Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Occoquan Meeting

Occoquan Meeting 5/21/03


Claudia Cruise: Admin. Clerk
W. Harry Ervin: Town Engineer (left early)
Win Frank: Treasurer
Patricia M. Conway: Mayor
Dr. Jim O’Connor Vice Mayor
J.P. Cunha
Bobbie Frank: Council Member
Dan Nees: Friends of the Potomac
Doug Pickford: NVPDC
Glenn Eugster: NPS – NCR
April Croft NPS – NCR
Ann Financial Committee
Pamela Kunwin

Since there were a few new attendees, Eugster gave an introduction as to why all were in attendance, i.e. to help lead the committees to carry out projects they feel are important to the town.

Eugster said the Charette they did was useful, but he needs more information and more time to discuss additional questions.

He mentioned the River Process Schematic Formula he handed out. The bottom line is action and acknowledged, “We all want to get to action.” He also passed out a list of question for the evening’s discussion.

He then asked what was the most effective way for them to help themselves. He continued that the Charette didn’t tell him what they hold special. What they value…Concerns are addressed, but he needs more info. At the previous meeting, Nees has spoken a lot about their goals, which will be tonight’s third question. The fourth question will focus on their priorities. Eugster said that in order for his colleagues to be effective, they have to give us direction.

Ann from the Financial Committee asked if we would be facilitating and doing strategic planning. Eugster responded that the NPS provides technical, and sometimes, financial assistance.

He then proceeded with the questions:

. Values:

1. What are the natural, historic, cultural, recreational, tourism, economic and other values that are important to you and your community?

What is unique about your community? What values do you consider important to retain and sustain?

Conway said that the need is to preserve the historic heritage of the town but also need to start facing water for boating.

Frank said she valued the quaintness, only 1 mile off of 95. Very unusual since they are so close to highway. Very unique.

Conway said Occoquan was like ‘stepping back in time.”

Ann noted the safety of the town, very little crime.

Frank talked about the setting of town, historic character, gaslights, the river, close to D.C., mixed retail & residential. The river is the most important resource and need to tie it into economic development and tourism.

2. Issues & Matters of Concern

What are the problems and issues that concern you about Occoquan and the community's future?

O’Connor stated that the village atmosphere is very fragile. Too much development and it could be destroyed.

Ervin said he didn’t want RT. 123 traffic to cut through the town, creating more traffic.

Cunha said the town looks horrible from the water.

O’Connor described it as seedy. Wants unique, niche shopping (artsy). No chain stores or franchises. Occoquan also needs a dentist and real estate office.

Frank said that parking was the #1 problem. The empty marina is an eye sore. It divides the town.

Erwin said it could become a destination for Chesapeake traffic but needs transient spaces. Not enough places to stay.

Frank said there are many projects, but they are competing for scare resources. Also they need space for storage of materials fore bridge and pipeline work. The pipeline schedule is bounded by two shows, the Craft Shows on the 7&8 of June and the 27&28 of Sept.

Frank said we need money.

O’Connor said that homes are being bought and torn down to create townhouses. He’s concerned about overdevelopment and the town becoming too densely populated.

Conway said everything is happening right now and we want to do it right.

O’Connor stated there are a lack of good restaurants because many closed recently. Croft asked why. O’Connor stated that it was for many reasons including poor accounting.

O’Connor said that the merchants would like to stay open later, but they need another restroom that is handicapped compliant.

Ann said that the traffic is very bad in the morning. Commuters cut through the town and traffic on the highways is backed up.

3. Goals & Vision

What are you trying to accomplish? What is your vision for Occoquan? What does success look like?

Ann said that they need a strategic plan before a business plan. The closest they have to a strategic plan is the Five Year Comprehensive Plan, which is being updated but is not ready.

Eugster asked what is the spirit of the town.

Frank said the riverwalk.

O’Connor said to preserve, protect, restore and enhance the downtown.

Cunha said they have waterfront but turn their back to it.

Frank mentioned the mill replica.

Frank said another goal is to improve the infrastructure while maintain the village. Need money for historic parker projects (walking trail, mill, riverwalk.)

The amphitheatre was mentioned.

Cunha suggested created a fish hatchery. He would like to see the town buy the marina and make it a town center like Manassas with a farmer's market in the summer and an ice rink in the winter.

O’Connor said senior housing would bring in revenue.

4. Priority Projects

What are three priority, or "keystone" projects? Specifically, what are the core elements (projects, activities, events, etc.) that are critical to the initial success of your vision/ goals?

Cunha said to improve tourism.

O’Connor said he wants local residents to benefit.

Conway said we need to draw people from Rt. 123 to enjoy the town. They want a thriving business community and need tourism.

O’Connor said he didn’t want buses, no mass tourism.

Conway said they do promote to group tours.

Nees asked how they are here? Is it because it’s a quaint village. He asked about the town restrictions to maintain historic character of town.
Parking formula was discussed. Needs to be increased.

Eugster asked for them to each list their #1 choice: could be bricks& motor or something else.

Cunha: Get rid of V-Dot.

Frank: The Riverfront Access project: transients docks, pumpout stations, restrooms, shower, dockmaster, boardwalk

Ann said that the craft shows should continue because they are revenue generating.

Frank responded that the costs for advertising, transportation and police are getting higher each year and now cost 60% of the budget. May not be profitable in future even if shows keep taxes down.

Kunwin said that shopping and retail need more support, advertising year round. She said marketing is key.

Conway asked how we can do this and keep the town the way it is: quaint, safe.

Frank: The Mill St. Project. . They want to finish the gaslight and brick sidewalks on other end of town. Also the Town Hall Annex, which is currently being used as store for maintenance and facilities. Offices are above. Want to turn it into the town hall.

Kunwin suggested a “buy a brick” program.

O’Connor said that the water tank will be removed in a year and they will have to contribute money for a bandstand. He would like to see a hotel, anywhere, but upscale. He also wanted to keep the historic footbridge. V-Dot wants to tear it down. Occoquan would have to pay maintenance, lighting and soundproofing. He’s also considered about he Ebenezer Baptist Church. It’s historic, and they have built a new complex. He doesn’t want them to sell the original church and see it torn down. The post office also has post office boxes. Very unique because everybody has to go there to get their mail. He’s concerned that the USPS will get rid off it and use another facility to deliver the mail. It would no longer be a gathering place. The mill is also a part of the history of the town.

5. Next Steps

What will we do next?

Eugster asked, “What happened after the Charette?” Frank said they started working harder.

Eugster then asked how much tourism do they want? They have to decide that. The private sector is important.

Kunwin said the business community is very concerned about making it through the next couple of years with all this construction.

Eugster asked who should be the main contact for Occoquan.
Everyone agreed that Frank who be the key person as he handles all grants.

Cruise said having a clear sound barrier on the bridge is critical. Can NPS talk V-Dot into doing it? Landlord of neighboring apartment building is insisting on the sound barrier but current plan is ugly.

Eugster said his colleagues would work on a summary. There may be a chance to use the American Heritage River Status and present their list - an opportunity to see if some of their folks are interested.

He said he has brought Federal and private sector people to town to speak with town officials and to make additional contacts. He will speak to Pickford about VA.

Pickford asked for a town budget and was given a copy.

O’Connor said they used to have an urban grant.

Eugster wrapped up the meeting by saying he will draft the summary of the meeting and confer with his colleagues.

Conway said that council meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month or can organize a special meeting to follow-up. She will be on vacation for the next weeks and suggested contacting Cruise at ext. 11 at the Town Hall in the interim.

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