Potomac Partnerships Report
National Park Service, National Capital Region, February 7, 2002
Purpose: To find ways to use partnerships to help NPS park and program managers, and community leaders meet National, State and local goals and objectives within the Potomac River watershed and Greater Washington metropolitan region.
Park Partnerships
a. Greater Washington National Parks Fund: Provided
assistance to the NCR Communications Office and the National Park Foundation (NPF) in response to a proposed donation by the L.L. Bean Company. L.L. Bean, the first company to donate to the Fund, has agreed to print and distribute a new Greater Washington National Parks Fund (GWNPF) map at stores in Virginia and Maryland. Assistance in the design of the map is being provided by NCR's Communication Office, Messaging Workgroup, and the Office of Lands, Resources & Planning.
Provided background information on the Fund, a proposal to generate revenue from vending machines, the proposed NCR Map, the Parks & History Association, and the NCR Messaging Project to Nancy Sturm and Jay Vestal of NPF.
On February 6 met with the GWNPF Parks Council and NPF to discuss the search for Trustees for the Fund; the Bean map; collaboration with the NCR Tree & Shrub Replacement Fund; the East Coast In-Park Partnerships Seminar Reception-boast cruise, and communications between the Council, NPF, the Regional Office and the Messaging Workgroup.
b. East Coast Partnerships Training Seminar Planned for
2002: Plans are set for the East Coast In-Park Partnership Seminar to be held May 22, 23 & 24, 2002 at the Channel Inn Hotel and at selected sites within Greater Washington National Parks. Each of the Regional Partnership Coordinators and the National Partnership Office representative are recruiting attendees for the seminar. Those that sign-up to attend the seminars are being surveyed to determine the issues and topics that they would like to be covered.
Applications and a survey of participant’s needs and interests, for the Seminar are due to each regional office and headquarters by February 8.
The East Coast Workgroup is planning to meet to begin outlining a draft seminar agenda, based on the results of the survey, the week of February 11.
The seminar will include a reception for attendees, NPS employees and park partners. The reception is scheduled for Wednesday evening May 22 on the Potomac River on board the "Cherry Blossom", a paddle-wheel boat. The boat for the reception will be provided through a donation by the Potomac River Boat Company, with the assistance of the Alexandria Seaport Foundation.
For more information on the seminar and the "Park-Partners Reception" contact this office.
c. Jaeger Tract Appraisal Delayed: Work to acquire
a 17 acre parcel of land, known as the Jeager tract, within the Greenbelt Park in MD continues to be delayed while a land appraisal is completed. The NCR Lands Office has contracted to conduct an appraisal of the property and the work has been delayed considerably. Once the appraisal has been approved by NPS meetings will be held with representatives of the Jaeger Tract to discuss public purchase of the property.
A member of the Maryland State Senate has expressed interest in helping to find a non-federal match to help acquire the property.
d. Accokeek & NPS Agreement Collaboration Resumes: Accokeek
Foundation and NPS representatives have resumed discussions about a new Cooperative Agreement for a portion of Piscataway Park in MD. The final agreement issues have been agreed to by a workgroup of NPS and Accokeek representatives and now will be forwarded to the Solicitor’s Office, Contracting Office, Foundation Board and NCR Directorate for final approval.
While the new agreement is being finalized National Capital Parks-East has extended Accokeek’s current agreement for a ninety-day period.
e. Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project Kick-Off
Planned: The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and NPS are moving ahead with a two-year National demonstration project on parks, green space, recreation areas and forests for the Washington Metropolitan Region. Funded by Congress in FY O2 the Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project will be discussed with Congressman Jim Moran, the Council's Board and NPS leadership on February 13, 2002 at COG's monthly meeting.
NPS and COG are developing are finalizing Cooperative and Task Agreements and have outlined an action plan for the next twelve-months.
On February 13 Congressman Moran, VA. and NPS-NCR Deputy Regional Director Joe Lawler will meet with the Council Board to discuss the project and the role of NPS in the effort.
For additional information contact Brian LeCouteur of COG at (202) 962-3393 or this office.
f. Bridging the Watershed Discussion: Participated in a discussion with members of the Alice Ferguson Foundation and Tom McFalls, a private non-profit developer, about the education work at Hard Bargain Farm in MD. and the ”Bridging the Watershed Project". The "Bridging" effort is a collaborative effort between NPS and the Foundation that provides high school students with hands-on science experiences within the Greater Washington National Parks, promoting resource conservation and stewardship.
