Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mapping Forum

The Metropolitan Washington Green Infrastructure
Mapping Forum
Hosted by COG’s Community Forestry Network (CFN)
Sponsored by the
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
and the
National Park Service

Friday, October 18, 2002
8:45 to 4:30 P.M.
777 North Capitol Street, N.E
3rd Floor Board Room,
Washington, D.C.

This is your opportunity to see first-hand the variety of “green infrastructure mapping” efforts in the Metropolitan Washington Region. What is a Green Infrastructure Mapping Forum? More than fifteen separate mapping efforts are currently underway to map forests, riparian areas, meadows, parks, and other green space, as well as open space or recreation areas in the Metro Region. More endeavors are planned as people recognize the value of integrating gray and green infrastructure. This forum will bring selected organizations involved in mapping projects small and large, to share the scope and methods of their work through oral and visual presentations or exhibits.

Organizations participating in the Green Mapping Forum include: U.S. Geological Survey; Maryland National Park and Planning Commission - Prince George’s County; Casey Tree Endowment Fund; American Forests; and others.

The Keynote speaker for this event will be Margaret Maizel of ONEIMAGE, LLC., co-author of the 1997 Washington Post series, “Green, More or Less”. Ms. Maizel will present trends in open space and vacant land in the region.

Congressman Jim Moran, 8th Congressional District of Virginia, has also been invited to address the forum regarding congressional support for this and similar regional mapping and conservation efforts.

Please Note: Space is limited and reservations are required. Please complete the attached registration form and return it by mail or via fax.

"Green Infrastructure" is defined as: “Our Nation’s natural life support system – an interconnected network of waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats, and other natural areas; greenways, parks and other conservation lands; working farms, ranches, and forests of conservation value; and wilderness and other open spaces that support native species, maintain natural ecological processes, sustain air and water resources and contribute to the health and quality of life for America’s communities and people.” – President’s Council on Sustainable Development


Green Infrastructure Mapping Forum

Please RSVP no later than October 16, 2002.

Your payment will be taken at the door. This charge will help to defer the cost of breaks and lunch.

Please bring payment with you to the event.

NAME: ________________________________________________________________

TITLE: _______________________________________________________________


STREET ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________


BUSINESS PHONE: _____________________________________________________________

TELEFAX NUMBER: _____________________________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

SPECIAL DIETERY REQUIREMENTS:_____________________________________________

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