Great Falls Park has the distinction of being uniquely situated at what is perhaps the most dramatic spot along the Potomac River. There is no other location where one can easily get such dramatic views of our Nation’s River as it appears above the Great Falls, as it flows over the falls, and as it courses through Mather Gorge and finally broadens out on its way to Washington, D.C.
This park’s setting and the long, significant, human history make this National Park Service site a compelling place to educate, excite and provoke people about the natural, cultural and historical importance of watersheds.
Conceptual Ideas:
Establish Great Falls Park, a site belonging to the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP), as:
A premiere National Park Service site for promoting Potomac River history, river landscape, and awareness about the importance of this resource.
A major site for developing a respect for natural waterways and water in general.
A site committed to helping educate visitors about the importance of environmentally friendly water “control” and conservation measures.
General Means to Accomplish the Conceptual Ideas:
Use the area going from the south edge of the main parking lot to the southern edge of Overlook #2 as the overall “project area” (see map) This area will include the primary access routes for visitors as well as the interior and exterior of the visitor center building. This area can be considered as a “canvas” upon which we will show the importance of the river and the watershed. Displays, exhibits, programs and other services will excite visitors about water resources and protection. The area will be have displays and exhibits that are well integrated, cohesive, and exciting.
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Purpose: The line chart shows the major thematic areas to be addressed by the “Great Falls Park Potomac River Project.”
Under each of the major topic headings the reader will find sub-topics that indicate projects or subjects related to the major heading that will be addressed in order to turn the conceptual ideas into reality.
In certain cases, multiple work projects (see “Major Projects”) can result from one thematic topic. To help the reader correlate information from this chart with the information about Major Projects, the numbers in the topic boxes correlate to a similarly numbered project heading in the Major Projects portion of this proposal.
The sub-topics are not listed in any particular order. Some sub-topics may have additional descriptions listed under them in order to detail more specifics.
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Line Chart
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Line Chart
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Line Chart
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
The information below identifies major projects by title and shows the action items necessary to accomplish the projects. Action items are not listed in any particular order. action items presented here represent the ideas the park has identified to this point. They may be modified or changed depending upon further expert information and planning during the design and development of the overall project. Action items may be cross-referenced with information from the line chart by looking at the letter designations in parentheses.
1. Design and Development Project
Goals: To provide Great Falls Park with the best available resources and opportunities to explore interpretive information, meanings, formats and techniques that will be integrated into the overall project.
General Information: This project influences virtually every major theme from the line chart. The park recognizes that it cannot achieve the fullest potential alone on this project. Grant money would enable the park to seek consultants and design experts to facilitate the organization of information and the development of ideas while working with park staff. The result would enable the park to synthesize new and existing material and derive the “best” overall plan for interpretive media and programs for the “Potomac River Project” at Great Falls Park. Outside consultants, expert exhibit designers, and experts in green infrastructure will assist the park in the content, format and design aspects of the interpretive components of the project.
Project Action Items:
Results to Achieve:
Design for exterior geology exhibit(s)
Design for exterior Potomac River relief map/model
Design for exhibit ideas – courtyard windows
Design for traffic flow through courtyard that is integrated with water (control) feature in the courtyard and other green infrastructure features.
Design ideas for more inviting Visitor Center entrance ramps and doorway entrances.
Design waysides plan for the area
Collaborative efforts would include:
Information gathering exercises among Great Falls Park staff
Information gathering exercises with partner organizations
Information gathering exercises with other divisions in the park (i.e. Natural Resource Division, Cultural Resource Division, Maintenance Division, The Center for Urban Ecology, and National Capital Region contacts)
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
Introduction to Indoor and Outdoor Projects
The manifestation and placement of interpretive exhibits and media will depend much upon decisions that come out of the Design and Development Project.
The park envisions the creation of an interpretive area that includes both indoor visitor center exhibits and outdoor exhibits that are designed to enhance the visitor experience in the core visitation area of the park. This area would begin adjacent to the main parking lot where visitors commence their park experience, include the Visitor Center and outside courtyard spaces, and continue to Overlook 2. (See map.) The outdoor area, approximately 500 yards in length, would provide various locations and spaces to position interpretive waysides, exhibits, and working displays (i.e. stormwater control, rain gardens, etc.) The existing visitor use patterns of the Visitor Center do not take full advantage of the park’s interpretive potential, especially as it relates to interpreting river issues. The park sees the necessity and value in designing cohesive exhibits that attract visitor attention and that provide natural flow/patterns for the visitor to experience interpretive media. How exhibits are integrated in the interpretive area will be addressed during the Design and Development Project.
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
2. Visitor Center Building Exterior – Displays and Exhibits Project:
Project Goal:
Use areas in and near the visitor center courtyard to excite, educate and provoke visitors’ interest in learning about the Potomac River and water-related issues.
