assistance might be available for such a product from Sheperdstown College in WV and pointed to the recent NPS-NCR Annual report as an example of that type of service.
2004 Conference: Glenn Eugster described plans underway to hold 2004 parks, open space, and recreation area conference.
In response to Mr. Eugster’s remarks, Sally Blumenthal suggested that the forum be similar to the recent Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail Conference. Carl Cole urged the group to share expertise for horticultural services and provide advice and counseling services to communities as a way to develop relationships and share expertise. He also noted discussions that DC was having with Casey trees.
Steve Coleman suggested that there be a joint needs assessment for all DC parks. In response to Mr. Coleman’s comments Terry Carlstrom noted the “Business Plans” that NPS has developed for Central, C & O Canal and Harpers Ferry. He noted that NPS-NCR has a needs assessment and that it is available from Ed Duffy. He also urged Ted Pochther to contact Jim Sherald of NPS’s Center for Urban Ecology for more information on needs.
DC Master Plan: Ted Pochter noted that a facility assessment is being done for DC’s parks. It will include a demand survey and a recreation services delivery analysis.
Follow-up Actions:
Steve Coleman offered to explore options for the group to share a List Server
The next meeting is proposed to be in late September or early October. The group agreed that we should use the meeting to visit an area and add other DC, NPS and private partners. Glenn Eugster agreed to facilitate the meeting arrangements and suggestions for a meetign location.
Glenn Eugster agreed to check on a proposed meeting that was to be held between DC, Washington Parks & people and Chris Jarvi and Brian O’Neill of NPS.
Glenn Eugster agreed to arrange a work session for the Washington: A City in the Woods Panel Presentation as soon as NPS headquarters provides the team with more information for the November conference.
Steve Coleman agreed to make a formal request to NPS for the NCR park needs assessment.
Ted Pochter agreed to contact Jim Sherald of NPS to discuss further collaboration with Casey trees.
Gayle Hazelwood agreed to organize a work session on the Watts branch effort.
Sally Blumenthal agreed to work with John Parsons and report on the NCPC Board Retreat.
All the participants agreed to seek and provide comments on the Ft. Circle Parks Plan.
Leslie Shinn and Patrick Gregerson agreed to continue to work on GIS Mapping.
Terry Carlstrom agreed to get back to DC with a person that will serve as the parks, open space and recreation area liaison.
Glenn Eugster agreed to help convene a meeting to discuss the proposed 2004 parks, open space and recreation area conference.
Leslie Shinn will send the group a DC Parks Master Plan Request for Proposal
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