Friday, August 12, 2011

DC-NPS Parks, Open Space and Recreation Roundtable

DC Parks & Recreation - NPS, National Capital Region
Parks, Open Space and Recreation Roundtable
Thursday, April 7, 2005, 10:00am to 12:00 noon
Hillcrest Recreation Center, 31st and Denver Streets, SE
Washington, DC

Fawcett, Hinkle, Lawler, Coleman, S. Applewhaite-Coleman, Becker, Jervis, Ross, Lucy, Fishman, Pochter, Stanley, Lawler, Niewold, Briggs, Meyers, Neal, Stidham, Cucurullo, Reeves, ANC_____ rep, Silva, McCallum, Betsy ______ (Board of Green Spaces), Boasberg, Blumenthal, Eugster, Niewold, Gregerson, Schill.


Improve efficiency and quality of management of our operations through interagency collaboration, cooperative projects, and joint ventures.
Improve quality of services to the residents/ visitors we serve.
Improve communication.
Demonstrate the seamless system approach to parks, open space and recreation areas through experimental sharing of personnel, programs, facilities, and public parklands through the city wherever proximity, similarity of function, or achieving efficiencies or economies of scale make sense.
Identifying and implementing opportunities around the city for the active engagement of public involvement in park operations and maintenance through cooperative agreements, public-private partnerships, public-private cost-sharing, community-based shared management, and operational partnerships between the two public agencies and community-based organizations such as Washington Parks & People.

I. Welcome and Introductions

Neil Stanley welcomed the group and provided a tour of the recreation center.

II. Old Business

Ted Pochter led the group in a review of action items from November 8, 2004 meeting

1. Fort Circle Trails
Don Briggs reported on the status of planning for the Ft. Circle trails. He said that Mr. Meyers, from the University of MD was assisting him and others by doing a concept plan.
Steve Coleman mentioned that on April 16-17, 2005 there will be a hike, the Washington Ridge Crossing.

2. Fort Dupont Ice Arena
Sally Blumenthal reported that a Mini Master Plan is being developed for Ft. DuPont ice arena.
The effort will involve the community and be taken the National Capital Planning Commission.
Sally suggested a small meeting to discuss this effort further with DC and Supt. Gayle
Hazelwood. Ted Pochter noted that the Crispic Addict group contacted Kate Herrod and got a
grant from the Summit Fund.

3. Urban Park Rangers
Ted Pochter talked to Jim Sherald and Einar Olsen about working out an arrangement for the
DC Urban Rangers to work with NPS Rangers.

4. Youth Summit on Recreation
Ted Pochter reported that on May 10 or 12, 2005 there will be an interagency group meeting
About a proposed Youth Summit to be held October 8 or 12, 2005. The DC people to be
involved have been identified. Ted would like names from NPS. Teams for the summit will be
proposed. It was noted that Cynthia Salter- Stith is the NPS- NCR Youth Program contact and
that Derrick Crandall, from the American recreation Coalition, has shown interest in this idea in
the past.
5. Oxon Run Master Plan
Ted Pochter noted that DC is working with Supt. Hazelwood, and Stephen Syphax of her staff to
reshape specifications for the cost of the Oxon Run Master Plan.

6. Greenroofs Conference:
Drew Becher noted that on May 4-6, 2005 DC, and other sponsors, was holding a Greenroofs Conference in the District. He noted that there were green roof tours scheduled on the May 7, a VIP reception on May 4; and that Deputy Assistant Secretary of Interior Lynn Scarlett was to speak on May 6. Drew mentioned that Mayor Williams was planning to announce the District’s environmental agenda during the conference.

Drew added that the target audience for the conference is developers, architect and engineers. He noted that this metropolitan region lacks LEED developers and the hope of the conference is to increase expertise and green roof activity. He said that the cost of doing green building in this region is 13 – 20% more expensive than other regions.

Drew added that every new District building will be Silver LEED status with green roofs.
He noted that he would give NPS employees passes to attend sessions.

III. New Business

1. Trash and Litter Campaign
Ted Pochter noted that DC wants an interagency group to meet in May to help design a Trash
and Litter Campaign. He suggested that superintendents, the NPS-CR Communications Office
and others would be appropriate to involve. Drew Becher added that the Capital City Relief,
river clean-up effort, is part of this.

Destry Jervis noted that the C&O Trash-Free Effort is worth taking a look at. He added that
Ellen Tee’s Front Country Program may be a good model since it is geared to urban areas.
Destry added that Dave Watts’ of Leave No Trace ED, was funded by REI, and LL Bean and
they are looking for Urban Partners.

Steve Coleman that April 21, 2005 is DC Water Day with WASA and it is focused on catchment basins. He said that no agency is currently responsible for maintenance of District streams.
Sally Blumenthal added that Public Lands Day could be a target date for a trash clean-up effort. Public Lands Day is in late September. Sally Boasberg added that part of the problem with trash is that there aren’t enough trash cans. Drew Becher responded that DC was going to keep a constant number of trash cans. While he was working in Chicago they tried doing without trash cans and they decided to take cans to the exterior of parks. Drew added that DC will increase pickup by putting cans on outside and that they can provide super cans.

Steve Coleman commented that we are deluged with trash in stormwater runoff, city streets, bus stops, and from illegal dumping. He said they had tried the trash free park idea and it won’t work. Drew said that Merit should attend next meeting to discuss this.

2. Recreation Permit Fees on NPS Lands
Don Fishman noted that DC permits many NPS fields. He said that the District always charged for DC fields and the price of leasing a field went from $25 to $39. per hour. He noted that DC recently started to charge fees on NPS lands without prior approval. He said that these fees were for admission only, and that no use fees were being charged for NPS lands. He added that NPS has different laws than the District and that the dialogue between the Service and the District will continue.

