Thursday, August 4, 2011

Watt’s Branch Green Infrastructure Workshop

April 23, 2004
Watt’s Branch Green Infrastructure Workshop

Background: As efforts to heal the Watts Branch Park and stream valley move from master planning to implementation, successful revitalization will rest on the restoration and integration of the stream’s environmental, economic, and cultural assets. Ambitious efforts are already underway by the District of Columbia and its partners to connect these assets: bike paths to physically reconnect the stream and its neighborhoods, innovative stormwater and building strategies to improve water quality, and cultural events and festivals to celebrate the valley’s heritage. To sustain and nurture these efforts continued and thoughtful attention must be given to such issues as:

How to connect community park stewardship, interpretation, programs, and restoration efforts between the municipal section of the park and the National Arboretum, the Anacostia river, and Kingman Island;
How to address leachate from the former landfill at the west end of the Park;
How to better intregrate work taking place in Watts Branch with the goals and objectives of the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, the National Park Service, Prince George’s County, and other entities whose decisions affect the overall vision and connectivity of Watts Branch Park;

Objectives: The objective of this one-day workshop is to bring together community leaders, local officials, planners, and NGOs to explore and articulate (i.e. record) short- and long-term options that support the existing physical, cultural, and economic re-connections taking place within Watt’s Branch – specifically the western section of the park near the confluence with the Anacostia River. Moreover, this workshop will share best practices innovation stream and urban park restoration from across the United States and around the world.

Deliverables: Friends of the Potomac, in partnership with the National Park Service, Washington Parks and People, D.C. Parks and Recreation, and the Potomac River Navigator will design, manage, and implement a one-day workshop in Washington, D.C. The deliverables will be a summary of the discussions on park restoration and collection of recommendations emanating from the participants.

Date: June 23, 2004

Location: Kenilworth Park Recreation Center

Participants: 50-60 community leaders, including senior planners, local representatives, practitioners, developers, homeowners, architects, and NGO representatives.

Partners: Washington Parks and People
D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation
National Park Service – National Capital Region (and NPS/NCR – East)

Speakers: Mel Chin – Revival Fields
Majora Carter, Sustainable South Bronx

related events: June 5 National Trail Day
Mayor Williams’ Annual Cannonball Dive

Draft Workshop Agenda

Day 1

8:30 AM Registration and Coffee

9:00 AM Welcome: Community Leader ___

9:15 AM Overview of Day’s Events: Emily Clifton

9:25 AM Introduction to Watt’s Branch Park and Surrounding Community
Steve Coleman, Washington Parks and People
Michael Lucy, D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation

10:00 AM The Art and Science of Green Mediation and Land Reclamation
Mel Chin, Revival Fields
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Parks as a Source of Environmental, Social, and Economic Rebirth
Majora Carter, Sustainable South Bronx

11:15 AM Question and Answer

12:00 noon Lunch - Walk Through Kenilworth Park (Subject to the Weather)– Steve Coleman
Group Photo
Option to Walk – The Mayor’s Annual Cannonball Dive

2:00 PM Breakout Sessions

Group 1 – Physical Linkages: Watt’s Branch and the links to Prince George’s County’s trail system and the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail
Facilitated by:

Group 2 – Cultural/Heritage Linkages: Heritage Center: Connecting environment, economy, and culture in the heart (middle) of Watts Branch
Facilitated by:

Group 3 – Economic Linkages: Watts Branch and the confluence with the Anacostia River – Linking the AWI and Watts Branch
Facilitated by:

3:00 PM Reconvene: Group reports/next steps and recommendations

3:30 PM Adjourn

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