J. Glenn Eugster
4022 Ellicott Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22304-1012
April 2011
Job Experience:
Board Member on the following organizations: America the Beautiful Fund, Washington, D.C. 2008 to present; Northern Virginia Conservation Trust, Annandale, VA. 2008 to 2009; and Seminary Hill Association, Alexandria, VA. 2008 to 2010.
Steering Committee Member, Ft. Ward and Seminary African American Descendants Society, Inc. 2010 to present
Commission Member, City of Alexandria Public Records Advisory Commission 2010 to 2011; City of Alexandria Open Spaces Steering Committee 2003-2004
Co-Chair, Fort Ward History Work Group 2010 to present
Assistant Regional Director, Partnership Office, National Park Service, National Capital Region, Washington, D.C. March 2000 to May 2008
* Co-Chair of NPS Partnership Council 2002-2004
* Regional Coordinator for the NPS Centennial Initiative 2007
* Co-Chair of NPS Building Better Partnership Projects Initiative
* NPS Liaison to the DC-NPS Parks, Open Space and Recreation Roundtable
NPS Liaison to the National Cherry Blossom Festival 2005-2006
* Assisted and coordinated various program areas to find ways to use
partnerships to help NPS managers and community leaders meet their goals.
* Seeks non-NPS funds, with the Greater Washington National Parks Fund,
Cherry Tree Fund, and Tree & Shrub Replacement Fund to help park and program managers
* Coordinated activities related to park partnerships, heritage areas,
Chesapeake Bay Program, the International Countryside Stewardship Exchange and the Potomac American Heritage Rivers Initiative
River Navigator, Potomac American Heritage River, National Park Service, National Capital Region, Washington, D.C. January 1999 to March 2000 (detail)
* Serves as Federal Agency Team Chair and liaison to 28 federal agencies
guiding the implementation of the President’s Executive Order for American Heritage Rivers
* Provides technical and financial assistance to the Friends of the Potomac
and their member organizations
Policy Analyst, Office of the Administrator, Congressional & Intergovernmental Relations, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. June 1998 to December 1998 (detail)
* Helped develop and implement Sustainable Urban Environments Initiative
* Served as EPA representative to the President’s Council on Sustainable \
Development Metropolitan & Rural Strategies Task Force. Authored recommendations on green infrastructure
Policy Analyst, Office of Policy, Sustainable Communities & Ecosystems, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. November 1997 to June 1998
* Designed and implemented the Community-Based Environmental Protection Fund
working with the Regions and national Program Managers. Awarded $2 million in grants for community-based regionally sponsored projects
* Prepared research and recommendations on Metropolitan Ecosystems to
determine the appropriate role for EPA to help communities respond to metropolitan land, growth and environmental protection issues
Policy Analyst, Office of the Administrator, Regional Operations & State and Local Relations, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. November 1996 to November 1997
* Managed the Regional Geographic Initiative including $10-12 million of funding for Regional projects and project reporting. Formalized program objectives, criteria, reporting requirements and communication materials
* Assisted with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program including the design of an evaluation of the 1996-1997 grants and project requests
Associate Director, Ecosystem Management, Chesapeake Bay Program Office, U.S. EPA, Annapolis, MD. January 1994 to December 1996
* Managed activities of air, habitat, nutrient, fish, land use, toxic teams and numerous grants and contracts
* Directed, co-authored and negotiated "Priorities for Action for Land, Growth & Stewardship in the Chesapeake Bay Region" which was adopted by the Chesapeake Executive Council in 1996
* Regularly provided technical and financial assistance to States, local governments and private organizations
* Assisted with Chesapeake Bay Program "Local Government Partnership Initiative".