General Information:
The areas mentioned above are currently not utilized with the exception of one window area facing the courtyard. By utilizing the available window areas that face the courtyard, the courtyard itself, and the areas adjacent to the building as places to present interpretation/education information, displays, and exhibits, a great deal of information can be presented using highly flexible, innovative methods. The vast majority of visitors arriving at the park walk through this area.
Using this area in the manner described above will serve to excite and interest the visitor even when the visitor center interior display area is closed.
Project Action Items:
Use the area immediately south of the building to have a relief-model of the Potomac River as it appears from just upstream of the falls to below Mather Gorge. (B,E)
Use part of the exterior space to have a geology exhibit in order to excite visitors about the significant geological aspects of this area: (B,E)
- Display of predominant rock types using large rocks.
- How the falls were formed
- Brief narrative information to raise awareness.
Devote space(s) to serve as examples for sustainable practices devoted to storm-water control (see project detailing sustainable practices). (H)
Design the visitors center courtyard to be esthetically appealing so it “draws” people into it. (C,H)
- Use visually appealing landscaping with sustainable practice techniques (including rain gardens and vegetation strips.)
- Use surfacing materials, a water feature, and traffic flow designs to increase interest and efficiency of the area.
Re-design interpretive/informational sign at walkway facing the visitor Center entrance at main parking lot.
Decorate/landscape the exterior of the building at the top of each entrance ramp (and perhaps the ramps) to create a feeling of warmth and welcome, as well as interest about what might be inside the building. (Influences A-H, J)
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
3. Visitor Center Building Interior – Project:
Project Goal:
Create permanent exhibits that emphasize the importance of the Potomac River in the natural and cultural development of this area. Construct/arrange the exhibits so there is a well-balanced, logical and chronological “flow” to the stories they tell. The visitor will be excited and educated about this river and its effects as a result of his/her visit in the building.
General Information:
NPS Funding to begin this project is available, but this may not be sufficient to create the complete, cohesive, and innovative display-area that will be most effective. By tying the interior exhibits into the exterior exhibits and using the interior space in a creative, innovative manner, the space can come alive for the visitor and present compelling information. The following items should include interactive elements to help maximize and sustain visitor involvement.
Project Action Items:
Design a visitor flow pattern that will make effective and interesting use of the available interior spaces. (Influences all)
Design and install displays and exhibits that present the whole history of this site in a well-balanced manner with a logical flow tied to the chronological history here. (A,B,E,F)
Design and install displays and exhibits that allow the visitor to sense just how important the river was and is, making connections to the Chesapeake Bay regional heritage. The exhibits/displays should constantly stress the theme of “it is because of the river.” (A-J)
Incorporate sufficient area for a “childrens room” where young children could take advantage of different media and activities to learn about the park while having an enjoyable time. (A,B,C,E,J)
Incorporate an area into the main display area that would serve as a temporary exhibit area. This will allow for seasonal exhibits/displays to be presented. (A-J)
Incorporate state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment (see major project regarding audio-visual):
- To upgrade the Patowmack Canal Diorama. (F)
- To convey information about the canal and the river. (A, H-J)
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
4. Integrating Green Infrastructure Project
Goals: Manage water runoff from some key locations in the park (that are currently problem areas) with sustainable best management practices and utilize the examples for interpreting watershed conservation.
A. Manage stormwater runoff through innovative green technologies.
General Information:
Great Falls Park has the opportunity to use green infrastructure designs to manage runoff (non-point source pollution) in the high impact areas of the Visitor Center, parking lots and some adjacent spaces. Currently stormwater runoff is either channeled to drains that feed into the historic canal or into the Potomac River. In the core visitation area, inadequate drainage has a negative influence on walkways, trails and visitor use spaces. Grant money will supplement funding for developing various green technologies that manage water at the source. These technologies will reflect that a unit of the federal agency can address the Clean Water Act through sustainable low impact, small-scale improvements.
Project Action Items:
Based on a meeting with a local expert in sustainable designs and architecture, the park has the following list of practices under consideration for funding:
Construct a Green Roof for the Visitor Center and/or Maintenance Building. (H,I)
Install permeable surfaces in the Visitor Center courtyard and surrounding area. (B,C,D,H,I)
Redirect roof drainage. (B,C,D,H,I)
Placement of cisterns to collect structural runoff from the Visitor Center.
Water can be recycled through a rain garden and used to create a water fountain/feature accessible to the public that displays the value of clean water.
Create rain gardens near the Visitor Center and courtyard. (B,C,D,E,H,I)
One of these can become an interpretive trail with native plant interpretation.
Create a bio-retention area to capture parking lot runoff and remaining building runoff. (B,C,D,E,H,I)
Use a variety of vegetation filter strips to capture water in areas surrounding the visitor center (such as trails and paths) where poor drainage is a chronic problem. (B,C,D,E,H,I)
Aside from providing management of stormwater runoff, these technological designs would greatly enhance the aesthetic appearance of the most highly visited area at Great Falls Park.
