Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NCR Fund Meeting with Don Campbell

NCR Fund Meeting with Don Campbell
Feb. 8, 2001

A meeting was held with Superintendent Campbell of HAFE to discuss the NCR fundraising proposal. Although Don did not submit written comments he had the following suggestions. Please note the Superintendent has not reviewed this summary.

Superintendent Campbell believes that the NCR fund is a tremendous opportunity. He feels that our image of NCR parks hasn't been translated into financial resources.

Mr. Campbell works with a Historical Association that sells goods and seeks donations locally. They typically provide HAFE about $80,000 annually and would be supportive of the region-wide fundraising effort.

Don has worked with NPF and HAFE recently received a "Parks as Classrooms" award. He noted the valuable assistance of Julia Washburn.

Don indicated that our goal should include the proper marketing of all the NCR parks. He believes that people will visit the downtown parks and then migrate to the rest of the region.

The Superintendent stressed the need for a video produced by the best company we can afford. The video would be used to capture the highlights and virtues of NCR. He believes that such a video can be used extensively and that it will help yield a long-term dividend.

Don talked about the issue of the perceived divide between parks inside and outside of the beltway and feels that this type of separation isn't healthy. He attributed part of this situation to the negative impacts of reorganization. Evidently reorganization caused a lack of cohesion as downsizing pushed delegations out to parks without staff and dollars.

He feels that we need to be getting new thoughts into people's heads so that they embrace NCR as a region. He hopes that the NCR Directorate will strongly encourage such thinking.

The Superintendent feels that marketing within NCR has been difficult. He believes that each of the parks does an excellent job of marketing their area but our effort should be about the collection of sites. Don believes that NCR parks constitute the icons of the Nation's history. He feels that we have the best parks and we should market them as a complete product--not just as individual parks and sites.

Mr. Campbell feels that NCR is unique--"it's the Grand Canyon of the Nation's cultural resources". Don said that if you were to compare our parks against those at Golden Gate, one of the most successful NPS partnership efforts, and do a side-by-side evaluation we'd come out ahead each time. "We've got it all", said Don.

He believes that we need to do a new NCR parks video to make our information available to supporters and decision-makers. He encouraged us to view the video as the evening news. He urged the effort to put together the long and the short of the Nation's news story. "Capture the majesty, history, and meaning of NCR parks", said the Superintendent. He said that people love patriotism and our parks are an opportunity for Americans to tie into symbols and icons.

Don doesn't feel that a guaranteed return should be included in the proposal. He feels that we should concentrate on a larger vision, get chartered and staffed, develop marketing tools, and create the fund. At some point in the future it might be important to assure each park a minimum return but not now.

Mr. Campbell went further to say that each Superintendent
can help the proposed Council by promoting the NCR fund. He said "NCR parks are the jewels in the crown but we can't see the crown".

Concluding, Don said, "It's all in the doing. Get the Nation's Capital National Parks Fund up and running".

Meeting Conclusion: Very strong support for NCR fund proposal and a wonderful vision of how a region-wide effort can work. An inspiring meeting!

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