Friends of Potomac Board Meeting
September 14, 2001
Remarks by J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant Regional Director, Partnerships Office
National Park Service, National Capital Region
Congratulations on working to sustain the Potomac American Heritage River (AHR) Initiative! Hats-off to Glenn Kinser, the River Navigator. It takes a very strong person to ride out a Presidential river initiative!
Thanks and a tip-of-the-hat to the Friends of the Potomac Board for keeping your Potomac River watershed vision alive.
After hearing Glenn Kinser's great news about the Administration reaffirming their commitment to the Potomac American Heritage River Initiative, I do believe that, as we enter the third year of the Potomac AHR, we are alive and well.
I'd like to talk with you about three things today.
First, the National Park Service (NPS), National Capital Region, is committed to our partnership with you--in both words and action. Today we have just obligated $45,000 in federal funds to go to the Friends of the Potomac to support your activities.
This modest amount of funding is another contribution we are making to help you, help yourselves, make the Potomac American Heritage River successful.
As we pass another anniversary of the Potomac AHR designation, it's a good time for all of us to reflect on the contributions we've made to this interesting, exciting and often challenging partnership. I've brought, or sent to you, two handouts that briefly describe some of the commitments that NPS has made to the Potomac and the Friends--or will be making this coming fiscal year.
I've listed 1) existing commitments that we've made at past Potomac River Day celebrations; 2) support to friends' member organizations; 3) existing program assistance; and 4) existing park partnership activities.
The list will give you some idea of the commitment that we are making to the Potomac watershed, the Friends, your member organizations, and others. It may also give you some idea of existing assistance and new partnerships projects.
Second, I mentioned commitments. With the likelihood of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Administration re-committing to the Potomac AHR Initiative it's a good time for us to do the same.
We've made a series of commitments in our agreements, to this partnership and I think that it's important that try to keep them. We need the Board, the River Navigator and NPS leaders to take a look at what we said we would do and keep our commitment to the Potomac and each other.
I'd like to suggest that we re-visit our commitments and take a look at where we were; where we are now; and most importantly, where we want to be in three years.
When I started working with you I asked the Board, NPS leaders and CEQ representatives, what does success look like for the Potomac AHR and the Friends? I'd like to have another discussion with you, Glenn Kinser and our leadership about our partnership and where we'd like to be in three years.
Charlie Estes indicates that it may make sense to have that type of dialogue in January, and if you agree, we'll begin making plans.
Finally, while trying to be more supportive of Glenn Kinser and the Friends I've seen the considerable work that you have taken on. I've also seen the excellent staff you've assembled to perform these Herculean tasks. Unfortunately there isn't enough of them.
With your permission, Glenn Kinser and I would like to help the Friends get some federal agency detailees, possibly some retirees, and some students to help compliment and support your existing staff. We are prepared to put our network in action starting next week if you accept this offer.
Let me close by saying, congratulations on sustaining your Potomac effort another year. Your work, dedication, personal contributions, visions and commitment to the Potomac--and the Anacostia, is an inspiration to all of us.
May you have continued success in your work!
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