Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Potenial Protected Landscapes

The following describes a map of Potential Protected Landscapes in the United States that was prepared by the National Park Service's Regional Office in Philadelpia, PA. in 1987.

1. Map title: Potential Protected Landscapes, Local and State Landscape Conservation Areas, Prepared by the National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Division of Park and Resource Planning, Philadelphia, PA. January 1987

2. Primary Researchers: Joan Chaplick, J. Glenn Eugster, Margaret Sasi Judd, Cecily Corcoran Kihn, and Suzanne Sutro

3. Information Sources: The “Landscapes Map” summarizes information gathered in # separate efforts using a variety of existing and new research. The primary sources of this information have been taken from:

Great Landscapes of America-The Northeast: Potential Greenline Parks, National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Division of Park and Resource Planning, Philadelphia, PA. J. Glenn Eugster, May 1982

Independent Research on The Greenline Papers, Cecily Corcoran Kihn, Philadelphia, PA. 1984-85

A Review of Conservation Efforts in Selected Landscapes of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Division of Park and Resource Planning, Philadelphia, PA., Joan Chaplick, Cecily Corcoran Kihn, Suzanne Sutro, May 1985

4. Additional Background: Inspired by the ongoing landscape conservation working going on within the Philadelphia Office of the National Park Service and across America, Congressmen Peter Kostmayer (D-PA) and Morris K. Udall (D-AZ) held a hearing on May 18, 1989 on “Open Space-The American Landscape in the 21st Century”. Congressman Kostmayer at the time was the Chair of the House Subcommittee on General Oversight and Investigations. Congressman Udall at the time was the Chair of the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.

Interestingly, among the experts that testified at the hearing, the late-Dr. Ian McHarg, a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, spoke on behalf of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

Following the hearing in February 1990 Congressman Kostmayer used the research and discussions to introduce the “Great American Landscapes Act of 1990” during the 101st Congress. House Resolution 3963 was a bill “to amend the National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965 to authorize the National Endowment for the Art to assist states, local governments and private groups identify and prepare comprehensive plans to recognize and to encourage the wise and appropriate future use of significant American landscapes, and for other purposes”. A companion bill was not introduced in the Senate and no further Congressional action was taken.

The map is available upon request.

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