Mr. McFalls was invited to meet with the Foundation staff to discuss his fundraising and capital campaign work with other community-based efforts including the Havre de Grace Heritage Corridor in MD, Brandywine Village and the Pencader Heritage Area in Delaware.
g. Sustainability Fair: Plans for the May 3-4, 2002 Sustainability Fair—“Sustaining America’s Special Places: Your Parks, Your Communities” is quickly moving forward. Exhibit spaces, to share information and demonstrate sustainable practices, are being reserved by government agencies, private organizations and businesses. Potential speakers are being contacted from the private sector, within NPS, the Department, the District and watershed States.
The Fair will include displays which describe innovative sustainable practices being used by businesses, community groups, other government agencies and NPS park units. A booklet with information on these efforts will be available at the Fair.
h. NPS Partnerships White-paper: Assisted a regional office and national program workgroup with revisions to a draft paper on NPS Partnerships. A copy of the paper is available from this office.
Potomac American Heritage River Initiative
a. River Navigator Changes: Glenn Kinser of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has ended his nearly two-year long detail with NPS and has returned to the National Conservation Training Center.
On an interim basis Glenn Eugster will assume the River Navigator responsibilities. A search for a new Potomac River Navigator has begun.
For information about, or assistance from, the Potomac American Heritage River Initiative contact Glenn Eugster, Interim River Navigator at (202)619-7492.
b. Potomac AHRI Strategy: Met with Charlie Estes, Chairman of the Friends of the Potomac, and staff, to discuss plans for the Potomac American Heritage Rivers Initiative. The Friends of the Potomac has prepared a strategy and tactical plan for FY 02. The plan, which is under review, includes plans for "Community Partner Workshops", Potomac River Day, "Leadership Potomac" and continuation of a newsletter. In addition, the Friends have agreed to work with NPS to produce a calendar of Potomac River Watershed Events and conduct a research on the idea of holding a "Potomac Youth Summit".
c. Horticultural Therapy Week: The Chesapeake Chapter of the American Horticultural Therapy Association is organizing the first annual "Horticultural Therapy Week" to increase public awareness of the profession of Horticultural Therapy as a means of helping and healing all populations through horticultural activities.
The May 17-23 celebration and recognition will include promoting horticultural therapy, extra programming, and special events to call attention to this important work throughout the Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and Delaware region. The centerpiece of the week is a "Celebration of Horticultural Therapy" scheduled for March 21st at the U.S. Botanical Gardens in D.C. that will include displays, information, hands-on activities, and speakers.
For more information on Horticultural Therapy Week, including how to be a co-sponsor, contact Lana Dreyfuss, President of the Chesapeake Chapter at (301)649-7469. By e-mail: lanadreyfuss@aol.com
d. Nanjemoy Vision: Presented information on community and place-based visioning, in response to a local request, to a public and private ad-hoc committee working to develop an environmental, economic, social and recreational vision for the Nanjemoy community of Southern Maryland. The committee is planning to hold a community partner workshop in March and is looking for information, technical and financial assistance.
e. Potomac Watershed Events Calendar: Glenn Eugster met with Dasha Kimelman of the Friends of the Potomac to discuss the start of the Potomac Watershed Events Calendar. The Friend’s will identify river-related community and National Park events and activities planned for June 1, 2002 through Labor Day. The calendar is expected to be available for distribution by community groups, parks and park partner organizations in early May.
Chesapeake Bay Program
a. Bay Program Agreement Delayed: The approval of a Memorandum of Agreement between the National Capital and Northeast Regional Offices has been delayed, since July 2001, and is pending action by NER. Copies of the proposed final agreement are available from this office.
Potomac Urban Watershed Management Exchange
a.Exchange Team Selected: The U.S.-German Exchange Team,
representing the Potomac River watershed, has been selected for a visit to Germany to study urban watershed "best management practices". With the support of EPA's Office of International Activities, NPS, and the Glynwood Center the following persons will be travel to Germany in June: Uwe Brandes and Elizabeth Berry, District of Columbia; Tim Carney and Virginia Kearney, State of Maryland; Lynn Brownley, Friends of the Potomac, Virginia; and Judy Noritake, The Wilderness Society, Virginia.
