Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NCR Fund Meeting with Bob Sutton

NCR Fund Meeting with Bob Sutton
February 8, 2001

A meeting was held with Superintendent Sutton at MANA to discuss his comments on the Nation's Capital National Parks Fund. Although Bob didn't submit written comments on the proposal he had the following comments. Please note that Superintendent Sutton has not reviewed these notes.

Mr. Sutton thinks the NCR fund proposal is wonderful and a tremendous opportunity. He believes that this approach is the future of NPS.

Bob said that he started a friends group at MANA and it has about 50 members. It has not been able to raise money for the park so far.

Mr. Sutton indicated that he is working with NPF to raise funds for a film about MANA. They are working to secure an investor, will charge admission to see the film, and hope to recoup their investment. In addition, NPF developed a fundraising brochure for MANA.

MANA is a partner with the Eastern National Cooperating Association and they provide the park with approximately $80,000 annually. Evidently they have had a successful long-term relationship with the Association. He feels they are the only public or private organization providing civil war information to visitors in the area.

Superintendent Sutton likes the way the proposal is set up. He believes that it will be important to have several successful projects "right-off-the-bat". For example, he'd like to see support for a new Visitor Center battlefield map at Stewards Hill. He needs about $100,000-120,000 and the project is ready to go right now.

Bob supports the idea of each park coming in with a list of priority projects. He feels that the projects should be "ready" and include a cost estimate. He suggests that the proposed Council make sure the early projects are "spread around".

He doesn't believe that there needs to be a guarantee of funding or a pro-rata formula.

The Superintendent doesn't have a partnership person on staff and functions as the point of contact for friends and fundraising. He went to NPCA for assistance with friendsraising four or five years ago. He said they were helpful but his friends group still isn't able to do fundraising for the park.

Mr. Sutton believes that this approach to fundraising will enable him to focus, and capitalize on, interest in civil war battlefields. He thinks that the NCR fund will have a menu to offer including civil war projects. He mentioned park fundraising efforts in Chattanooga, TN and GETT as a successful example of this approach.

He has talked with staff from Jim Lighthizer's Civil War Preservation Trust and they are working to acquire lands near MANA. He thought it would be useful for us to talk with Mr. Lighthizer about our effort.

Bob is willing to put time into this effort and hopes it works.

Conclusions: Superintendent Sutton vigorously endorsed the NCR fundraising effort and is willing to implement it.

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