Tuesday, August 9, 2011


" Nation's Capital National Parks Fund"
Workgroup Meeting Notes
September 28, 2000 8:30 a.m.--12:00 p.m.
National Park Foundation,
Washington, D.C.

Background: On August 23, 2000 NCR park and program managers, NPS-Washington managers, and the National Park Foundation (NPF) agreed to move ahead with a fundraising strategy for NCR park units. A Workgroup was appointed and assigned to design a draft region-wide fundraising strategy. The draft strategy will be provided to all park and program managers for review and comment. The intent is to reach consensus agreement on, and implement the most appropriate approach for a collaborative NCR park fundraising strategy.

Attendees: Debbie Feldman, GWMP
Lisa Mendleson, NACC
Kate Richardson, PRWI
Jay Vestal, NPF
Nancy Brown, CHOH
Audrey Calhoun, GWMP
Glenn Eugster, NCRO

Meeting Goal: Further develop a draft model and agreements for a NCR Parks Fundraising Strategy.

Internal Management Questions: The following questions were discussed. Major points and conclusions are listed for each question.

What do we call this effort?
Nation's Capital National Parks Fund

What is the purpose of the proposed Fund?
h Establish a collaborative region-wide fundraising effort
to work with the National Park Foundation to raise funds to supplement money appropriated by Congress for NCR park units (including Park Police, Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, and cooperating organizations managing NPS areas).

Do we want the Nation's Capital National Parks Fund to be a new 501(c)(3) organization or a part of NPF?
h Yes. Creating a new organization takes more time and money than it would if we joined NPF
If the Fund is part of NPF then it will be a
subcommittee of the National Parks Foundation. The Secretary of Department of the Interior will select trustees

What funds will be needed to start the Fund?
h We will need to spend money to raise money (i.e. the Mt. Ranier, North Cascades and Olympic Fund spent $300,000 to raise $1.2 million recently)
Approximately $200,000 per year will be required. See
attached chart for estimated expenses
The $40,000 of L.L. Bean Funds, recently secured by NPF,
could be used to help fund the first year costs. Bean is opening a new store in Columbia, MD next year and additional funding support may be possible
A grant or a loan from NPF might be possible
Costs can be reduced by in-kind contributions (i.e.
office space, supplies, etc.)
Use other earned income streams (i.e. surcharges, etc.).
Meet with Skip to discuss GSI options
Look into other ways to generate revenue. Talk with
Randy Whorls at Oglebay Park in Wheeling, WV
Re-visit Tysons Corner Management Company to see if they
will "adopt" NCR parks in 2001
Discuss other sources of funding with Jay Vestal, Terry
Carlstrom, Dave Linderman and Joe Lawler

Who is the group that will speak to the Fund Board?
Form a small group of Superintendents with a Regional
Office representative. Four Superintendents with one Regional Office representative will comprise a "Coordinating Committee"
The Coordinating Committee could be assisted by an
Advisory Committee (i.e. Dave Linderman and others)
The Committee will identify a liaison/ chair to attend
and represent the group at the Fund Board Meetings
The Coordinating Committee representatives will have
term limits--perhaps two years. Consider staggering appointments to ensure opportunity and continuity
The Workgroup needs to identify a process for
re-placement or turnover
The Workgroup needs to spend more time on the design of
the internal structure of the Coordinating Committee

How is the information on fundraising priorities collected from parks and passed to the Coordinating Committee?
Certain threshold requirements should be established
Use existing checks
Include general broad areas and themes

What information will be provided to the Committee and the Board?
Each park should identify their funding needs
The needs list is filtered by the Coordinating Committee
to help identify themes (i.e. education, signage, etc.) and projects with "sizzle"
The needs list, themes and a vision for NCR fundraising
should be developed before a Board is recruited/ selected

How will the Nation's Capital National Parks Fund clearinghouse function work?
The group needs to decide whether NCR or the Fund
handles the function
Superintendents transmit information to the Coordinating
Come up with some mechanism to communicate the NCR
fundraising effort to park friends groups and the Parks & History Association

Do we take proposals from operating organizations?
Yes, through the park which is responsible for managing

What is the timetable for the Fund?
One to one and a half years needed to seat the Trustees/
Board members. See attached Timetable

Jge 10/4/2000

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