Greater Washington National Parks Fund and
the Trails Forever Project
Prepared by
the Greater Washington National Parks Fund
March 9, 2005
Executive Summary:
The goal of the Greater Washington National Parks Trails Forever Project is:
“To attract park visitors to raise greater awareness of the parks as a way to encourage them to use the parks and contribute to their stewardship”.
The project was initially proposed to the Greater Washington National Park Fund (GWNP) by Prince William Forest Park as a way to encourage NPS visitors to hike specific designated trails within the fourteen parks that comprise GWNPF, and to receive recognition for their achievement. Visitors that hike, ride, or paddle certain trails would receive a certificate, patch, and T-shirt proclaiming that “I’ve hiked, biked, rode and paddled the Greater Washington National Parks.” The idea envisions that visitors that participate would pay a nominal fee to obtain a trail map and register for the program. After completion of each segment, visitors would have their passport of the Greater Washington National Parks ‘stamped’ with the park logo. Once a person completes all the designated trails, they will submit their materials and receive recognition.
In June 2003, the National Park Foundation donated a $15,000 “seed grant” to the GWNPF to launch the project. The grant required a match of in-kind services and/or dollars. NCR matched the grant with funds from the National Partnership Office and the Green Infrastructure Demonstration Project and is actively seeking additional funding to support the effort. In February 2005 Unilever-Lipton Tea and the Potomac Runners pledged support for Trails Forever.
· Use existing NPS park trails to help improve the public’s awareness and support of NPS park resources and programs.
· Promote public participation, health and fitness through trail use.
· Attract a broad section of the community and region to engage in park activities including volunteerism.
· Create a NCR Trail Stewardship Endowment Fund for trail planning, expansion, maintenance, signage, interpretation, safety and enforcement.
· Create opportunities for visitors to learn about and participate in the Greater Washington National Parks Fund.
Project Elements:
· Kick-Off Rollout Event – The Greater Washington National Parks Fund and the Trails Forever project will be launched on June 3, 2005 at Rock Creek Park. The event will link to park-specific events to be held on June 4, 2005—National Trails Day.
· Campaign – Trails Forever will be a two-year campaign devoted to raising awareness of the trail in GWNPF through volunteer projects, corporate involvement, and government support.
· Health Related Events – Health related events starting on June 3, 2005 and over the next two-years, will focus on acquainting the public and health and wellness organizations with trails in the vicinity of their institutions and the benefits to be derived from trail activities.
· Trails Forever Fund—A Trails Forever Fund will be created to attract private donations and the funds will be used for trail planning, design, restoration, maintenance, interpretation and protection.
· Outreach – displays, a website, and handouts will provide the public with information on the Greater Washington National Parks; hiking, biking, riding and water trails; ways to volunteer and contribute to their stewardship.
June 3, 2005 Rock Creek Park Event:
· Sponsor: National Park Service, National Capital Region
· Co-Sponsors: Potomac Runners, Unilever and Lipton Tea, others
· The event will:
1) Launch the Greater Washington National Parks Fund and the Trails Forever initiative on June 3, 2005 at Rock Creek Park.
The June 3 event will include a walk, ride and paddle lead by public figures; a volunteer trails project; and a press conference to announce the initiative.
The event will draw attention park-specific June 4, 2005 National Trails Day events.
2) Make the public more aware of the trails of the Greater Washington National Parks and the recreational, health and educational opportunities they provide.
a. Invite people to walk, ride and paddle their way to health, inspiration, recreation and education. The public will be encouraged to participate in National Trails Day on June 4, 2005.
b. A Washington Post Editorial will be pursued to encourage people to come join NPS, NPF, Unilever, Lipton Tea, Potomac Runners and others on any of the more than 717 miles of trails and bike paths; and 250 miles of riverfront within the 88,500 acres of the Greater Washington National Parks.
3) Identify ways that the public can contribute their time and money to assist the parks and trail projects including:
a. Greater Washington National Park Trail Volunteer opportunities: NPS and partners will encourage people to volunteer to help implement trail projects that are already underway, supplement what should be underway, and be the catalyst for action.
b. Trails Forever Endowment Fund. The Fund is being created to provide private funds for trail restoration, signage, volunteer equipment, interpretation and education.
4) Provide Trails Forever volunteers and donors with the new Greater Washington National Park Fund logos.
a. GWNP logos will be on take-away brochures, commemorative posters, patches, bottles of water, and pins.
For Further Information: To participate in the June 3, 2005 event, or coordinate June 4, 2005 National trails Day events contact:
· Mel Poole (301)663-6751
· Adrienne Applewhaite-Coleman (202)895-6004
· Gayle Hazelwood (202)690-5191
· Bob Sutton (703)754-1861
· Bob Hickman (703)221-2366
· Glenn Eugster (202)619-7492
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