4. Integrating Green Infrastructure Project (cont.)
B. Demonstrate and Interpret Sustainable Green Infrastructure in Use at Great Falls Park (A, B,C,D,E,H,I)
General Information:
Great Falls Park provides an excellent setting to interpret water protection to the visiting public of over 500,000 people each year. Funding would enable the park to design and showcase some or all of the above green technologies so that they are accessible to the public through tangible means and interpretive displays. Holistically they would show that the Park Service is concerned about how water flows through a watershed and that examples of relatively simple green technologies can be applied not only in national parks but also in the visitor’s community and neighborhoods to maintain a healthy environment. The demonstrations and interpretive displays would be integrated with other themes for interpretation being considered in this proposal (especially watershed protection, the importance of water, and the Potomac River). This character of interpretation would provide a new and unique form of public awareness and stewardship of the Potomac River and its regions.
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
5. Audiovisual Media Project
Goals: To enhance the visitor experience through use of audiovisual components and current technologies that will be used to interpret natural and cultural history and Potomac watershed concepts in the Visitor Center auditorium.
General Information: The existing equipment that operates a slideshow in the Visitor Center is run down and outdated. The park desires to upgrade equipment in the Visitor Center auditorium and develop a new program that enhances the existing slideshow about the history of Great Falls, and which makes connections to the Potomac/Chesapeake Bay watershed. New equipment could be used to create additional programs, which Rangers can use for interpretive programs delivered to the public. In addition, there are several opportunities in the Visitor Center to embrace audiovisual technologies to enhance interpretive displays.
Project Action Items:
Purchase new technology for Visitor Center Auditorium audiovisual projection such as a DVD and an LCD digital projection system for showing slide programs in the Visitor Center.
Update and enhance the existing slide program, “History of Great Falls”. (F)
Develop additional audiovisual interpretive “slideshow” media about the Potomac River using such themes as flooding, watershed, river life, and natural history. These will be integrated or adapted for education programs with local schools for the use of “park-visit” and “post/pre-visit” activities in the Parks as Classrooms/curriculum-based programs. An audiovisual component in school programs would enhance the variety of interpretive methods and modes of learning. The park would like to develop the theme of watershed, where water comes from, and provide perspectives on what a healthy environment means in school activities at the park. (A-H, J)
Develop an audiovisual component to the Patowmack Canal Lock Gate display. This media would provide a brief video to introduce the visitor to this National Landmark. The media would compliment and blend in with other interpretive displays about the Patowmack Canal. (F)
Develop an interactive touchscreen program (or HTML-based program) to serve as a virtual portal for exploring the Potomac Watershed and Great Falls Park. (A,B,C)
Upgrade the Visitor Center Diorama of the Patowmack Canal. (F)
Use audiovisual equipment to enhance the Visitor Center interior exhibits to enable visitors to hear and see the river in several locations. (ALL)
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
6. Waysides and Self-Guided River Tour:
Project Goal:
Provide educational and informational opportunities for visitors to learn about the Potomac River at their own pace.
General Information:
This project would use waysides and informational kiosks to present information about the river. The river information would focus on its development, history, safety, currents, etc. The waysides would be placed at significant locations such as near the Great Falls and at Mather Gorge. A self-guided tour brochure would be developed to guide visitors along the River Trail while providing interesting facts about what they are seeing as well as historical information.
Ideally, this project would be coordinated with Fairfax County, Virginia’s Riverbend Park so a more complete “picture” of the river could be presented with this project.
Project Action Items:
Develop information for and install waysides at significant areas along the Potomac River. (A-J)
Coordinate with Riverbend Park to develop a cohesive, logical flow of information for the visitor. (I)
Develop a self-guided “Potomac River Tour-Great Falls Section” brochure in cooperation and collaboration with Riverbend Park. (A-J)
Plan and install an informational kiosk (Note: perhaps this could be constructed with a green-roof) to be placed near a high-traffic area in the site’s picnic area. Information about the river and river safety would be presented in this structure. (A-J)
Great Falls Park Potomac River Project
Major Projects
7. Interpretive Programs Project
Goals: Use new information gained from the Design and Development Project, new interpretive exhibits and outdoor displays to develop ranger-led interpretive programs for the public and school groups.
General Information: The park is looking at ways to improve interpretive offerings that capture Potomac River themes and watershed conservation. Taking advantage of new information, themes and meanings derived from the Design and Development Project and subsequent exhibits offer the opportunity to engage park visitors for more in-depth programs.
Project Action Items: (These would influence all areas from the line chart)
Rangers will develop new interpretive programs and enhance existing programs that educate about the Potomac River, and that correlate to other areas of the overall project.
Acquire supportive props and materials for ranger-led programs. The park envisions programs that engage audiences (public, family and youth) in hands-on programs, which will require materials for investigating and exploring the watershed themes through the environment at Great Falls.
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