Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NCR Fund Meeting with Arnie Goldstein

NCR Fund Meeting with Arnie Goldstein
February 13, 2001

A meeting was held with Arnie Goldstein to discuss the NCR fundraising effort. National Capital Parks-Central has been actively involved in the development of the fundraising initiative and helped co-author the proposal with workgroup members. Please note Superintendent Goldstein has not reviewed these notes.

Superintendent Goldstein strongly supports the NCR fundraising effort. He believes that we need to, "Go cautiously but step out. We need to develop our identity and themes and see where the effort goes".

Arnie's motivation for the fundraising initiative is linked, in part, to the messages he heard at the NPS Conference held last year in St. Louis. He views the challenge that was laid out to the audience at the conference as part of the rationale for why we need to carry out this initiative now.

The Superintendent also stressed the importance of using this effort to "get to kids". "The fundraising effort is a way help young people understand what we have, how to protect and enjoy it. We need to send our youth a message about our environment, what we are doing to protect it and how we can help ourselves", said Mr. Goldstein.

Superintendent Goldstein believes that, "This initiative will make for a tighter NPS family. We will be more public about who we are. It's a chance to further our mission and get additional owners".

Arnie stressed the need for all of us to "think about the larger audience". He believes that the fundraising effort needs to use broad scale tools. For example, he thought that we could do a better job on the existing videotape about NCR parks. Mr. Goldstein said, "We can use this effort as a recruitment tool for new employees. We can sell NPS. We can use this to help people understand, know about and work for NPS. We can use this to target young people and make them enthused about working for NPS".

Superintendent Goldstein suggested that we think further about the name of the fundraising effort. He urged us to pre-test the name and then use it to build a base of support by getting the message out.

Discussion also included the possibility of using this effort to consider more descriptive names for park units and the regional office. It was felt that if the fundraising effort is to be successful, we have to be able to communicate our identity in a more descriptive way.

The clearinghouse function was discussed. Arnie feels that it is important that we have a list of our park partner groups and their functions. He thought it would be useful if we knew who their large benefactors are. He suggested that we do this informally at first and build ourselves up to a more structured coordination process.

Superintendent Goldstein believes that "it takes money to make money" and this effort will take some time before it returns a profit. He urged all of us to think about the greater good. Arnie said, "This isn't about specific projects but activities that are help everyone".

He wondered whether we could tap a portion of donated funds for the general, NCR fund as a way to build our core base identity and signature.

Mr. Goldstein feels that if a guaranteed return to each of the participating parks, similar to the recreation fee demonstration fund, helps build support for the fundraising effort we should do it.

Conclusions: Superintendent Goldstein continues to be a strong supporter of the NCR fundraising effort and encourages us to move ahead.

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