* Co-authored and negotiated "Sole Source Aquifer Designation" agreement for Virginia Eastern Shore between EPA, the Commonwealth of VA. and local governments
* Region 3 representative to Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program National Workgroup. Lead workgroup to design the initial grant criteria and guidance
Watershed Program Manager, Chesapeake Bay Program Office, U.S. EPA, Annapolis, MD. January 1992 to January 1994
* Special Assistant to Director
* Designed and implemented the ongoing Chesapeake Bay Region "International Countryside Stewardship Exchange" and a watershed-wide Conference on "Quality Landscape: Economic Vitality & Environmental Stewardship"
* Assisted numerous local governments and private groups with community-based sustainable development strategies
Chief, Wetland Strategies and State Programs Branch, Wetlands Division, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. April 1990 to January 1992
* Managed activities of two Branches, numerous grants and the National State Wetlands Protection Grant Program
* Re-evaluated Section 404 State Assumption Program
* Assisted Regional Offices with geographic strategies for state, local and private sector wetland protection and restoration
Chief, Outreach and State Programs Section, Wetlands Division, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C. June 1989 to May 1990
* Designed and implemented the public information strategy for the "Wetlands Delineation Manual", the National Wetlands Telephone "Hotline", "American Wetlands Month" and various protection strategies including "Audubon's America", a cooperative project with the National Audubon Society
Chief, Division of Park and Resource Planning, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, National Park Service, Philadelphia, PA. February 1981 to June 1989
* Managed activities of four teams involved with state and local land planning assistance; wild and scenic river designations; park planning and the Pinelands National Reserve
* Co-authored and implemented the NPS policy for State & Local River Conservation Assistance Program; statewide river assessments and legislation; river protection on private lands; park boundary strategies, protected landscapes, and heritage areas
Planner, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Heritage Conservation Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Philadelphia, PA. October 1976 to June 1981
* Conducted research, field evaluations and made recommendations for the Nationwide Rivers Inventory for the Mid-Atlantic Region and statewide river assessments
* Helped organize and implement the first "American Rivers Month"
Planner, Office of Coastal Zone Management, State of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ. August 1976 to October 1976
* Conducted scenic assessment for the Coastal Zone Management Plan
Researcher, Center for Ecological Planning and Research, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. April 1976 to August 1976
* Researched the private use of public lands in Northeast Pennsylvania for the U.S. Forest Service
Open Space Planner, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Philadelphia, PA. September 1975 to February 1976
* Conducted research and mapping of ecological values for Delaware Valley Regional Open Space Plan
Land Use Planner, Fulton County Planning Commission, Atlanta, GA. April 1973 to September 1974
* Designed Chattahoochee River Park System, assisted community groups with
greening projects, and provided input to County land-use review process
Principal, Southeast Environmental Designers, Athens & Atlanta, GA. April 1970 to March 1973
* Povided design, interdisciplinary planning and America the Beautiful grants
for private landowners and local governments including Concord and Rochelle, GA.
University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of
Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning, Philadelphia, PA. 1974 to 1976
University of Georgia, School of Environmental Design, Department of
Landscape Architecture, Athens, GA. 1968 to 1972. Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, 1974
State University of New York, College of Agricultural & Technology at
Cobleskill, Ornamental Horticulture Department, NY 1966-1968. Associate
of Applied Science, 1968
State University of New York, College of Agriculture & Technology at
Cobleskill, NY 2007. Honorary Doctorate of Plant Science, 2007
Selected Recognition:
Accokeek Foundation, National Conservation Leadership Award, Accokeek, MD. 2008
U.S. Park Police Recognition for Support and Assistance, Washington, D.C. 2008
Heritage Conservancy, Heritage Partnership Award for Watershed Protection, Doylestown, PA. 2008
National Park Service Superior Service Award, National Capital Region, Washington, DC 2008
National Park Service "Working Together Shoulder to Shoulder Award" for NPS
Partnership Council Leadership, Washington, DC 2003
National Park Service Award for Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance,
Washington, D.C. 2001
Department of the Interior, Recognition for American Heritage Rivers, Washington, D.C. 2000
Lackawanna River Corridor Association, River Stewardship Award for Implementation, Scranton, PA 1997
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Community-Based Environmental
Protection "Champion Award", U.S.EPA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 1996
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, State Wetland Protection Grants "Bronze Medal", U.S. EPA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 1991
Schuylkill River Greenway Association, Recognition as “Friend of the River”, Pottstown, PA. 1990
Park Arts Association, Unit award for innovative planning in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the National Park Service, Evergreen, CO 1989
American Rivers, Award for Distinction in Public Service, American Rivers, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1988
Mohonk Mountain House Conference on River Conservation and Revitalization, Resolution of Appreciation for Contributions to River Conservation and Revitalization, Mohonk, NY 1980
Glenn Eugster lives with his wife Deborah at 4022 Ellicott Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-1012. By e-mail: glenn_eugster@comcast.net. By telephone call 703-845-8947 or 703-489-4207.
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