Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Waste Wood Utilization Workshop

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006
10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
Training Center - 1st Floor Meeting Rooms at COG
Lunch will be provided for all attendees

Waste Wood Utilization Workshop
A Presentation by Pioneers and Practitioners in the Field

Hosted by the Community Forestry Network (CFN)
DC Cooperative Extension Service / University of the District of Columbia
National Park Service, National Capital Region

The urban forests in the metropolitan region produce a great quantity of wood from tree removals, storms and routine tree maintenance. Previously, this material has been chipped for mulch at best. This forum will focus on those people and groups who are on the cutting edge of developing technologies and programs to put this wood to good use. More information will be posted to http://www.mwcog.org/calendar/

Scheduled Presenters:

John Thomas – Urban Forester with the DC Urban Forestry Administration
CitiWood Works – Stubby & Maria Warmbold
Professor Tony Mucciardi – Tree Radar Inc.
Dan Rider – MDNR Associate Director – Forest Service Marketing & Utilization
Others TBA

This meeting will be held at the offices of the Council of Governments, 777 North Capitol, St. Washington, D.C., on the first floor in the Training Center meeting room.

A final agenda will be posted at COG’s Web Page http://www.mwcog.org/committee/committee/events.asp?COMMITTEE_ID=48

Directions to COG may be found at our website:  http://www.mwcog.org/contact/directions/default.asp

Please RSVP to Brian LeCouteur via e-mail: blecouteur@mwcog.org or via voice mail at 202 962-3393 by noon June 27th. Hope to see you then.

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