NCR Park Fundraising Strategy
Dec. 6 Cluster Issues and Actions
Draft --Glenn Eugster 12/17/2000
Following the NCR Cluster Meeting on Dec. 6 I contacted the NCR Fundraising Strategy Workgroup and asked each person for comments on the meeting and next steps. The Workgroup members I talked or corresponded with include Audrey Calhoun, Adrienne Applewhaite-Coleman, Doug Faris, Nancy Brown and Jay Vestal of the NPF. Their comments and reactions, as well as mine are below.
I've tried several times to talk with Lisa Mendleson and Kate Richardson about the strategy but they have either been unavailable or wanted to talk with Joe and Terry instead.
I have not heard from Deborah Feldman or Laura Illige yet. However, their superintendents provided comments.
Issues and Actions:
Issue # 1. The horizon for returns on the fundraising keeps changing. At the Cluster Meeting it was described as 3-6 years. Support for this effort will diminish significantly if we don't break-even or show a slight return by year three.
bResponses: Jay Vestal of NPF indicates that the new "spin" on this is: "Profitable by year three, at a minimum. Significant returns on investment by year five".
Action #1. NCR should have a clear understanding with NPF about the expectations for return on our investment. Some type of business plan with set tasks and timelines seems agreeable to Jay Vestal. However, other parks that have tried to get a written agreement with NPF have been repelled.
A meeting between the Regional Director and NPF should be scheduled to discuss the status of and next steps for this effort. This meeting can also be a way to clarify the time horizon for funding returns, the need for a business plan (consider it a task directive) and a more complete schedule.
In addition, NPF should inspect the office space at 1730 K Street NW and decide if it is appropriate for the NCR fundraising effort.
Issue # 2. Many of the Superintendents were quite docile at the Cluster Meeting--which isn't a good sign. Despite the rousing note of approval I'm not sure there is deep support for this venture. Mr. Howard's comments may be indicative--I'm supportive, don't believe I'll benefit, and won't put anything into this effort.
bResponses: Everyone I spoke with believes that it was positive that the group was quiet and that this indicates that there "was nothing to complain about". All three of the Superintendents I spoke with felt that it was essential to continue to involve the superintendents in this effort.
There was also some concern expressed by one superintendent that if this effort looks like it is being lead by the DC parks that the outlying parks would be apprehensive about its value to them.
Action #2. Continue to reach out to the superintendents to get directly involved overall and specially in this strategy. Specifically request their involvement in the strategy for how we work with park partner groups. Also, request that they sign-off on the final proposal before it goes to NPF.
Issue# 3. There is a need to develop a strategy for how to work with the partner organizations of NCR parks.
bResponse: Everyone agrees that this is our next make or break issue. All agree that the superintendents need to be involved in developing the strategy and that a work session is the best way to do this. One superintendent reinforced the need to link a sophisticated marketing strategy to this item.
Action #3. Hold a work session in January to discuss the partner's strategy and how we market this effort. Open it to all supers but insist that the key ones participate. I can facilitate this and will try to get marketing help from Headquarters or a pro-bono source.
Issue # 4. Director Stanton needs to be briefed on the NCR fundraising effort as soon as possible.
bResponse: I understand that Terry talked to Mr. Stanton about the status of this effort already.
Action #4. Do a briefing for the Director or his designee--perhaps Kate Stevenson if she stays, early in the New Year.
Issue: # 5. The comments from the Cluster Meeting and from NCR review need to be incorporated into the proposal.
bResponse: This is straightforward and the work group is probably getting started already.
Action #5. Encourage the workgroup to reach out to all the parks and Park Police for comments. Bring a Final Draft back for one final park and program manager review--with the expectation of sign-off.
Issue: # 6. There is a need for follow-up assistance, in addition to the workgroup, to move the effort ahead.
bResponse: Several respondents feel that we need to establish/ clarify who the Liaisons are for each Park. In addition, I can use some help and would like to pursue getting someone on a detail to assist me with my leadership and coordination duties.
Action # 6. Initiate a request for interested NPS staff to arrange a detail with NCR.
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