Tuesday, August 2, 2011

GWNP Fund Parks Council Meeting

GWNP Fund Parks Council Meeting
January 31, 2003 at Manassas National Battlefield
Draft Minutes

Attendees: Sutton, Sturm, Hale, Campbell, Lawler, Belin, Cucurullo, Brandt, Calhoun, Line, Eugster

Nancy Sturm indicated that the Council Charter calls for Council Meeting minutes to go to NCR park superintendents following every meeting. She suggested that NPS should prepare these minutes. Bob Sutton agreed to send reports following each meeting and Glenn Eugster agreed to take notes and provide Bob with a draft of the minutes of the meeting.

Karen Cucurullo indicated that she was on a 120-day detail to Central and doing partnership work.

The meeting began with Hedrick Belin of NPF explaining his role with fundraising. Hedrick indicated that he was helping with NPF Place-based activities including Glacier, the African-American, Outside Las Vegas, NY-NJ Harbor and the GWNP Fund. He mentioned that his role is to help, as Jay Vestal did, Nancy Sturm with the GWNP Fund.

Hedrick mentioned that he was involved in helping the Glacier Fund with a three-year plan they have laid out and that expects to be able to help GWNP Fund with lessons learned from other areas. He’d also like to share what we are doing with others.

Nancy Sturm cautioned the group about the transferability of lessons from other areas.

Nancy Sturm presented the group with a report on the GWNP Fund’s activities. She indicated that over the past 5-6 months that she has been focusing on operating funds and getting Trustees appointed. Her goal is to secure $145,000 of operating funds by June 30, 2003. These funds will supplement the LBJ Grove Loan that the Fund received.

Nancy told the group that she sent 35 letters out to corporations, foundations and individuals. She said that she was working on “long-term cultivation” but it was a “different time for fundraising now”. She noted that Trustee Bob Peck was helping with fundraising contacts.

Nancy indicated that she was working with Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Rumsfeld, and Ms. Wexler to identify Trustees for the GWNP Fund. She reinforced that “it takes work to attract them”.

Nancy mentioned that she was talking to folks to get lists to do targeted mailings. She told the group that the GWNP Fund was at the printer and that she was looking for a person in each park to make sure that the material will be displayed and presented. She promised the brochures “next week”.

Karen Cucurullo said that each superintendent needs to identify a point person to help with the display and distribution of the brochures. She suggested that NPF do a presentation at the Region to let people know the importance of this effort. It was mentioned that Nancy and Hedrick were scheduled to talk with the superintendents at their February “Cluster Meeting”.

Nancy indicated that she was also doing targeted mailings to the NPF list. She also noted that George Cook, a Trustee?, introduced her to the CEO of Colonial Parking Co. and they will do a mailing about the fund to their 60,000 customers. There also may be an opportunity to use advertising space on the parking garages to publicize the fund.

Nancy mentioned that she was contacted by the Wolf Trap Foundation, even thought they are not a member of the GWNP Fund. She indicated that Wolf Trap was interested in doing “mutually beneficial efforts” and would share their ticket list. Wolf Trap, according to Ms. Sturm, will talk to Superintendent Crockett about featuring Wolf trap and GWNP Fund literature and linking web-sites.

Nancy indicated that the GWNP Fund logo was approved. She shared a copy of the logo which featured a slogan, “Support National Parks in Your Backyard”. The slogan was used to help Catoctin with a “short-deadline” for a public service announcement for the local Business Gazette. It wasn’t clear from the discussion whether the slogans were approved or not for future or broader use.

Nancy indicated that NPF had assisted NCR Parks with another “random act of kindness”. NPF assisted with a donation of 46 mountain bikes from Ford Motor Co.????. 20 bikes went to C &O, 20 to Rock Creek; 5 to Catoctin; and 1 to the Potomac Heritage Trail.

She mentioned that the “Ranger Registry” debuted within the region. The registry offers donors the opportunity to contribute to NCR park projects in the $400-500 range. The registry is being piloted nationally within NCR.

Nancy indicated that she was disappointed that we had “missed the season” because of review delays. Seven of NCR’s twelve participating parks are pursuing the registry and additional information is available at: www.gwnpf.org

Nancy indicated that the GWNP Fund has received eleven gifts totaling approximately $2,500. One of the gifts was for $1,000. She also indicated that all of the trustees agreed that they will donate to the fund. So far, three have made donations, two at the $1,000 level.

Nancy indicated that the Trustees had met on December 11 and indicated that they “really do want to see the parks”. They indicated that they would like to have a series of “get to know the park events”. One of these events has been scheduled—on February 27 the George Washington Memorial Parkway is sponsoring a park event for the Trustees at the Arlington House.

Other possible events that Nancy mentioned include: something at Manassas, Kenilworth Gardens, Piscataway Park and a possible Skipjack boast ride, and an Anacostia canoe ride.

Nancy explained that these events are a way for the Trustees to get to see the park, invite their close friends and corporate contacts. The intent is “to tantalize and create a kernel in their mind”. The goal of the events is to “cultivate donors and get folks involved before asking them for money”.

Hedrick urged the Council to “find a number of avenues to reach and engage individuals”. As examples he mentioned the website, the Colonial Parking effort, and pro-bono advertisements. He said that the key to fundraising is to build capacity, get more Trustees on board, and build donor base of individuals.

Joe Lawler asked Nancy and Hedrick whether GWNP Fund would be a membership organization? Nancy said that there will be a $35.00 annual membership fee, with increasing fees for better services.

Nancy made a point to share “the other side of things”. She indicated that some times interest in the funds takes a lot of time. She illustrated her point by using an example where the White’s Federal Enviuronmental Manager contacted GWNP Fund and asked for “banking assistance” for the “Recycle Today” event on the National Mall.

Nancy continued her report and told the group that she had talked to a merchandiser about using products to generate revenue. She said she had talked to the company that did the DC “Party Animal” posters and the Cherry Blossom Festival. Nancy mentioned that she will be talking with GSI and Parks & History about these ideas. She thinks that the battlefields will be the first priority for this type of revenue generation.

Kevin brandt reported on the work of the NCR Messaging Team. He said that logos were being developed for other parks and expects “a family of 20 images”.

He noted that Mather and the HFC were interested in using the GWNP Fund graphics style. After some discussion the Council decided that they should not be part of this contract since Soupon was providing us with services at a very reasonable rate.

Bill Line mentioned that there would be a “Media Plan” to unveil all of the logos to the area. He indicated that the Washington Post.com would be a web-partner and publicize each of the parks. Bill said that the editors of the Post were discussing placing articles on park work to position stories and a better understanding of the traditional role of philanthrophy.

Bill also said that he was talking to Wendy Reeger of Channel 4 about her being a volunteer for a week and linking her time to National Parks Week.

Joe Lawler encouraged the Council to “get the GWNP Fund logos on every park website”. It was mentioned by Kevin Brandt that the Messaging Group was developing guidelines that they will bring back to the Council for review. The group has contacted Steve Peddleman about a www.gwnpf.org link to all of the NCR park units.

Glenn Eugster gave the Council a brief report on—insert notes.

Nancy mentioned that there was a proposal coming

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