Lessons from the Road
J. Glenn Eugster
The US experience in highway building seems to be a good model for conservation and recreation advocates as they pursue future funding and support.
In 1916 the Highway Planning & Construction Act was amended to assist with the planning and construction of the interstate system and all other federal aided primary and secondary roads. In 1921 Highway Act required each State to designate 7% of it's road mileage as "primary". These roads were eligible for federal aid on a 50-50 matching-basis. Federal gasoline tax funds used to support these projects.
In 1944 a Federal Aid Highway Act was created to provide for a grant-in-aid program. This was followed by the creation of a Dept. of Transportation in 1949.
1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower asked General Lucius Clay to Chair the Committee on a National Highway Program--to assess the transportation needs of the nation
The committee included the head of the Teamsters Union, the President of a large construction firm and the head of a road construction machinery manufacturer.
In the 1956 the Act was amended to call for a formal plan for 41,000 miles of road. Of this target 5, 000 miles would be within cities.
A Highway Trust Fund was established using a federal tax to pay for road construction. Federal funds were made available on a 90-10, federal to non-federal matching basis.
The President stressed that this initiative was necessary because:
Existing highways were unsafe unsafe
Too many roads were congested
Poor roads inflated transportation costs for business
Existing highways were inadequate for evacuation in the event of nuclear war
Arguably, Eisenhower's vision was met with great support, as well as some scorn. The NY Times, for example, hailed the initiative as "The most enormous public works project in the history of the world". In contrast, noted city planner Lewis Mumford said "The most charitable thing to assume about this legislation is they hadn't the faintest notion of what they were doing".
Source: "Divided Highway" PBS
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