East Coast Partnership Agreement
Whereas, the leadership of the National Park Service (NPS) is a very strong proponent of partnerships and will encourage a high level of outreach and collaborative work to promote our mission, and the related goals of our partners. And,
Whereas working with partners expands our capabilities and challenges us to work better. And,
Whereas our most effective work results from this engagement with others, where the collective efforts extend our influence and that of our collaborators. And,
Whereas in looking to the future, the Service has great potential to serve the public more effectively–as a steward, educator, environmental leader, and advocate for a nationwide parks, open space, historic places, and outdoor recreation network. And,
Whereas energized by this vision, the Service believes that the power of the park idea has a larger purpose--to create a citizenry committed to conserving its heritage and its home on earth. And,
Whereas the leadership of NPS is a very strong proponent of partnerships and will encourage a high level of outreach and collaborative work to promote our mission. And,
Whereas to achieve that level, we need to continue to hone our partnering and fundraising skills—consistent with Director’s Order #21:Donations & Fundraising, learn from our success and evaluate our missteps. And,
Now, therefore, we the undersigned representatives of the National Park Service, commit ourselves to preserving--unimpaired--the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations and to cooperate with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.
We Agree:
To explore the feasibility of creating a real, or virtual, East Coast Partnership Center to provide information, assistance, funding and training on the art of partnerships and fundraising.
To share information and perspectives on the art of partnering, fundraising, best practices and innovations with the parks, park-partners, Regional Offices, the Washington Office, and other interested parties.
To build a cadre of partnership advocates and practitioners within NPS that can work towards increasing collaborative work with others and enhancing the effectiveness of these efforts in fulfilling our mission.
To work with the National Partnership Office, and other regions, on a strategy for partnership training.
To hold periodic forums and workshops on partnerships and fundraising.
To collaborate, as appropriate, on cross-region partnership issues and projects.
To encourage partners to communicate with each other between parks and regions, sharing their skills, mentoring the less experienced partners, and strengthening their understanding of partnership opportunities.
Finally, we agree to report annually on progress in the implementation of this agreement, beginning May 22, 2003.
Date: May 22, 2002
For the Southeast Region (SER)
For the National Capital Region (NCR)
For the Northeast Region (NER)
For Cultural Resource Stewardship & Partnerships
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