Monday, June 20, 2011

Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever 2007 Proposal

Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever 2007 Proposal, including the 2007 National Parks America Tour

November 21, 2006


“To attract visitors to raise greater awareness of the Greater Washington National Parks as a way to encourage them to use the parks and contribute to their stewardship.”

Objectives and Actions:

Sustain the Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Trails Forever initiative.

Continue the initiative through a variety of existing and new events, activities, and information documents. The theme of this year’s initiative will be Live Well Close to Home.

Make the public more aware of the trails of the Greater Washington National Parks and the recreational, health and educational opportunities they provide.

Invite people to come and take time off and walk, ride and paddle the way to health, inspiration, recreation and education.

a. National Cherry Blossom Festival: From March 31-April 15, 2007 the public will learn about Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Trails Forever from: the Festival’s Information Center Tent; Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Trails Forever Parade Float; and a Live Well Close to Home booklet.

The Information Tent, pending approval by the NPS Superintendent, will feature exhibits on Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Trails Forever; Greater Washington National Parks; the National Park Foundation; and the National Mall & Memorial Parks. Each day one of the 14 NCR parks will be featured.

The proposed Live Well Close to Home booklet will provide information on healthy living through wise eating and drinking and recreation. It will identify existing Greater Washington National Park recreation opportunities; contact information; and information about ways to improve your health.

b. Live Well Close to Home: The public will be encouraged to participate in one or more summer or fall ½-day Live Well Close to Home events at Greater Washington National Parks.

These fitness events, which will be based on park interest, will feature volunteer projects, interpretive and printed information on health and fitness, and hiking, biking, horseback riding and paddling recreation activities.

c. National Parks America Tour: In the late spring or early summer selected parks, including Catoctin Mountain Park and the US Park Police, will hold National Park America Tour events.

Assist the public identify ways to contribute their time and money to assist the parks and trail projects including:

a. Trails Forever Fund. The Fund was created in 2005 to provide private funds for trail restoration, signage, volunteer equipment, interpretation and education. Funds could be added to help foster Greater Washington National Park Trail Volunteer opportunities. NPS and partners would work to implement projects that are already underway, supplement what should be underway, and be the catalyst for action.

Provide Healthy Parks-Healthy Living/ Trails Forever volunteers, partners and donors with the proposed Live Well Close to Home booklet and Greater Washington National Park Fund logos.

Volunteers and event participants will be provided a variety take-away items including: Live Well Close to Home brochures, 2007 commemorative posters, Lipton products, and pins.


Budget information and a more detailed scope of work will be provided for agreed upon projects.


For additional information contact:

J. Glenn Eugster
Assistant Regional Director,
Partnerships Office
National Park Service
National Capital Region
1100 Ohio Drive, SW, Room 350
Washington, DC 20242
(202)619-7492 phone
(202)619-7220 fax

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