Alexandria, VA Open Space Message
November 12, 2003
Glenn Eugster
I. Identity/ messaging:
In order for the Alexandria, VA open space effort to be effective it has to be understandable. If people have never heard of it; can't explain it; don't understand it; it won't go a far as we want it to.
Why? You need to find a way to make people care.
Why? In order to use collaboration and partnerships to help us help yourself accomplish our open space goals we have to make friends.
In order to make friends we have to be able to:
Have communications from one group to another
Achieve a top-of-the-mind consciousness and understanding of the effort and its work
Improve communication to increase opportunities to build long-term productive relationships with communities, businesses, and the individuals, within and outside the area.
Goal: Move Alexandria’s open space to the forefront of homeowner, neighborhood, community, business, and local consciousness when they think about environmental, economic and cultural qualities of life.
Messaging expert Phil Musselwhite said, “You cannot not communicate”.
Many of these efforts are struggling with what I call the tyranny of small solutions. Often our orientation is at a project level. Some of the site-specific identities are strong but unfortunately the collective identity of what we are trying to do is weak.
In some situations, where the strength of an open space effort is based on strong sites, then we have to build the identity from the sites up, not from a false overlay down.
Elements: Icon or symbols. What is the current identity of the open space effort? Think of the area as a product. Remember "got milk"? Think of great images--promote the area in the same way.
Boil each area or site down to its iconic self. Simplify the idea, make it a bold and symbolic image. Raise awareness through a visual campaign to "brand the area".
More than a short-term promo image but rather a permanent identity.
Message name: What are we calling this effort? Vague and cumbersome names don't work for messaging purposes--although they are the legal names that need to be recognized.
Let's go back to the idea that we need to find a way to make people care.
Why? People won't give their support, time or money to
something they don't understand. Need to make people aware of what they have and why it's important.
Who is the message carrier? Not all messengers are
equal--or trusted by leaders.
Also, who speaks for these open spaces areas?
Behind every great local open space effort is a great writer.
Collaboration/ partnerships: Public outreach equals friendsraising
How does our cause relate to people's lives?
Need to involve people--look for people of achievement who have a love for what we are trying to do. Give groups a place at the table so they can develop a sense of ownership.
Government approaches of the past: beware of projecting the role of
"the Tin Men"--selling aluminum siding in Baltimore, Md. Have I got a deal for you!
Stuart Cowan says in his book "Ecological Design" everyone is a participant and everyone is a designer. Recognize that everyone is an expert and that collaboration needs to be based on dialogue between the interests.
Dialogue: treat the others as equal in every respect; willing and
able to listen and respond empathetically; willing to bring one's own and others' assumptions into the open without judgement.
Listen to the wisdom you are seeking! Bring people into the vision you have and help them understand their role in achieving the vision.
Why? Identity equals loyalty, commitment and support
V. Possible Tasks:
Improve the identity of our open space effort. Work on the icons
and name.
2. Analyze key stakeholders by open space values--environmental, cultural and economic, and learn more about their point of view.
3.What do people know about the effort and your leadership group? Consider some quick informal research on values, image, messages, and effort. Perhaps some type of attitudes surveys.
Create a stronger awareness of opportunities for people,
businesses, and groups to become involved.
Think about the image of the key partners and primary
contacts. Does our image translate to government? Need to make sure that people don't confuse what our effort is about. It's not about government--it’s about open space!
6.Find a writer that speaks for Alexandria’s open space--behind every successful open space effort is a writer!
7.Lay a framework for earned income: think about products as a way to generate revenue and reinforce the image of the cause and our organization.
8.Prepare a framework for large philanthropic gifts. Consider marketing projects to seek support. Perhaps use the Northern VA Conservation Trust to receive donated funds, and, or, raise private money.
Find a way to measure success and communicate our
progress to others. Some sort of open space indicators are essential!
Sample Mission, Vision and Objectives Statements
The Mission of the City is to transform the parks, open space and recreation areas of Alexandria, through public-private partnerships, into the premier (pick one or more) local park system in VA, the metropolitan region, and the U.S.
In 20 years, Alexandria will be recognized for the quality of life afforded its residents, enhanced by a system of parks, open space and recreation areas, that provide first-class recreation, education and volunteer opportunities to the entire community.
Build awareness of open space resources and programs
Engage a broad cross section of the community in open space activities and support
Provide significant financial support for open space by matching
existing public funds with non-local funds.
Other ideas?
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