Potomac American Heritage River Initiative
Potomac River Day--July 30, 1999
Corporate Breakfast
July 30, 1999 8:00-10:00 a.m. Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.
(By invitation only)
1) foster a partnership between corporate leaders and the Friends of the Potomac preview the corporate commitments to be announced at the Anniversary Celebration
2) present Potomac American Heritage River activities and projects which corporations can support
Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introductions
Friends of the Potomac
Keynote Remarks
James Lee Witt, Federal Emergency Management Administration
Chairman, Potomac Electric Power Company
Presentation on the Potomac American Heritage River
Friends of the Potomac and the River Navigator
Closing Remarks
Chairman, Potomac Electric Power Company
Invited Guests:
Marriott Corporation
AES Corporation
America Online
U.S. Airways Inc.
Washington Gas and Light Co.
Allegheny Power Co.
Ford Motor Corporation
General Motors Corporation
Anniversary Celebration
July 30, 1999 1:00-3:00 p.m. Roosevelt Island or
the Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. (to be confirmed on 6-28-99)
1) celebrate the Anniversary of the Potomac AHR;
2) recognize local success;
3) introduce and recognize corporate sponsors;
4) announce federal assistance to support the Potomac AHR.
Welcome, Opening Remarks and Selected Introductions
Friends of the Potomac, Council on Environmental Quality and Director of the National Park Service
Congressional Perspective
Recognition of July 30, 1999 as “Potomac River Day” by the Potomac River Caucus.
Recognition of Local Success
The Friends of the Potomac will recognize four community-based Local-Federal partnerships. The awards will be selected by the Friends of the Potomac and nominations will be sought from the Federal Agency Team.
Corporate Partners
The Friends of the Potomac will recognize the Potomac AHR "Corporate Partners”. Corporate representatives from PEPCO will be given the opportunity to make remarks.
Federal American Heritage River Assistance
This portion of the program, lead by NPS/
Director Stanton, would recognize Federal agency commitments to the Potomac AHR initiative and include:
* Remarks by James Lee Witt, Federal Emergency Management Assistance Program and the announcement of the FEMA grant to
District of Columbia (to be confirmed)
* Remarks by Janet Reno, Department of Justice or her designee and the announcement of the Youth Environmental Service
recognition to the Alexandria, VA Seaport Foundation
* Remarks by Rick Lemon, US Fish & Wildlife Service or his designee and the announcement of a commitment to develop a Potomac River "Leadership Training Program" (to be confirmed)
* Announcement of the Federal Agency Team's commitments to the Potomac AHR by Bob Stanton, National Park Service including:
--“Community Partner Workshops”, lead by NPS, HUD, FS, FWS and local organizations, throughout the Potomac Basin to help match existing programs with local initiatives. The workshops will respond to local initiatives and include the Cumberland, MD Region, Southern MD and others.
--Creation of a “Potomac Federal Lands Stewardship” effort, lead by the National Park Service and other federal land managers, to demonstrate Federal agency leadership and local cooperation in land conservation and restoration within the Potomac basin.
Friends of the Potomac Membership
The Friends of the Potomac will announce the kick-off of a membership drive.
Closing Remarks
Friends of the Potomac
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