3. NPS Anacostia River Lands
Glenn Eugster reported that BJ Gerber had provided NPS-NCR and National Capital Parks-East with information on a proposal to create a Museum on NPS lands along the Anacostia. Glenn Said that Ms. Gerber, and her colleagues, made this proposal without input from NPS.
Destry Jarvis asked, what is the process for making a proposal on NPS lands? He added, if NPS had management plans for their lands in place it will give them strength and direction to the community interests.

Sally Boasberg asked whether we could invite the Anacostia Waterfront Commission to the next meeting. Patrick Gregerson said that he could give a brief overview of the Anacostia General Management Plan at the next meeting.

4. DC Dog Parks
Ms. Silva gave a presentation on DC Dog. She said that her group advocates for regulations for
safe, fenced off-leash, dog parks. She added that she is working closely with DC Parks and
Recreation and has legislation pending to make dog parks legal. She noted that there are
many advantages for dogs and dog owners and that such action would help create a sense of
community because dog parks help owners become the eyes and ears of the parks.

Ms. Silva said that there are 165,000 dogs from 154,000 households in DC. She added that there is approximately 1,000 acres of DC parkland and many small parks are a part of this. She said that 40 parks are already committed to other uses and that park usage should include all members of city. She said she feels limited because they can not take dogs off leash in parks and they are restricted where she can go.

Ms. Silva noted that she specifically wants to transfer Glover Archibald Park lands for a dog park. She noted that Minnehaha Regional Park, which is part of the Mississippi National Recreation Area, and Westchester, Ohio park lands have been transferred for this purpose.

5. DC Parks & Recreation and NPS Parks Database
[I need assistance with this report. Anyone?]
Sally Boasberg asked how DOT fits into this.

6. DC Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Ted Pochter reported that the shareholder interviews for the DC Master Plan were starting and that the District wants to include NPS. Ted asked NPS to quickly provide the names of people for interviews the week of April 18, 2005.

7. Kingman-Heritage Island
Ted Pochter reported that the District wants to build and a LEED Platnum Building at Kingman Heritage Island. He said they envision the island as an Urban Park Ranger substation
Michael Lucy added that work is underway for entrance improvements for the Island.
Designs are complete and he expects the design process to be completed by the end of the Fall. Sally Boasberg noted that a decision remains as to whether the building will be on the island or not. Patrick Gregerson noted that placing the building on the land, rather than the island, is problematic.

8. City Space Plan
Ted Pochter reported that DC was anxious to get started on the City Space Plan. He said that the National Capital Planning Commission was planning to do a Request for Proposals.
Jeff Hinkle reported that a final scope of work has been developed and NCPC will meet with DC Parks & Recreation and NPS in 3-4 months for consultation. Sally Blumenthal asked whether or not open space standards would be changed? Jeff responded by saying that the standards haven’t changed and he can give a presentation at the next meeting.

9. Kenilworth Subsurface Issues
Don Fishman reported that he was involved in discussions with Supt. Hazelwood about the two tracts of land related to Kenilworth North. He noted that DC did not accept the transfer of this property from NPS to the District. He added that DC Parks and Entertainment Commission were working with NPS on a large study of all of Kenilworth. He said they would do the study and look at Kenilworth North in February 2006. He added that the other Kenilworth site is adjoining this property and that no digging is proposed but they will be capping the site.

Don said that he met with Supt. Hazelwood and the Commission two weeks ago and that they are doing a preliminary study and the schedule was pushed back.
Sally Blumenthal noted that someone should let Senator Landreau know about the delays. Neil Stanley and Don Fishman indicated that are keeping her involved. Neil added that DC is concerned about legal and financial liability involved with property. They do want the land but can’t assume liability without knowing what it is.

Steve Coleman added that there is an opportunity to reconnect communities if there is a continuous corridor along the Anacostia. He said that Mayor Williams proposes to name the park corridor after Marvin Gaye. Mr., Gaye, a DC resident, is the only major Motown-music star that sang about the environment.

10. Sherier Place
Neil Stanley reported that DC Parks & Recreation operates the site and proposes to remove structure, which is a vacant house. He said that NPS transferred jurisdiction in 1970 for recreation purposes only and that options for the use of the site are limited by the NPS transfer. He added that the District’s proposal has been met with resistance.

Ted Pochter reported that DC is continuing the Section 106 public consultation process and has not made a final decision. Glenn Eugster noted that the NPS Regional Director Joe Lawler is interested in staying involved with the discussions.

IV. Other Topics
1. Great Outdoors’ Month / Week
Tom Ross reported that Great Outdoor Month will start the first week in June. He noted that it intends to highlight recreation sponsored by the American Recreation Coalition. He added that it starts on Memorial Day and runs through the American Folklife Festival. He urged people to go to: for additional information.

2. Drew Becher Transferring to DC Planning
Neil Stanley reported to the group that Drew Becher was selected to be Deputy Director of the Office of Planning. Neil Stanley and the group thanked Drew for his contribution and wished him well in his new position.

3. Greater Washington National Parks: Trails Forever
Glenn Eugster mentioned that NPS is launching the trails Forever Campaign on June 3, 2005 at Rock Creek Park. Invitations will be mailed in May.

4. Trust for Public Land Green Mapping Assessment
Glenn Eugster reported that NPS had funded the Trust for Public Land and the center for Neighborhood technology to conduct an assessment of green mapping in the metropolitan Washington, DC region and Chesapeake Bay watershed.

V. Next Meeting
The next quarterly meeting will be held at a National Park Service location and will be coordinated and announced. Topics for discussion will include action items from the April 7, 2005 Roundtable Meeting and suggested topics for participants.

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