Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Northern VA Conservation Trust

Revised Green Infrastructure Proposal
May 11, 2009
Prepared by J. Glenn Eugster for review by the Land Stewardship Committee


The Northern VA Conservation Trust wants to “Be a regional leader in green infrastructure".

Proposed Next Steps:

1. Convene a meeting in Northern VA with key conservation leaders to discuss:

a) Where are we with green infrastructure efforts in the region?; and

b) What values and areas are missing?

c) What can we as leadership organization do to help organizations, agencies and individuals take appropriate green infrastructure actions?

The meeting would serve to develop a vision, network and action plan for green infrastructure in Northern Virginia.

The meeting could be used to discuss the idea of holding a larger meeting where participants would identify the green infrastructure connections that are needed between public and private parks, outdoor recreation areas, open spaces, and natural areas.

Possible Co-Sponsoring Partners (Leadership Group):

1. The Conservation Fund (interested--see April 13, 2009 message to Committee)
2. Northern VA Conservation Trust (interested)
3. Northern VA Park Authority (suggested)
4. Northern VA Regional Planning Commission (suggested)
5. Trust for Public Land (suggested)
6. Resources First Foundation (suggested--see Nov. 16, 2008 message to Committee)
7. Others???

The leaders of the Trust should confirm which groups listed above, or to be added, are appropriate partners. Those groups that are confirmed will be contacted to explore a possible partnership.

Possible Funding and Technical Assistance Support:

If the Trust is willing to pursue this idea:

1. The Conservation Fund is willing to work with us to seek private funds to contribute to whatever we and they other partners contribute. If Trust funds are limited I am willing to raise our portion of the budget.

2. Similar cost-sharing and in-kind service arrangements with other agreed upon partners will be determined from discussions with group leaders.

Next Steps:

1. Land Stewardship Committee approves this proposal, as amended to include comments from the May 12, 2009 meeting, as soon as appropriate.

2. If appropriate the Committee Chair will forward the proposal to the Board for review and approval at their next meeting.

Questions & Comments

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