Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Landscape Infrastructure, Natural Processes, and Community Development

for a Green Infrastructure Forum with
Anne Whitson Spirn

On Thursday October 2, 2003 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. there will be a Green Infrastructure Forum featuring Anne Whitson Spirn, sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government's (COG) Community Forestry Network and the National Park Service (NPS), at 777 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.

The event is one of a series of Green Infrastructure Forums and Workshops to discuss park, forest cover, open space and recreation land approaches within the metropolitan Washington region, will feature:

A brief overview of the "Metropolitan Washington Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project".
A presentation on an existing metropolitan green space effort.
Remarks by Anne Whiston Spirn on
landscape infrastructure, natural pocesses, and community development.

Anne Whiston Spirn is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning at MIT.  She received the A.B. from Harvard University and the M.L.A. from the University of Pennsylvania.  Before coming to MIT, Spirn taught at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard.  Prior to teaching, Spirn worked at Wallace McHarg Roberts and Todd on diverse projects, including plans for Woodlands New Community in Houston, the Toronto Central Waterfront, and a comprehensive plan for Sanibel, Florida.  Her first book, The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design, won the President’s Award of Excellence from the American Society of Landscape Architects.  The Language of Landscape (Yale 1998), extends the ideas presented in The Granite Garden and argues that the language of landscape exists with its own grammar and metaphors.  Since 1984 she has worked in inner-city neighborhoods on landscape planning and community design and development.  She is director of the West Philadelphia Landscape Project, a program that integrates teaching, research, and community service, which was recognized as a model project by the White House Millennium Council in 1999. In 2001, Spirn was awarded the International Cosmos Prize for “contributions to the harmonious coexistence of nature and humankind.”

To attend this forum please respond to this e-mail message at: glenn_eugster@nps.gov or blecouteur@mwcog.org or send a note by telefax to (202) 619-7220 or (202) 962-3203. By telephone call Glenn Eugster at(202) 619-7492 or Brian LeCouteur at(202) 962-3393. Please respond by no later than Friday September 26, 2003.

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