For further information on the US-Germany Potomac Exchange contact Virginia Kasinski, Program Manager, Training & Support, Glynwood Center, PO Box 157, Cold Spring NY 10516. By telephone: 845 265-3338 Ext. 125. By e-mail: http://www.glynwood.org
Miscellaneous Assistance
A variety of consultation meetings were held during this period including:
Met with Janet Bearden and Warren Flint of Sustainable D.C. regarding a possible Cooperative Agreement between and NPS. Discussed ways to support the NPS Tree & Shrub Replacement Fund with NPS-NCR Horticulturalist Rob DeFeo. Met with Anne White of Friends of the Potomac regarding the Potomac AHRI. Attended the Wilderness Society's Potomac River Partnership Meeting and presented remarks, along with Brian LeCouteur of COG, on Green Infrastructure.
Provided assistance to Tom McFalls on community assessments. Met with NPS-NCR's Directorate to discuss the upcoming East Coast In-Park Partnerships Seminar. Discussed the proposed Washington Monument Visitor's Center with the NPS-NCR Directorate and B.J. Gerber. Assisted Chris Durney of ICF Kaiser and John Wilson of EPA with completion of a paper on "Complex Systems and New Forms of Federal Agency Involvement". Provided assistance to Joe DiBello of NPS-NER with information on the Pencader Heritage Area in Delaware. Met with Edward Scheele of ESA Design about innovative museum planning.
Attended a reception at The Wilderness Society that included three presentations on the history of the wilderness movement in America. Met with Leigh Dunkelberger of the Friends of the Potomac on the Potomac Youth Summit Project. Provided information and technical assistance to Alice Walker of NPS regarding local and national efforts to bring the Amistad to DC.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
February 2002
13 Green Infrastructure Demo Project Meeting with Washington Metropolitan Council of Government Board, Washington, DC
11-12 NPS National Partnerships Meeting, Washington, D.C.
26 Potomac Partnership, The Wilderness Society, Washington, DC
27 Spotlight on Resources, Great Falls Visitor Center, VA.
March 2002
7-12 Away
13 Memorial for Ron Mack, Near FDR Memorial, Washington, DC
14 Greater Washington National Parks Fund, Council Meeting, Manassas, VA.
18-24 National Horticulture Therapy Week. Includes March 21 event at National Botanical Gardens, Washington, DC
23-April 7 Amistad at the DC waterfront
23-25 NCR Interpretation Conference, Ocean City, MD.
April 2002
TBD NPS NCR Superintendent’s Meeting, Location to be determined.
6 Potomac River Cleanup, 110 + sites along the Potomac River and its tributaries.
9-10 American Heritage River Meeting, West Point, NY
22-28 National Park Week
May 2002
American Wetlands Month. Includes events at Kenilworth Marsh, DC.
3-4 NPS Sustainability Fair, National Mall, Washington, DC
6 Working Landscapes Conference, Wye Island, MD
22, 23, 24 East Coast In-Park Partnerships Seminar, Washington, DC. Includes a Park-Partners Potomac River Reception the evening of May 22.
June 2002
American Rivers Month
Dates in the Distance
July 6-9, 2002 Mosaic 2002, Atlanta, GA
Good Reads
b Winks, Robin, W. Laurance S. Rockefeller—Catalyst for Conservation, Island Press, Washington, DC. 260pp.
Something to CROW about:
b The Amistad Is Coming to DC: The Freedom Schooner Amistad, a recreation of the sailing ship that brought African Americans to the U.S. as slaves in 1839, is scheduled to be in the District March 23 through April 7, 2002. Through the efforts of the City, NPS, Amistad DC Host Committee, National Maritime Heritage Foundation, and many others, the ship will be docked along the DC waterfront for visits and interpretation. For further information on events and tours on the Amistad vist the website at: www.spiritofenterprize.org/amistad.dc
For further information contact
Glenn Eugster, Assistant Regional Director, Partnerships Office, NPS-NCR, 1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350, Washington, DC 20242. By telephone call (202) 619-7492. By fax: (202) 619-7220. By e-mail: glenn_eugster@nps.gov
Partnerships Office JGE/NPS/NCR/DC/02/07/02
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