November 21, 2001
Dear Friends,
The results of the last Pencader Heritage Area (USA) Steering Committee
follow. Over the next two weeks I'll be in contact with those of you that have
expressed interest in the idea of a Pencader Exchange. As you will see from these
brief notes, the leaders of Pencader, Delaware are delighted to know of your
interest. They are looking forward to learning more about your heritage and sharing
theirs with you.
Thanks for your interest and assistance. We all look forward to more dialogue and exchange!
Glenn Eugster
Pencader Heritage Area Steering Committee Report
November 21, 2001
Newark, Delaware, USA--The Pencader Heritage Area Committee met on Friday
November 16, 2001 to discuss their efforts to conserve, preserve,
interpret, research and enjoy the Pencader Hundred of Delaware. Twenty enthusiastic
representatives attended the meeting which was held at the Newark Senior
The committee is comprised of citizens, educators, State and local
government officials, and elected officials.
Tom McFalls, a professional fundraiser, project management expert and
heritage advocate, convened the meeting, facilitated discussion and organized next
Boundary Wars II
The meeting included a keynote presentation by Dr. John Monroe on the
"Delaware Border Wars--Part II". Dr. Monroe, the foremost expert on the history of
Delaware's State boundaries, described the events and activities leading
to the creation of Delaware's current boundaries. Using a combination of
chronological, anecdotal information, interpretive stories and personal
reflections, Dr. Monroe took the audience through more than 300 hundred
years of lively, complex and fascinating history related to determining and
agreeing on Delaware's boundaries.
International Exchange
Glenn Eugster of the National Park Service made a presentation on
information he collected about a possible exchange of some sort between Pencader Village, Wales and the Pencader Heritage Area in Delaware, USA. Glenn provided the
audience with an overview about how the dialogue with the Welsh had started, the
Glynwood Center's International Countryside Stewardship Exchange, the individuals
and groups that have been contacted, and opportunities for further exchange
between the two related communities. Meeting participants were provided with
copies of all of the e-mail correspondence to date.
In response to Mr. Eugster's presentation, the following ideas were
discussed by the group.
Youth Exchange: Bill Conley, Assistant Principal of Glasgow High School in
Newark indicated a very strong interest in working with the Pencader Youth
Club to exchange information and possibly arrange for a youth exchange between
the two communities. Conley indicated that he was in contact with the Pencader
Village group already, has had experience with youth exchanges and would be
willing to arrange for housing and meals for Pencader Village students
that are willing to visit Delaware.
Mr. Conley also mentioned that his school has a "Distance Learning Center"
that they'd like to use to exchange information with Pencader Village
students. He also indicated that they are willing to set-up a "Pen-Pal Exchange" where students from the two communities can correspond with each other.
Other Committee members indicated that 25 years ago the community had put
together an international exchange as part of the Bi-Centennial
Celebration. The exchange was sponsored by the community and the State Department of
Public Institutions. Evidently two members of the organizing committee from that
exchange, Dr. Rowe and Laurie Zimmerman, still live in Delaware and might
be willing to lend their assistance to an exchange with Wales.
Another Committee member indicated that some of the names of people that
we have begun communicating with from Wales, are names that are prominent in this
the Pencader area of Delaware (i.e. Parkin, Dube).
The Committee feels that the US-Wales exchange should give priority to: 1)
youth--young people are a natural for an exchange since they are
interested in students from other countries; 2) establishing an ongoing connection
between the two communities--since new generations arrive all the time; and 3)
exchanges of information and people. Many in the group feel that a US-Wales exchange
involving the Pencader communities has enormous potential and that the
Committee should actively continue discussions, identify possible ways to
collaborate and report back to the group.
The Committee was most interested in Steve Dube's book on Pencader Village
and would like to have copies sent to Tom McFalls, 19 Southview Lane, Newark,
DE 19711.
Lessons from Other Heritage Areas
The Pencader Heritage Committee also expressed interest, following the
meeting, in arranging for two speakers to talk with the group about established
heritage areas in the USA. NPS will contact the Delaware and Lehigh National
Navigational Canal Heritage Corridor and the New Jersey Coastal Heritage
Trail to arrange for presentations to be made to the Committee at their January
and February meetings. Joe DiBello of the NPS will be contacted and asked to
arrange for these speakers.
Packing the Pencader Trunks
Following the Committee meeting Tom McFalls began an effort to organize a
"Pencader Trunk" to send to Pencader Village in Wales. The Pencader Trunk
will include a variety of items that reflect the heritage of the Pencader area
in Delaware. The trunk will be put together by the Committee and will
include: a map of the Pencader Heritage Area, a heritage trail map, information on
William Penn's Land Grant, site narratives, a video auto tour, a scrapbook and
photos of people, a book on the Mason-Dixon Boundary, a book on Pencader's history,
and more. The Committee's hope is that Pencader Village will pack a "Pencader
Village Trunk" and send it to Delaware.
Next Steps
The Pencader Heritage Area Steering Committee directed Tom McFalls and
Glenn Eugster to further explore opportunities for exchanges with Pencader
Village, Wales and report back to the group as soon as possible.
For Further Information:
Contact Glenn Eugster at NPS-National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
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