Thursday, August 4, 2011

The National Park Foundation’s “Ranger Registry”


11 Dupont Circle NW 202-238-4200 main
Suite 600 202-234-3103 fax
Washington, DC 20036-1224

Request for Proposals:
The National Park Foundation’s “Ranger Registry”

Project Description

As the use of the internet continues to grow and more people are comfortable using this medium for all tasks associated with daily life – paying bills, making travel plans, purchasing gifts, making philanthropic donations – the National Park Foundation (NPF) is taking a fresh look at how it can extend the online giving opportunities currently available on its web site, NPF has decided to offer a low-dollar, interactive opportunity to donors who are interested in funding very tangible needs for Parks, and hopes in the process to strengthen the connection these donors have to National Parks. The project, called the Ranger Registry, will be piloted through the Greater Washington National Parks Fund, with the goal that NPF eventually roll out the program System-wide.

NPF’s model for this program is, a nonprofit that matches donors interested in education with low-dollar projects and materials that need to be funded in the New York City Public School System. In about a year, nearly 12,000 school children have benefited from over $120,000 in gifts. Prospective donors view an online “catalog” of modestly priced items and projects that they can support directly and immediately through an on-line contribution. In return for their contribution, donors receive a photographs of their gift ‘in action’, thank you notes from teachers and students, and a legal receipt for every gift made

The Greater Washington National Parks Fund is requesting proposals from National Capital Region National Parks represented in the Fund for projects or items to be considered for posting on the Ranger Registry. The dollar limit for projects is $450, and all requests must demonstrate how the fulfillment of the need will enhance the visitor experience and strengthen the connection between people and their National Parks. The often interesting and unique items that Parks use in interpretive programs are ideal for the Registry, in that they are likely to spark the imagination of potential donors. Thus, for example, $134 for toilet paper or cleaning supplies would not be an appropriate request while $94 to translate a brochure into Spanish would be more on target.

We are eager to have a good range of items for the Registry in time for this holiday charitable giving season. Please submit your requests by November 22, for consideration in this first round.

An NPF Ranger Registry task force (comprised of the Executive Director of the Greater Washington National Parks Fund, NPF communications, grants staff,, and an NPS representative to be chosen by the Park Fund Council) will review funding requests. Approved requests will go into the Ranger Registry and posted on and for donors to browse.


We anticipate that as the program evolves to be year-round, Park requests will be reviewed monthly. The Fund will disburse checks to the Parks whose requests have been funded on a quarterly basis. (This quarterly payment system is important to keep in mind when you make your request – it will take a while for a check to be issued once your need has been funded.)

Please bear in mind that a Park’s submission of a funding request will serve as a de facto grant agreement: if the request is funded, the Park is obligated to provide photographs of the project and write a personal thank you note to the donor (with copies of both to NPF). The Fund will be pleased to provide template acknowledgement letters for your use. The Fund will also provide a legal receipt to the donor for tax purposes upon payment in full of the pledge. If a Park receives funding through The Ranger Registry and does not submit pictures and a thank you note within the framework of the grant agreement, future requests from that Park through this program can not be considered.

The submission form is attached. Please make copies and submit several requests – there is no limit. Please be creative! Thank you!

Request for Funding
Greater Washington National Parks Fund
Ranger Registry

National Park unit submitting request______ _______________________________________

Park contact for this request______________________________________________________

Please describe your funding request


How much money are you requesting? (maximum allowed is $450) ____________________

How will fulfillment of this request improve the visitor experience at your Park?


Please estimate how many people will benefit from fulfillment of this request.


Superintendent’s Signature _____________________________________________________

Date __________________________________________________________________

Please note that signature on this funding request serves as a formal grant agreement, binding the Park to all requirements for satisfactory participation in this program should your project be funded through the Ranger Registry. These requirements include sending the Greater Washington National Parks Fund and the donor (whose name and address will be provided to you) a minimum of three pictures of visitors (a sample release form will be provided) and Rangers making use of the items purchased with the grant money, as well as writing a thank you note to the donor and furnishing a copy to the Fund. The note can be written by a Ranger or by a visitor/s who have been a beneficiary of the grant.

Please return this completed form via fax at 202-234-3103 the attention of Nancy Sturm, Fund Executive Director. If you have any questions or would like further information, please call Nancy at 202-238-4170.

Thank you for your interest in The Ranger Registry, and the Greater Washington National Parks Fund of the National Park Foundation. We look forward to working with you.

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