Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The State of the Metropolitan Washington, DC Region’s Green Infrastructure

The State of the Metropolitan Washington, DC Region’s Green Infrastructure
February 3, 2005

Forum Summary

A forum on the "State of the Metro-Washington DC Region's Green
Infrastructure" is planned for June 6 and 7, 2005 in Washington, DC by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and National Park Service, National Capital Region. The forum will be held at 777 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, DC.

This event will be a two-day forum focusing on the status and trends of green infrastructure in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. Presenters will speak to the condition of green infrastructure resources and on the local and private sector efforts to protect, restore, manage, conserve, and enjoy green infrastructure. Topics covered will include those who are mapping, collecting data on land cover change, habitat fragmentation, population growth and resource protection, restoration and stewardship.

Day one will feature presentations from those who have conducted ecological, land use, or other related research and have developed statistically analyzed and cartographically characterized historical, static or projections / predictions of regional green infrastructure. The purpose of these presentations would be to show the patterns of change in the green space of our landscape, reveal historical trends and hear expert projections on what these trends may ultimately mean for regional green infrastructure loss, conservation, protection and restoration alike.

Day two will feature government and private sector green infrastructure planning, protection and restoration efforts that have and are occurring throughout the region. Also featured will be those who are examining the effect of the anthropogenic influence affecting green infrastructure throughout our region, such as urbanization, new road construction, greenway establishment and park creation.

In addition, public and private leaders with a national or international perspective on green infrastructure planning, management, and protection will be invited to speak.

Contact Glenn Eugster at: or Brian LeCouteur at: for more information.

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